Idea ID: 1686875

RecycleBin for ALM Octane

Status: Archived

If a user deletes an entity (e.g. Requirement, TestCase, Epic, User Story, ...) then the entity is immediatelly deleted in the ALM database.

If then the user raise a ticket with internal ALM support that entities were deleted by mistake the support has not really a chance to restore the whole database.

For ALM/QC .NET we have already introduced special admin-roles which are only allowed to delete, but even then it happens that entities are deleted by mistake. Therefore we have implemented further in ALM/QC .NET workflow code which introduce a recycle bin and a 4-eyes deletion feature.

In ALM Octane the implementation of such new own feature is not possible so far.

Therefore the question is whether ALM Octane will introduce an own 'RecycleBin' function, that a user first has to move entities to a RecycleBin before it can be physically deleted by e.g. the local workspace admins. Or maybe the enties are deleted in the GUI, but still remain in the database for some time, before they are physically deleted (and e.g. the local workspace admin has the possibility to bring the entities back into the GUI if needed).
