Exception occurred while requesting authentication token from Magellan server.

When upgrading from Data Protector 23.4 to 24.4 I cannot upgrade the Web Reporting any more; tyring to do so removes the Web Reporting and installs an installation server (probably because it did no longer recognize the RS component, so it does a default installation).

So it seems I had to install and configure the Magellan reporting (which I believe is part of Data Protector and our license/support).

So I followed https://docs.microfocus.com/doc/Data_Protector/24.4/SetupMagellanServer#Publish_Data_Protector_reports_into_Magellan_server 

However I did not get very far:

# /opt/omni/jre/bin/java -jar /opt/omni/bin/tools/dp-configure-reporting-tool.jar
Please enter full hostname of Magellan server: fqhn.of.cell-manager
Enter Magellan username: reporting
Enter Password:
Exception occurred while requesting authentication token from Magellan server.
Please check if the given Magellan server's address/username/password is correct.
Failed to get authtoken
Exception occured: Failed to get authentication token

What's wrong? Did I follow the wrong guide to set up the reporting? The OS is SLES15 SP6.

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    In the logs I found:

    2024-12-18 08:51:24.378 [main] ERROR com.ot.dp.configurereporting.ConfigureReporting - Exception occured:
    java.lang.Exception: Failed to get authentication token
    at com.ot.dp.configurereporting.ConfigureReporting.getAuthTokenFromMagellan(ConfigureReporting.java:120) ~[dp-configure-reporting-tool.jar:?]
    at com.ot.dp.configurereporting.ConfigureReporting.main(ConfigureReporting.java:77) [dp-configure-reporting-tool.jar:?]