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StdWin: differentiate multiple Window by process id

The Windows Application is started multiple times.

In Uft One I can use the process id to differentiate between the windows/dialogs with the same caption using  .SetTOProperty "Process id",XXX

(How) can I do the same in UFT Developer?

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    If you are not using application model, UFTD works like when you are using descriptive programming in UFT One, so you can dynamically set the value for process id.

    Not sure if SetTOProperty has an equivalent method in UFTD though, if you want to use application model.

  • 0  

    If you are not using application model, UFTD works like when you are using descriptive programming in UFT One, so you can dynamically set the value for process id.

    Not sure if SetTOProperty has an equivalent method in UFTD though, if you want to use application model.

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