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Getting default response irrespective if request body is having JSONRequestType payload.

Getting default response irrespective if request body is having JSONRequestType payload.

Till morning it worked but all of sudden all of our existing services failed working with JSONRequestTypes.

Sample error captured in server
2023-06-12 09:08:05,195 WARN [48] HP.SV.MessageProcessing.Json.JsonMessageProcessor ForEach:0 [VsId=fedd64db-4f00-4f49-bdc9-e6b7dbe2de19] Type of structured node 'JSONRequest' could not be detected, 'JsonRequestType' was expected.
2023-06-12 09:08:05,195 WARN [48] HP.SV.MessageProcessing.Rest.MessageTypeLearningProcessor ProcessInputMessage:70 [VsId=fedd64db-4f00-4f49-bdc9-e6b7dbe2de19] The received message does not match any input one defined for operation

We are facing issues with only "Post" methods with JSONRequestTypes. We even tried with Ignore condition but no luck. 

Note: Good thing is that atleast all our GET calls working and XML payloads working.

Additional Info: Not sure the difference between JSONRequestType vs JsonRequestType. But after importing our payload as Import Message it is recognizing as JSONRequestType default. We were good with it so far.

Any help on this would be really great !!!! Thanks in advance

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    There must have been some action performed with the virtual service, that it braked. Please contact support and share with them the broken project.