Idea ID: 2871797

Provide a functionality to send an mail to all Octane users (of all workspaces) directly from Octane

Status: Delivered

With the recent release of ALM Octane 16.1.100 you can set a post-login pop-up message box to inform users of various updates, disclaimers and notifications.
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When we are planning to rollout a new Octane version, we want to inform all Octane users about the planned downtime



Provide a functionality to send an mail to all Octane users (of all workspaces) directly from Octane

  • Hi

    thank you for the detailed answer.

    the planned solution should answer all the items you raised aboce:

    1. Once the window is configured to appear + custom text, every Octane user will see it upon login

    2. I am not sure the indication will be saved per window/user but we can add a checkbox for the user to confirm that he read the details before he can close the window.

    3. When a new text is defined for the window, it will override the previous definition and the new window will be displayed for all users (even those that did not yet login and saw the previous message - only the last message will be displayed).

    4.the text can include text and links

    5. the admin that configured the window to appear can disable the pop up of the window.



  • Hello

     thanks for your message.

     The popup windows functionality upon the login fits if:

    • The popup windows appears to every single octane user of the existing Octane environement
    • The popup windows appears for every single Octane user till the single octane user has selected a checkbox in the pop-up window (the user confirms with the selected checkbox that he has read the text)
    • The text on the popup window is individually adjustable
    • The text can include text and Links
    • It must be possible to deactivate the popup window when f.e. the Octane update has happened (regardless a user selected the checkbox or not)


  • Hi

    we are working on a similar functionality, to enable customize messages that will appear like the 'What's New' window upon login of each user - will that answer your need?

