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Error:Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.

Hi Team,

I configured Proxy in my system but i am getting the below error and messages are not getting captured.

Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.

I tried with localhost and my laptop name also. PFA and advise me where i am doing wrong here.




Thanks & Regards,

Saikiran Garapati.


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    Hi Saikiran,

    Is this a REST demo? What batch file are you using to start it? Did you modify something in the demo?

    Can you see more detailed error in the Claim Processing Service window?




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    Hi Jakub,


    Is this a REST demo?

    Yes It is REST Demo only

    What batch file are you using to start it?


    Did you modify something in the demo?

    No i did not modify anything.

    Can you see more detailed error in the Claim Processing Service window?

    No I am not seeing anything in the Claim Processing Service window when it is in Proxy, With out proxy I am getting following message:

    Using MemberAccounts at:
    using configuration:
    -> security=None
    -> message format=Xml
    -> using system default http proxy
    The ClaimProcessing is ready at:
    Press <ENTER> to stop the service.

    enterClaim(Hercule, Poirot, 554-98-0001, $24)
    MemberAccounts.memberSearch(): GET /accounts?firstname={firstName}&lastname={lastName}&SSN={socialSecurityNumber}
    -> found 1 member (response time: 431 ms).
    MemberAccounts.getMemberPlan(): GET /accounts/{memberId}/plan
    -> got Allpay Total 1000 plan with $1000 approval limit and $0 total claimed (response time: 192 ms)
    MemberAccounts.getMemberDetail(): GET /accounts/{memberId}/detail
    -> got Name[Hercule Poirot] details (554-98-0001, 4/1/1876...) (response time: 349 ms).
    MemberAccounts.updateMemberPlan(): GET /accounts/{memberId}/plan
    -> #0: Claim(Hercule Poirot, 554-98-0001, 1/1/2010, $24: approved), approved
    enterClaim(Hercule, Poirot, 554-98-0001, $24)
    MemberAccounts.memberSearch(): GET /accounts?firstname={firstName}&lastname={lastName}&SSN={socialSecurityNumber}
    -> found 1 member (response time: 212 ms).
    MemberAccounts.getMemberPlan(): GET /accounts/{memberId}/plan
    -> got Allpay Total 1000 plan with $1000 approval limit and $24 total claimed (response time: 210 ms)
    MemberAccounts.getMemberDetail(): GET /accounts/{memberId}/detail
    -> got Name[Hercule Poirot] details (554-98-0001, 4/1/1876...) (response time: 305 ms).
    MemberAccounts.updateMemberPlan(): GET /accounts/{memberId}/plan
    -> #1: Claim(Hercule Poirot, 554-98-0001, 1/1/2010, $24: approved), approved

    I observed both ClientProcessService Window and MembrAccountService Window having same endpoint and port number.

    PFA. and when i configure proxy it is coming http:localhost, generally it should come as only localhost or hostname right? Is that causing any problem.


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    If you don't see anything happening in the Claim Processing service window after you've setup the proxy this means that the proxy doesn't work correctly/isn't configured correctly.

    It's possible the proxy is not able to resolve your hostname. Can you ping your hostname from a command line? Can you try to add mapping of your hostname, which is used in the endpoints to the hosts file?

    Don't you have chained proxy configured in the HTTP Proxy agent in the SV Designer?

    Is everything running on your localhost?

    The same Member Accounts endpoints you see there are fine. It is just telling you, that Claim Processing service is utilizing Member Accounts service on that endpoint.

    Regarding the "http://" prefix in the proxy configuration - it's fine as well. Windows is adding it there automatically.

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    Hi Jakub,

    This is my host name when i enter host name in command line and same thing i configured in proxy and in http proxy agents also.


    Please find the Proxy configuration windows and http proxy agents screen shots for reference

    Please advise me where i am doing wrong here  

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    Hi Team,

    Can anybody help me on below query?


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    Hi Team,


    When i give 7204 as a port I am getting below error on Health Insurance demo client screen

    ClaimProcessing response error: missing Location HTTP header

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    Please provide answers to questions in my previous post. I cannot help you without that.


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    Can you ping your hostname from a command line? Can you try to add mapping of your hostname, which is used in the endpoints to the hosts file?

    I have given hostname in the command line and got this one:


    and gave same in the proxy as well as in Http Agents proxy.

    Don't you have chained proxy configured in the HTTP Proxy agent in the SV Designer?

    I have configured Http Proxy agents in SV Designer.

    Is everything running on your localhost?

    I did not understand this question but Tried setting up localhost in proxy as well as in SV Designer end point and in Http Proxy agent window also and also given my Hostname which is LP-5CD742BSCV in all three places.


    I hope this clarifies your questions. Please let me know if you need any further information.

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    do you still have this problem? On some screenshots, I can see you are getting messages to the virtual service. Also on some scrennshot I can see no error on the ClaimProcessing service screen. Can you please post a screenshot of an error from the ClaimProcessing service?
