cómo se instala del Agente de DP en windows server 2016

Paso a paso para desplegar el agente en windows server 2016, tengo en la partición D la siguiente carpeta

Micro_Focus_DP_10.91_Windows_DP_A1091_Windows_OVMS. Cómo hago el despliegue?


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    Hola tatiana,

    Estos foros son en ingles, seria bueno que lo hagas en ese idioma, y podrias ser mas especifica con tu consulta ya que no das mucha informacion para ayudarte.


    These forums are in English, it would be good to do it in that language, and you could be more specific with your question as you don't give much information to help you.


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    I have already solved the problem myself, and since data protector is such a costly solution, they should not limit the user in terms of language. Besides, you are the first person to report problems with the language.
    Anyway, thank you for your great help.

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