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Why does the admin console throw a "java heap space" error and hang when opening large server logs?



Why does the admin console throw a "java heap space" error and hang when opening large server logs?


  • Product Name: StarTeam
  • Product Version: 2005 to 2008 R2
  • Product Component: Server
  • Platform/OS Version: Windows

This can occur when the log becomes too big for the admin tool to open with the amount of memory it has available. There are 3 options in order to successfully view the log:

  1. Reboot our StarTeam server instance weekly to keep the log smaller as each reboot generates a time-stamped log.
  2. View the server log using a text editor by browsing to the log in Windows Explorer
  3. Increase the amount of memory available to the admin console: Why do I get an error "An internal application error occurred. Java Heap Space" when viewing the server log?

Old KB# 29236
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