No aparece el cliente cuando se va ha crear una tarea de respaldo.

Se instaló el cliente en un Debian 12.6, después de eso se importé sin ningún error y aparece en la lista de cliente, pero al ir a crear la tarea de respaldo no me muestra ese cliente para poder crear la tarea.

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    The client does not appear when creating a backup task

    The client was installed on a Debian 12.6, after that it was imported without any errors and it appears in the client list,
    but when I go to create the backup task it does not show me that client so I can create the task.

    So I understand that in the "Clients" context of the GUI you do see the specific client, but in the "Backup" context it is not appearing? Maybe it would be good you share a screen shot of the window where the client is missing, so we all understand what you mean. Please also let us know what DP version you have installed.

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    OK, the most important image seems to be missing. Please share the Backup context screen shot.

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