• Importing Selenium Scripts into UFT One

    Hi everyone, I have been working with Selenium for my test automation and am now looking to transition to UFT One. I have a few questions regarding this transition: Can I import my existing Selenium scripts into UFT One? If yes, what is the process…
  • [UFT One with built-in UFT Developer 24.2, IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2022.3.1] - Object Identification Center [Selenium] keeps loading when trying to identify objects in the Temenos T24 user panel

    Environment: T24 Temenos Browser Web Description: When I run Object Identification Center [Selenium] to identify objects in the user panel, OIC keeps loading and then after a few minutes I get an error that the browser has been disabled. Important…
  • Advantages of LeanFT over (say) Selenium

    As the world seems to be moving more and more towards continuous integration, many of our developers want to do their own unit and integration testing with whatever tools they know and love (or can budget for!). Since we have a strong automation framework…