configure_peer find different hosts.

Hello experts, I want to ask a question The customer is an SG cluster environment. After the customer upgrades to 11.01, when they switch to node 1, execute the following command omnicc -secure_comm -configure_peer Node2 However, the customer discovered that the system did not find the host of Node2, but a completely unrelated host name. Later, after deleting irrelevant hosts in cell_info, the problem was solved. Could you please tell me what is the reason for this?

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    Running "omnicc -secure_comm -configure_peer" would not update cell_info. Installing or importing a host would update this file. There are also omnicc options to update installed components and version info, but even that should not modify any hostname. So if your cell_info was containing irrelevant hostnames then I have no clue why. My recommendation would be to double check name resolving on all hosts and check both forward and reverse resolving. Maybe that would point out a resolving issue!?