Unable to connect with UFT server with appium with 401 error, kindly advise!
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Unable to connect with UFT server with appium with 401 error, kindly advise!
Hi Srinivas,
The 401 HTTP code indicates that you're lacking valid authentication credentials. When you connect to the UFT DL embedded Appium server, you need to authenticate. For more info, refer to the Appium capabilities page below:
Here is a capabilities example using an execution access key:
{ "appium:appPackage": "com.Advantage.aShopping", "appium:appActivity": "com.Advantage.aShopping.SplashActivity", "uftm:oauthClientId": "oauth2-BCGiOu7x9ZwX43MVnhv4@microfocus.com", "uftm:oauthClientSecret": "rBQS2AyGCjUoq5Jd75Hb", "uftm:tenantId": "999999999", "appium:udid": "712KPBF1100565", "automationName": "UiAutomator2", "platformName": "Android" }
Here is an example using username and password:
{ "appium:bundleId": "com.mf.iShopping", "uftm:userName": "admin@default.com", "uftm:password": "myPassword", "uftm:tenantId": "999999999", "appium:udid": "3ecdf8889a8b18cb3658410d1540f3e6b22a2cb1", "appium:automationName": "XCUITest", "platformName": "iOS" }
Hi Srinivas,
The 401 HTTP code indicates that you're lacking valid authentication credentials. When you connect to the UFT DL embedded Appium server, you need to authenticate. For more info, refer to the Appium capabilities page below:
Here is a capabilities example using an execution access key:
{ "appium:appPackage": "com.Advantage.aShopping", "appium:appActivity": "com.Advantage.aShopping.SplashActivity", "uftm:oauthClientId": "oauth2-BCGiOu7x9ZwX43MVnhv4@microfocus.com", "uftm:oauthClientSecret": "rBQS2AyGCjUoq5Jd75Hb", "uftm:tenantId": "999999999", "appium:udid": "712KPBF1100565", "automationName": "UiAutomator2", "platformName": "Android" }
Here is an example using username and password:
{ "appium:bundleId": "com.mf.iShopping", "uftm:userName": "admin@default.com", "uftm:password": "myPassword", "uftm:tenantId": "999999999", "appium:udid": "3ecdf8889a8b18cb3658410d1540f3e6b22a2cb1", "appium:automationName": "XCUITest", "platformName": "iOS" }
Alvaro, I have defined as below but still getting 401 error,
caps.setCapability("uftm:serverAddress", "https://UFT Server Address:Port/ wd/hub");
// User credentials for HPMC
caps.setCapability("uftm:oauthClientId", oauthClientId);
caps.setCapability("uftm:oauthClientSecret", oauthClientSecret);
caps.setCapability("uftm:tenantId", tenantId);
caps.setCapability("newSessionWaitTimeout", 1000);
caps.setCapability("appium:appPackage", props.getDeviceProperty("androidAppPackage"));
caps.setCapability("appium:AppActivity", props.getDeviceProperty("androidAppActivity"));
In my DriverManager class,
AndroidDriver<RemoteWebElement> driver = null;
driver = new AndroidDriver<>(new URL(cloudUrl+"/wd/hub"), dc.getCaps()); - Connection Refused-org.openqa.selenium.SessionNotCreatedException: