Idea ID: 2864249

UFTM - Make it possible to download our APPs

Status: Waiting for Votes

Waiting for Votes

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Hope everyone is doing ok. 

We receive our APP, the APK and IPA from Jenkins pipeline that Dev teams created for us.

This process make the IOS app come without been signed, so what we do was to install the packaged service so we can automatically signed and be able to use the Packaged version.

Meanwhile we had some trouble whit packaged service (now resolved), but during that time I could not download the IPA and signed manually using IOS Enabler from the AUT option. To have the IPA I had to ask the Dev team to send me from other platform.

If we go at UFTMobile Servers folders, there’s only binary files.

So the suggestion it’s to have the APK and IPA available to download, like we can download the Agents Apps. At least for IOS, since the packaged service is not a obligation and we can do it manually by IOS Enabler.

Don’t know if this something that impact many clients like we notice for us, but for sure it’s a new functionality that can reduce time when we need to work or share quickly the the APK or IPA.

Best Regards

  • Download application from the web ui (APPS MODULE) is now merged with the current idea on the screen.

    Add the functionality to Download the application version directly from the application screen in the APPS module.

    On the screen that lists the application versions, create a button next to the trash can icon, which downloads that package directly from the browser to the client's machine.

    Create an access rule so that only authorized users can download.