• Android 14 devices keep disconnecting from UFT Digital Lab 24.2

    Since we upgraded UFT Digital Lab to v24.2 we notice frequent disconnection for our Android 14 devices. All of them are Samsung Galaxy. Usually reconnecting them is just a matter of selecting the respective device and clicking the "Reconnect Device…
  • Unable to open left drawer present on screen. Flutter based Apk.

    I've flutter based APK in which I'm unable to open Left Drawer neither by using Object Spy nor by AI. Kindly help cause this thing is pending for a long-while now. Here's the two screenshot which displays Dashboard in which "Hello Infinity" is displayed…
  • Download Path for Android / ios file path

    Hi, How to get the downloaded file path in UFT One. ex Flow: Click downlaod report, the pdf file saved in mobile download folder. how to get the file path? I tried "This PC\Galaxy S9+\Phone\Download" not open any file NavigateToFolder "This…
  • The mobile centre is unable to automate the packaging of mobile applications developed with non-local technology.

    Hi all, Mobile centre cannot automatically package mobile applications developed with a non-native technology. We have to manually package + sign all applications with and without Dexguard on a different macbook computer with IOS ENABLER or Android…
  • Changing Wifi Network connection

    Can anyone please let me know how to change wifi network connection in the mobile center device using UFT during run time.
  • We want to test wearable technology products on the mobile center.

    Hello Community, We want to test wearable technology products on the mobile center. How can we test Apple watch , smart wristbands and all other n otification-capable devices here? We can do these in Appium, but are there teams that do these things…
  • We want to test and debug the mobile compatible web application we developed using Ark in the UFT Mobile Center

    Hi all, “When we tested the mobile responsive web application that we developed using Ark on the UFT Mobile center, we encountered a bug. We had to debug to understand why this problem was caused. However, there is no debugging environment on the…
  • Unlock android device before a test

    Hello there, I've to test an application on my android device using UFT Mobile. The device is initially locked and what I've to do is to unlock it and then do some actions on an application. My question is: is there a way to unlock the device using…
  • UFT Mobile : Does UFT Mobile support execution of Web Apps on mobile browser firefox

    Does UFT Mobile support execution of Web Apps on mobile browser firefox
  • Android 10 and 11 device access on Restart....MC Agent does not load if device is locked

    It seems on Android devices that have OS 10 or 11 the MC agent will not start until the device is unlocked. On previous version of Android OS 8 and 9 the MC agent will start in the background even if device is locked and you can connect to the device…
  • Custom Web Add-ins don't work with Mobile Center

    Hello, we working with Web Tests. These Tests use some Custom Web Add-ins from the HP Extensibility Accelerator.Currently they run on a Pc but now we want to run the same Web Test on an iPad or an Android Tablet.But UFT / Mobile Center can't recognise…
  • HPE Mobile Center Integration with Android Emulator

    I installed HPE Mobile Center server running on port 8082 and a free port 8083 is also allocated for Mobile Center Internal use. I was able to run the Android Emulator and see the device on the Mobile Center page. When I run the device on the Mobile center…