• Cell Request Service protocol documentation

    Hello OpenText community, I am currently working on providing comprehensive coverage of the old Data Protector Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities, specifically CVE 2013-2324 to CVE 2013-2334, for some Intrusion Prevention System. These vulnerabilities…
  • LINUX Cell manager installation is failing on RHEL8.7

    Hi Team, am trying to install DP11.03 in RHEL8.7 but it is failing during initialzation of IDB not sure the cause . Attaching the error logs ++ AWK=awk ++ [[ -z '' ]] ++ SW_PATH=/usr/lbin/sw/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin ++ trap SIGHUP SIGINT…
  • Physical Cell Manager - Entire system Restore from Backup ISO Options

    Hi All I have a Data protector 10.91 Cell Manager residing on a Physical Server 2012 R2 Server. We are in the process of performing in place Operating System Upgrades to many of our servers currently > 2012 R2 to 2019. Our IDB is fairly large and…
  • How to add a foreign cell manager to an existing Linux CM and windows client

    Hi All, Struggling from past 2 days to add a foreign cell manager as a client to Linux CM and Windows client. Current Specifications: Linux CM part of Windows client Desired: Linux CM part of Windows client + Foreign cell manager for object…
  • change ip address of Cell Manager in DP 9.x

    In DP 9.x I need to change IP address of Cell Manager but I'll keep the same FQDN; I know licenses will have to be move to the new IP. My doubt is about clients, if they reference Cell Manager by manual host entries. When backup is run I think Cell…
  • Connect StoreOnce to different CM ?

    I tried to migrate our Cell manager to a new server but after 3 weeks I gave it up. There are many errors in database and always something didn't work, etc. I installed new Cell Manager(latest relase) and I want to connect with existing StoreOnce and…
  • Migrating Cell Manager UNIX to UNIX

    Hi. I migrate our Cell Manager(DP 10.90) on Centos to a new HW. I used this manual www.data-protector.org/.../ Database and schedules seems to be migrated without problems. I copied several folders in /etc/opt/omni/server Anyway I can`t connect by…
  • backup error

    Hi everyone, I have this problem with DP on clients, backups are not working, I tried to reinstall the agent on a client but it didn't work inet.log on client 2021-08-10 15:12:55.851 INET.8636.2088 ["/inet/allow_deny.c $Rev: 56632 $ $Date:: 2017…
  • RHEL8: Best settings for creating a Cell Manager

    I want to create a new RHEL 8.1 call manager with DP 2020.08. What are the best way to set up the server to best maximize it for DP use? FS type? Database location and mount (I wish to set up a separate mount point for the db as it tends to get large…
  • RHEL 8.1 Cell and Catalyst Support

    Looking to migrate from a HP-UX cell to a RHEL 8.1 cell manager. Now that the RHEL 8 is supported as a cell manager, it does not look like Catalyst is supported. We use catalyst shares to our StoreOnce device for backups. When will this be officially…
  • DP 10.30 change Cell Manager Domain

    Dear Community, i´m faceing a Domain Change of customers Cell Manager. (physical Windows 2016 Server) Is there any kind of "cookbook" with stepts that needed to be performed on the CM and the affected Clients in the Cell? I found several entries but they…
  • RE: DATAPROTECTOR primay cell manager on MC serviceguard_linux crashed

    Hi , Since the cluster already exists you need to run /opt/omni/sbin/install/omniforsg.ksh -secondary dirname to bring it into the cluster as an secondary node. The script is mandatory to do the local modifications. https://docs.microfocus.com/itom/Data_Protector…
  • Error: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name

    Hello, When I try to add a new Cell Manager in Data Protector 10, I receive the following message: A server error has occurred. Reported error message: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name Do you know how can I solve it…
  • RE: Migrating DP Install (IDB) from one SAN disk to another SAN disk

    Hi MO, I would do the easy way using Windows functionality. Create a LUN from the new system, format it and assign a temporary drive letter to it. Stop the Cell Manager services using omnisv stop Copy the files to the new LUN Check if the directory junctions…
  • RE: DP 9 for hp-ux

    Hi NDO, HP-UX 11.23 Cell Manager support has been dropped in Data Protector A.09.00. Regular clients such as Disk Agent and Media Agent are still supported. Cell Manager can be deployed on HP-UX 11.31, Linux and Windows 2008 and later. Please use the…
  • RE: HP Data Protector for SAP HANA backup

    Hi Narendra, access from a VM to a physical tape library (via FC) is not supported/working. While you could run a Cell Manager in a VM, the Media Agent that requires access to a physical tape should be installed on a physical server. Having the HANA integration…
  • Drive License query

    Hi All I just wanted to clarify something and ask for your assistance. Single Windows Cell Manager, with Tape library attached. If I wanted to migrate out the tape library to a Linux server and make this an Installation server would I require an additional…
  • Installed Cell Manager but no Omnisv ? DP7

    HI, Im about to make a Projekt with DP for my trainee finals. Now i try to get skill with dp but nothing realy works. i use VirtualBox an have 1 Centos VM an a Windows7 VM. Both have a static IP and can ping eachother. I Install the Cell Manager on the…