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Support Tip: Installation log files on Windows


When running  from the installation media on Windows, some log files will get generated. In case of any problem, it may be interesting to check them, but they are not saved in DP's tmp directory. To know the location, check the %TEMP% environment variable for the user that is starting the setup.exe, e.g.

C:\Users\Administrator>echo %TEMP%

Check this directory for any files generated around installation time.

In addition to this, when a problem is possibly at the Windows Installer level (extraction, system user changes, etc), it is possible to enable MSI logging. This can be done by using regedit.exe to create the following "String Value" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer:

Note that the "Installer" key may need to get created first if it is not existing yet. So the order is:

  1. Start regedit.exe and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows
  2. Create the new Key: Installer
  3. Create new String Value "Logging" with value data "voicewarmupx"

When setup.exe is run now, MSI logs will get generated at the same location and in addition to the standard logging discussed above.

Note that editing the registry should be done with care, as it is really possible to damage your Windows system by doing so. Adding the key and value as described above should not cause any issues though.

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