• Android 14 devices keep disconnecting from UFT Digital Lab 24.2

    Since we upgraded UFT Digital Lab to v24.2 we notice frequent disconnection for our Android 14 devices. All of them are Samsung Galaxy. Usually reconnecting them is just a matter of selecting the respective device and clicking the "Reconnect Device…
  • Download Path for Android / ios file path

    Hi, How to get the downloaded file path in UFT One. ex Flow: Click downlaod report, the pdf file saved in mobile download folder. how to get the file path? I tried "This PC\Galaxy S9+\Phone\Download" not open any file NavigateToFolder "This…
  • The mobile centre is unable to automate the packaging of mobile applications developed with non-local technology.

    Hi all, Mobile centre cannot automatically package mobile applications developed with a non-native technology. We have to manually package + sign all applications with and without Dexguard on a different macbook computer with IOS ENABLER or Android…
  • Unable to Connect to HP UFT server from appium

    Unable to connect with UFT server with appium with 401 error, kindly advise!
  • Unable to connect Appium with UFT due to 401 error?

    Hi I am trying to establish connection with my appium with UFT , i am running into 401 issue(connection refused), Please advise! the below code is from my framework- DriverManager file and CapabilitiesManager AndroidDriver<RemoteWebElement> driver…
  • Changing Wifi Network connection

    Can anyone please let me know how to change wifi network connection in the mobile center device using UFT during run time.
  • We want to test and debug the mobile compatible web application we developed using Ark in the UFT Mobile Center

    Hi all, “When we tested the mobile responsive web application that we developed using Ark on the UFT Mobile center, we encountered a bug. We had to debug to understand why this problem was caused. However, there is no debugging environment on the…
  • UFT mobile does not recognise the objects which are empty on iOS 16

    UFT mobile does not recognise the objects which are empty on iOS 16. The object is recognised on iOS 15 but not iOS 16. It says "Object not recognised". For pre-filled objects it works but does not recognise unfilled objects on iOS 16.
  • Pick Last Photo From Galery IOS Device

    Hi, I need to automate pick last photo from my galery in IOS Device, Is this possible to implement? If yes, can you please give me reference to implement it? Thank you. Device spesification: IOS 15.6
  • Failed to establish a new connection with UFT Mobile Server using Appium and python

    I use python and appium to connect UFTM server, a error pop up with the message urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: <urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000001A5AED2C648>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060] A connection…
  • Error code 2148

    Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has an idea what causes the error code 2148 "The device session ended. Either you unlocked the device, or it was unlocked by your administrator." I couldn't find it listed in the error code list on the website documentation…
  • Can UFT Developer use UFT mobile addin for local device ?

    UFT Developer require uft mobile to do mobile testing ? or can use UFT mobile addin for local device ? Thanks Andy
  • UFT Mobile Server for Trial Version

    This is my 1st time to post on this community. I am a complete newbie to UFT and I just installed UFT One Trial as part of my research. My question is how to we setup UFT mobile server? I am exploring the capabilities of this tool for digital testing…
  • How to execute ADB commands on Mobile farm device?

    I connected to Android Emulator and executed one ADB command "adb devices" in my command prompt window, it showed me connected emulator . Then i executed another adb command to performed some action on emulator and it also worked. But when i am trying…
  • iOS 15 GA support

    When is the planned release for support for iOS 15 GA I would like it for UFTM 3.5, not just 2021. Thanks Howard
  • Flutter Framework with Photo Simulation

    Hi, someone has developed any application with flutter framework to use photo simulation on UFT Mobile that have success on this test? Sorry for my bad english
  • How to login localhost:8383 after install UFT Mobile Add-in for local device

    I logined with user/pass : "admin/admin" & "admin@default.com/password" but it's failed. How can I login success ? Thank you.
  • Unlock android device before a test

    Hello there, I've to test an application on my android device using UFT Mobile. The device is initially locked and what I've to do is to unlock it and then do some actions on an application. My question is: is there a way to unlock the device using…
  • UFT Mobile : Does UFT Mobile support execution of Web Apps on mobile browser firefox

    Does UFT Mobile support execution of Web Apps on mobile browser firefox
  • Drag and Drop elements in IOS native apps

    Hello Everyone, How can we drag and drop an element in the native app of an IOS device using UFT Mobile 3.4 . I tried the following steps but couldn't succeed :- --> Longpress and scroll using mouse --> Alt Shift Longpress scroll using mouse Any suggestions…
  • Erro 500 - Instalação de aplicativo via API rest/apps/install

    Mesmo com o a requisição correta está retornando erro 500. A instalação do aplicativo é realizada com sucesso, mas o retorno da API é "Server Error". "success" e "failure" são retornados vazios. Body: {"app": {"counter": 2183, "id": "com.teste", "instrumented…
  • How to maximize the UFT mobile window during run time using UFT ?

    May I know how to handle the maximizing of UFT mobile window when launch the device (MC) from UFT.
  • How to decrypt users' last login time

    We are trying to understand how frequent our users access UFT mobile, and have pulled information from the lastLoginTime field; however the data appears to be encrypted and is unreadable. Here is what we see: lastLoginTime 1549663156236 1575007407594…
  • Need Help on Connecting and Running Scripts on ADF Mobile Devices

    Hello All, I am trying to do a POC on the Mobile App Automation Using UFT Mobile(Mobile Center) and I did completed my Testing on Real Devices and Emulators. When Trying to connect and run the scripts on AWS Amazon Device Farm Device, it is starting the…