VMware backup - VM selection based on Tags

Hello everyone, 

I hope yo are well.

I have a question about:

How can I do in a specific specification to backup certain VMs that have a specific tag in the Vcenter description?

Is this possible? It would simplify a lot of work and I would make sure that the vm that have to be in backup are there.

Best Regards


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    Hello Nacho

    From backup specification or during backup creation switch show view from "host and clusters" to "Tags and Categories"

    Best Regards 

    Jose Maria Basilio

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Hello Jose Maria Basilio

    First of all, sorry for the daelay in my reply. 

    For me it is a good  starting point. However, do you have any document about how I have to configure Data Protector to detect my  tags on the vcenter?

    When I was working with another backup software(avamar from dell/emc) several rules are configured in avamar to detect the tags on vmware and put the VM in the correct group. How is this operation in DP?

    Thanks and best regards


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    AS far as I know that is totally automatic with DP you don't need to configure something just select TAG view into backup configuration and VM's will be grouped by TAG's configured into Vcenter.

    Best Regards

    Jose Maria Basilio

    Although I am an OpenText employee, I am speaking for myself and not for OpenText.
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    Hello Jose María Basilio,

     Thanks for your replies.

    I found a issue in my environment. 

    Assertion failed: px !=0, file w:\bin\nt\boots\boots_1_65-vs2017\include\boost\smart_ptr\shared_ptr.hpp. line 735*RETVAL*8010

    Nevertheless, I found a possible solution as well. I am going to  try a lab to do several tests. 

    Thank you again, you have been a great help for me.

    Best Regards
