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Issue with UFT digital lite

Not able to connect my local mobile in the UFT digital lite and also getting the message as you are not assigned to a workspace while connecting with UFTDigital Lab while connecting first time. How to resolve these issues, can you provide step by step resolution.

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    When using UFT Digital Lab Lite, all interactions should be done through UFT One settings only, and you should not try to access via browser.

    UFT Digital Lab Lite is a lighter installation compared to UFT Digital Lab Server, and you don't have any direct Web UI access.

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    Hey Arnaud, I have tried for UFT digital lab lite but as informed in the installation guide I have tested my connection it has been succeed and also have done the proxy settings but still new window for mobile is not opening. and along with this I have also tried for UFT digital lab for which I have shared screenshot, I am unable to access any of them i.e  UFT digital lite for Local and UFT digital lab for emulators.

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    Hello Abhishek, UFT digital lab lite must be installed on the same machine than UFT One tool, and then UFT One will be the only entry point to select devices. As the UFT digital lab lite and UFT One are on the same machine (localhost) you don't need to configure any proxy anywhere, and you don't even need to have network access.

    As I said, the "Record & Run settings" dialog in UFT One should be the only place where you can view/select your devices and applications.

    I would recommend you to check the official documentation about the features available in UFT digital lab lite and the requirements to use it:

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    I am not able to select my local device , following this official document for connection

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    Is it an Android or iOS device?

    If Android, have you enabled developer mode and what do you see if you run "adb devices"?

    If iOS, can you see the device in itunes and have your resigned the agents properly?

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