• UFT Digital Lab 24.2 installation zip file

    Hello, I searched for the installation zip file of UFT Digital Lab 24.2 in the Microfocus Marketplace but I only found: - UFT Digital Lab Enabler - iOS app packager 24.2 - UFT Digital Lab Connector MAC 24.2 - UFT Digital Lab Connector Win64 24…
  • The mobile centre is unable to automate the packaging of mobile applications developed with non-local technology.

    Hi all, Mobile centre cannot automatically package mobile applications developed with a non-native technology. We have to manually package + sign all applications with and without Dexguard on a different macbook computer with IOS ENABLER or Android…
  • Changing Wifi Network connection

    Can anyone please let me know how to change wifi network connection in the mobile center device using UFT during run time.
  • We want to test wearable technology products on the mobile center.

    Hello Community, We want to test wearable technology products on the mobile center. How can we test Apple watch , smart wristbands and all other n otification-capable devices here? We can do these in Appium, but are there teams that do these things…
  • We want to test and debug the mobile compatible web application we developed using Ark in the UFT Mobile Center

    Hi all, “When we tested the mobile responsive web application that we developed using Ark on the UFT Mobile center, we encountered a bug. We had to debug to understand why this problem was caused. However, there is no debugging environment on the…
  • Device Lab - x out of x devices in use

    Device Lab - x out of x devices in use We originally had Professional and 8 licenses so we would see x out of 8 devices in use shown towards the top left of the Device Lab screen. This was a quick view of how many devices we had in use out of the 8 licenses…
  • RE: HP Mobile Center 2.01 installation failure

    Hi! I had the same problem but in Windows Server 2012, to solve this i just Download and Install PostgreSQL 9.6, create the "MCadmin" user, then i delete "C:\Program Files\Mobile Center Server" and the "C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry" (it's oculted…
  • How is Mobile center invoked by using descriptive programming

    Hi I don't want to open my MC from record and run settings, instead I want to open the MC and install the apps then execute the script. I have given below script where my MC gets opened, but instead it is showing a blank page. Is there any workaround…
  • Need Help on Connecting and Running Scripts on ADF Mobile Devices

    Hello All, I am trying to do a POC on the Mobile App Automation Using UFT Mobile(Mobile Center) and I did completed my Testing on Real Devices and Emulators. When Trying to connect and run the scripts on AWS Amazon Device Farm Device, it is starting the…
  • Do Mobile Center required install Connector to connect devices

    Hi ALL, To connect devices, do Mobile Center required install Connector?
  • Mobile Center - support for iPhone 11

    With an availability of Apple 2019 devices (iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max), the customers are asking if those devices are supported with Mobile Center product. And the answer is: definitely yes! Those devices are coming with factory…
  • iOS Packaging Service failing to code sign AUT | MC 3.1

    Hi, I am trying to setup iOS packaging service for MC 3.1 I followed all required steps to setup packaging service and it also got connected with MC 3.1 server. However, when app is uploaded on server, code signing is failing on the MAC machine. I also…
  • Mac Connector recommendations from RnD

    Target environment is MC 3.00 We are aware of https://softwaresupport.softwaregrp.com/doc/KM03282058 - MC-Admin-Best-Practices-Guide.pdf and https://admhelp.microfocus.com/mobilecenter/en/3.0/Content/Before_starting_installation.htm#mt-item-3 and https…
  • MC Server on Mac ?

    Is there any plan to release MC Server for Mac ? MC Connector 3.00 can run on a Mac MC Enabler 3.00 requries a Mac MC Packager Service 3.00 requires a Mac Seems that having MC Server for Mac would be more convenient for pure iOS shops; otherwise…
  • Monitoring UFT Mobile with Prometheus and Grafana

    UFT Mobile have build-in integration with Prometheus for monitoring purposes. The following guide will help you to configure Prometheus to scrape metrics that UFTM is exposing. Mobile Connectors can report metrics to the UFTM Server and Prometheus…
  • Custom Web Add-ins don't work with Mobile Center

    Hello, we working with Web Tests. These Tests use some Custom Web Add-ins from the HP Extensibility Accelerator.Currently they run on a Pc but now we want to run the same Web Test on an iPad or an Android Tablet.But UFT / Mobile Center can't recognise…
  • iOS HP4M-Agent App crashes on launching in iPad & iPhone

    I am trying to connect iPad/iPhone with Mobile Center. I was able to complete all steps and install HP4M-Agent.ipa & HPMC-AgentLauncher.ipa application files on iPad. But when I am starting Launcher App, it launches Agent app which crashes. As the agent…
  • Does HP have their own set of mobile cloud devices

    Hi Team, Like other services sauce and amazon, does HP have their own set of cloud real devices/emulators where we can trigger the automation scripts for mobile on the cloud. kindly advice
  • How to tackle crowdsourced testing for better mobile apps, from TechBeacon Learn

    Check out the latest from # TBLearn : How to tackle crowdsourced testing for better mobile apps, by @ JustinRohrman Software companies sometimes look to outside help for cost savings in their mobile testing process. Perhaps they don’t have the expertise…
  • HPE Mobile Center Integration with Android Emulator

    I installed HPE Mobile Center server running on port 8082 and a free port 8083 is also allocated for Mobile Center Internal use. I was able to run the Android Emulator and see the device on the Mobile Center page. When I run the device on the Mobile center…
  • Mobile Center Lab Console cannot detect Android Device

    Dear all, I am new to Mobile Center. I have installed the Mobile Center Server successfully. However, I found out that Mobile Center Lab Console cannot detect my Android Device. Can anybody give me some help on that? Thanks a lot.
  • Cannot execute the batch file to reset password of the default user of Mobile Center Lab Console

    I cannot execute the batch file to reset password of the default user of Mobile Center Lab Console and thus I cannot access the Lab Console as I do not know the default password. Please help!
  • Cannot log in to Mobile Center Lab Console with My Credentials

    I have installed the HPE Mobile Center Server to my PC successfully. However, when I tried to access the Mobile Center Lab Console, I could not log in to it with my credentials. Please help!
  • < (Mobile Center) support tip > Error "No space left on device" while uploading app to Mobile Center

    Problem Users are getting error, that is similar as shown below, while uploading the apps to Mobile Center server. Caused by: java.io.IOException: No space left on device at java.io.FileOutputStream.writeBytes(Native Method) ~[na:1.7.0_76] at java.io…
  • New Patch release for HP Mobile Center 1.00 new tools add-ons for Mobile Center patches released

    This patch contains: * defect fixes * support for non-English apps For the most updated product documentation, please refer to http://mobilecenterhelp.saas.hp.com/ Tools patches on the SSO site: LR Full: https://softwaresupport.hp.com/group/softwaresupport…