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Version control of requirements

Are there plans to allow for versioning requirements?

  • Verified Answer


    Yes , it's in the backlog.

    no exact dates for now.

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    Thanks, Adi. I like the version control that Octane has for manual tests. It seems easy to use. Whatever you come up with requirements should be like that.

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    We're aligned. 

    This is the direction we're currently taking this. 

    Maybe with some improvements along the way...

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    Just wanted to let you know that yesterday I briefed a team on the new Requirements module.  They liked the authoring view, and really liked how you can drag/drop to rearrange the order of the "document." The team asked about versioning of requirements. 


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    Any update on this? I too would like to see a version control for Reqs like the one for tests, with compare functionality, revert to previous versions etc.

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    Hi Guys,

    We're looking into how to deliver versioning on requirements. we understand the need.

    This is more complex than tests as we have much more to version.  We need to able to version attachments, inline images and the structure of the requirement. 

    It will take a while but nce we have a solution we'll let you know. 

  • 0 in reply to 

    Hi Guys,

    We're looking into how to deliver versioning on requirements. we understand the need.

    This is more complex than tests as we have much more to version.  We need to able to version attachments, inline images and the structure of the requirement. 

    It will take a while but nce we have a solution we'll let you know. 

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