• Without _JAVA_OPTIONS and JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS, whether LeanFT will work or not?

    My application under testing will work only in Java8 and doesn't need _JAVA_OPTIONS and JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variables. So, without these environment variables, whether LeanFT14.53 will work or not? If yes let me know how to perform the same…
  • Running LeanFT Automation scripts using Jenkins in remote machine via RDP

    We are having some challenges in scheduling LeanFT Test suite execution using Jenkins where test automation scripts expects Windows RDP user sessions to Test server(remote machine) to be active to run tests all the time since all these tests are GUI based…
  • UFT Developer AppModel Code Generator (appmodel-generator-mojo) plugin starts the code generation process for each AppModel present in the UFT Developer Maven project (Java) even if there haven't been any changes to those files since the last generat...

    It is taking too long to build and compile UFT Developer (2022.0.0) Maven Project due to AppModel code generation trigger for all (400) AppModel files (.tsrx) present in my project while saving Project in Eclipse or building through maven command. Need…
  • Error when using setvalue on filefield object

    When performing an execution via jenkins in docker, when trying to perform the setvalue command on a filefield object I receive the following error message "com.hp.lft.sdk.GeneralLeanFtException: Operation not supported or requested technology package…
  • API Testing with UFT Developer

    Hi, Does UFT developer supports rest assured jars to do the Rest API Automation? I can see only "com.hp.lft.sdk.apitesting.uft" package which contains Runner and Reporting Jars. Is there any way to implement Rest assured api automation framework…
  • How to fetch all the available/visible controls under a webpage using LeanFT C#

    Hello, I am building a LeanFT C# script which requires me to fetch all the visible controls from the webpage, but I am not sure how to do it programmatically using LeanFT and C#. I can fetch individual controls with the help of object identification center…
  • Object identification

    Hi all, I have started to use UFT developer few days back, Previously I was using UFT One. I need to know how can we identify winform objects in UFT Devloper. As my AUT is built on winforms. And I even want to understand how can script with out…
  • Getting LeanFT to work with Edge

    So i need help, I have my tests using LeanFT in IE 11 which my company will be turning off in a few months so we have to use Edge in IE mode, however for some reason i just cant get LeanFT to work with Edge. Does anyone have any tips I can try. I did…
  • Warning about process.binding('http_parser') deprecation when starting LeanFT

    I just installed Node.js 16.13.0 on my Win10 machine. LeanFT v15.0.2.686 starts successfully, but it gives a deprecation warning: C:\Windows\System32>leanft info (node:6356) [DEP0111] DeprecationWarning: Access to process.binding('http_parser') is deprecated…
  • AppModelBase cannot be resolved to a type

    java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: AppModelBase cannot be resolved to a type The hierarchy of the type "Object Name" is inconsistent I am using UFT when i highlight the object it is identifying correctly but when i run…
  • Issue connecting to Autopass license server using HP.UFT.LicenseInstall (i.e. command line); Wizard works

    We've been running an Autopass license server (v11.5) on Windows Server 2012 R2 for a couple of years. We use it to checkout concurrent licenses for LeanFT v14.53 on our (now) Windows 10 20H2 desktops. We've always had an issue with the initial license…
  • UFT Developer engine/plugin not working on MacOS

    I am using the latest UFT Developer (15.02) on MacOS Big Sur 11.3.1 I installed Java as requested by the installer I had eclipse and intellij installed I selected both during the UFT installer After I launch Eclipse, I have the menu appearing…
  • How do we init the SDK when using Docker containers?

    We use Visual Studio 2017 as our IDE with LeanFT 14.53.222. Up until now we've been running the LFTRuntime on the local machine when executing tests but we're looking into using Docker containers instead so that clients can pull down our packaged code…
  • Do we need Full UFT Developer with license for execution machines

    Hello all, Simple question as I am new to LeanFT. I am trying to setup a windows server as an execution node for test execution from Jenkins. Do I need to install the whole UFT Developer package with license in this server in order to execute tests…
  • Unable to use LeanFT 15.0.2 with Eclipse 2020-12

    I installed UFT Developer 15.0.2 for Eclipse 2020-12 (4.18.0). Runtime was started successfully, but newly created projects are unable to resolve dependencies. I have created UFT Developer Testing project. UFTDeveloperTest class has multiple errors, because…
  • Access Table data in winforms using LeanFT

    How do we access Table Data Get Cell Data Get Row Count get Column Count Traverse through the table in winforms using LeanFT appreciate if you can share an example to perform the same?
  • Unable to close a multi select check box drop down in Chrome

    I have a problem with a drop down menu within a web app that I am working on. What is happening is that the test is opening the page. After opening, the test clicks on an arrow to open the multi select check box drop down menu. Following this the test…
  • LeanFT and SAP error

    Hello, I use LeanFT in test automation on SAP. I have a question about the error on SAP. If for example I use the t-code "FK02" (to modify a vendor) if I enter a vendor that does not exist SAP gives me an error (at the bottom of the window) but the LeanFT…
  • I am not able to run remote LeanFT

    I'm trying to execute my test for a SAP application which is in a different machine. I've followed the instructions of the official web: https://admhelp.microfocus.com/leanft/en/14.50-14.53/HelpCenter/Content/HowTo/RunRemotely.htm . I'm working with Eclipse…
  • AppModelCodeGenerator - how to generate namespaces like in Visual Studio?

    Setup: LeanFT 14.52, Visual Studio 2017, NUnit 3.12 We would like to generate the models inside our automatic build system. If you open Visual Studio, the *.tsrx.cs files are automatically generated. To generate them on the build agent, one can use AppModelCodeGenerator…
  • LeanFT - Using two different Application Models in a Project

    Hello We are testing our Mobile App(Hybrid Application) with LeanFT and we have a bit of a problem. Our IOS and Android App Object Recoqnition is quite a bit different. So we have to use two different AppModels even tough they have the same structur and…
  • LeanFT Verify.Contains shows wrong results in report

    I am observing a strange behavior in the report using Verify.Contains. How to reproduce: Environment: LeanFT 14.52, Visual Studio 2017, NUnit 3.12, NUnit3TestAdapter 3.13, .Net Framework 4.6.1, Windows 10 In Visual Studio -> File -> New Project -> LeanFT…