Data Protector 1102 al momento de hacer restore o escanear deja las cintas en estado Blank

Tengo un sistema de backup centralizado con DAtaprotector versión 11.02 El Cell Manager reside en un servidor con Sistema Operativo Windows server 2022 Standar.
Mi libreria es una HP msl2024 Ultrium 8-fibra. el problema que tengo es para hacer restauraciones...
Al momento de identificar la cinta (en el catalogo aparece correctamente la data) e ingresarla al driver (al realizar la vista preliminar esta contiene información), al monento de hacer el restore esta indica mount request, luego al escanear la cinta nuevamente esta queda en estado Blank y hace imposible realizar el restore.. esto está pasando con todas las cintas..

Necesito con rgencia la información de las cintas.

Ya exporte el catalogo lo vuelvo a importar y el label de la cinta no se observa a pesar de que la cinta está dentro de la librería


  • Suggested Answer


    I would like to add: the last screen shot is an ejected medium. This one is not exported, but ejected from the library. A restore from that one would indeed result in a mount request!

    Besides that: yes, full reports both of the failing restore and the scan may help us to understand the problem.

    Other recommendations are:

    1. Try to reconfigure (autoconfigure) the library again and

    2. Do a barcode scan before the restore to be sure the slots are not messed up for one or another reason.

  • Suggested Answer


    I would like to add: the last screen shot is an ejected medium. This one is not exported, but ejected from the library. A restore from that one would indeed result in a mount request!

    Besides that: yes, full reports both of the failing restore and the scan may help us to understand the problem.

    Other recommendations are:

    1. Try to reconfigure (autoconfigure) the library again and

    2. Do a barcode scan before the restore to be sure the slots are not messed up for one or another reason.

No Data