Problem with run UFT One 2023 from vbs Batch file

System: Windows 10

Version: UFT One Version 2023 Build 916

try to start UFT One with an solution from VBS Batch script. Unfortunately, it did not work and we get the following message from the  App.Launch function: "The requested operation requires elevated rights with code 80004005".

We started the test as administrator and Windows users have also logged in as administrator.

Does anyone have an idea?

Dim App 'As Application

Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")


App.Visible = True
App.Options.Run.RunMode = "Fast"

App.Options.Run.ViewResults = False


Thanks very much!

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    How do you run it? Did you try to use cscript.exe or wscript.exe from c:\windows\SysWOW64\  or just wscript.exe <scriptname>.vbs or directly <scriptname>.vbs . In these cases the vbscript engine that interprets your script is located in c:\windows\system32 folder and it work in 64bit . But you should receive an error when you try to instanciate the object in the Set App = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") instruction.

    let us know. bye.

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    What are you running your VBS script through? Your script looks fine. But there might be a bit of a problem with the way it starts your file. Can you describe the steps of your operation? Please tell me in what way you store your scripts. And then how to start your script. 
