• DataProtector 11.01 StoreOnceSoftware after upgrade

    After upgrading to v11.01, how do I reconnect my storeoncesoftware to the store used with the previous version?
  • Why are StoreOnce medium IDs different between Store and Scan log?

    While working on an issue where mma dumps core when scanning StoreOnce media, I notices an interesting thing (an a medium that does not cause a core dump): The medium ID shown in the Scan session logs one less than the medium ID shown for the same label…
  • RE: How to replicate or copy completed jobs

    Hi zzzzzxx1, wrote: We have a physical server with 40tb of storage on it. We have installed the software depub agent as well as disk and media agents on it. Please be careful with this. If you plan to use 40TB of usable storage for backup don't go for…
  • Move storeonce library to an new windows server DP 7.01 Storeoncesoftware

    Hi, I had a server cras with my storeoncesoftware installed and a storeonce deduplicated storage. The storage was located on external storage ansd the storage itself and files is no damaged. Is there any way to import a deduplicate storage from scratc…
  • Can't connect to Media Agent - DP7.01 - Storeoncesoftware

    Hi , I'm trying to backup to a server with Storeoncesoftware installed . All is looking good and the check in Data protector for the GateWay says OK . So the Deduplication store is OK . My Cellmanager and the StoreOnce server has NO firewall install nor…
  • StoreOnceSoftware service can't start - Problem adding storeonce-deduplicering device DP 7.0

    Hi, I'm trying to install Storeoncededuplication on a server2012 and it install allright, but the service do not start. I can start the service again but it stops directly when i try to ADD devices (backup2disk) in Data Protector. The error i get in the…