global options file in 23.4

Hi, just saw this in an 23.4 Windows installation, seems comments(#) for text description are missing in the gobal file

# LogCrsEvents=0 or 1

# default: 0
If set to 1, CRS creates <DataDir>/log/crsevents.log
file where it logs all CRS events along with  the  date, time,
hostname and user information.
NOTE: it is up to the administrator  to  delete the file if it
grows too large and occupies too much disk space.

# EventLogMessages=0 or 1

# default: 0
If set to 1, the following events are logged to Windows EventLog:
-start/stop Cell Request Server
-start/stop Session Manager
-device mount request
-device error
-all MAJOR/CRITICAL session messages
Note that this is Windows specific option and logs events only on
the Windows Cell Manager system.

So tried a new installation with same result,

someone else has seen this?

BR Josef