Upgrading UFT One version causes issues with existing scripts


I am just wondering if you it is common knowledge, and normal that when you upgrade from one version of UFT One to a new one that some of the tests that were created and working just fine in the former version won't run cleanly in the new version and will require some rework to get functioning again? I recently upgraded from UFT One 23.4 to UFT One 24.2 and noticed that several of my tests that I created in UFT One 23.4 no longer recognized objects that it did when running in UFT One 24.2. I can see this being an issue with tests that use object repositories and/or descriptive programming object recognition, but for tests that use the AI Object model for object recognition, I am kind of surprised to see this amount of rework to be necessary. What has been the experience of the community as it pertains to upgrading UFT One and having to rework the scripts? I am especially interested to hear from folks that have been using the AI object recognition. Is it just part of the cost of using these tools and it is unavoidable that there will be some rework needed for the tests when upgrading UFT One versions? Interested to hear your thoughts. Thanks in advance for your help!

Take care,

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