Idea ID: 2877240

Ability to correlate between virtual services by passing an internal correlation ID within the virtual service itself

Status: Waiting for Votes

E.g. The first end point in an end to end login flow returns an Id. That Id then needs to be used in the next call which is also virtualised. Right now there isn't a way to "join" a group of end points together in a flow and pass an Id between the services. That Id needs to be carried all the way through the flow.

E.g. flow

request 1. POST {identifier = 123}. Response 1 = {id: 123}

request 2. POST {username = test}. Response 2 = {id: 123}

request 3. POST {authenticate}. Response 3 = {id: 123}

That Id needs to be correlated between each of the URI's.