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Would you benefit from Service Virtualization?


If you answer yes to one or more questions below, than you would probably benefit from Service Virtualization. The key would be to save enough time and resources to offset SV price and virtualization effort. With free SV Express edition this boils down to really spend less time virtualizing then you save using the virtual services.

  1. Are your tests delayed because some component in the test environment is broken/unavailable/slow/...?
  2. Is maintaining a test environment too expensive?
  3. Are you struggling testing corner cases because it's hard to trigger them in the test environment?
  4. Are you struggling with automated testing of application connecting to physical devices (IoT)?
  5. Would you like to test how your system would behave if you would speed up or slowed done some of its components?
  6. Is your development slowed down because of unsatisfied dependencies?


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