• The mobile centre is unable to automate the packaging of mobile applications developed with non-local technology.

    Hi all, Mobile centre cannot automatically package mobile applications developed with a non-native technology. We have to manually package + sign all applications with and without Dexguard on a different macbook computer with IOS ENABLER or Android…
  • We want to test and debug the mobile compatible web application we developed using Ark in the UFT Mobile Center

    Hi all, “When we tested the mobile responsive web application that we developed using Ark on the UFT Mobile center, we encountered a bug. We had to debug to understand why this problem was caused. However, there is no debugging environment on the…
  • Failed to establish a new connection with UFT Mobile Server using Appium and python

    I use python and appium to connect UFTM server, a error pop up with the message urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: <urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000001A5AED2C648>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060] A connection…
  • WEBVIEW is not available for hybrid app

    I am trying to test an hybrid app (cordova, crosswalk build) in a real android device. I am using Appium in order to use selenium. I am able to launch the app in the device but its not possible to switch to the WEBVIEW, the reason is only one context…