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Support Tip: A restore is always restoring the situation of a specific point in time.



The restore context of the GUI allows to either select by object or by session.

It needs to be noted that even when selecting a specific session to restore, this still means starting a restore to the situation as it was at backup time of that session and not just restoring all files that were backed up in that specific backup session!


There is a directory "TEST" which includes 1 file "1.txt". A full backup is made of the directory "TEST". This backup will include the directory and the file.

Next a file "2.txt"  is added into the directory and an incremental backup is started. This will backup the new file "2.txt".

For a restore, a selection is made based on a session, namely the latest incremental session and the restore is done to a new location, the directory "TEST_REST_INC". In the restore session it will be seen that not just one but two media will get loaded: first the one from the full session and next the one from the incremental session. And as a result, the "TEST" directory will get restored and will contain both files "1.txt" and "2.txt".


A restore selection can be made by object or by session. When selecting by object, it will still be possible to select any existing version of the object. When selecting by session, no version selection is possible anymore as that was basically done by selecting the specific session already. Selecting a session is just another way of selecting the correct version. But both methods will build up a restore chain and restore the object completely as it was at the time of the selection that was made. For that it will use all incremental sessions as needed and up to the full backup session backing up the object.

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  • Buenas  , tengo una duda sobre como procede Data Protector en la versión A.11.02 al momento de hace Restore con los datos disponibles de un Backup Incremental. Me explico con un ejemplo:

    Disponemos de un esquema  de backup Diario incremental, que se guarda por 8 días.

                   Día1  Día2  Día3 Día4  Día5  Día6  Día7 
    Diario      Full     inc      inc   inc     inc      inc    inc
    Mensual  Full

    Disponemos de un esquema Mensual, que realiza copia Full de exactamente los mismo datos que el Full del Diario del Dia1, pero éste Mensual se guarda por 10 años.

    El Backup Mensual muchas veces coincide en calendario con el Diario del Día1 (como en la tabla arriba). Es decir, en mas de una oportunidad se hacen "Dos copias Full" de los mismos datos el mismo día.

    Y acá va mi pregunta: Si decidiera expirar el Backup Diario Full del Día1 en días posteriores al Día2. En caso de necesitar un Restore puede Data Protector afrontar una restauración con la secuencia de incrementales y el Backup Mensual Full existente?. Tabla inferior.

                   Día1  Día2  Día3 Día4  Día5  Día6  Día7 
    Diario      --x--   inc      inc   inc     inc      inc    inc
    Mensual  Full

    Desde ya agradezco las respuestas que me puedan dar.
