• Pause PowerShell Script until Silk Test installation is complete

    Our powershell script installs Silk Test 21.0 in silent mode using a properties file. I want the powershell script to wait for the installation to complete. To achieve so I am using Start-Process cmdlt, command is: Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "C:…
  • Auto update reference input parameter .NET

    In Visual Test, if we add another input parameter, Silk Test can automatically update the mapping the referenced asset. Could we do that in .NET script?
  • .NET script: Check if object exists with If statement?

    I'm testing an application where I am supposed to input an organization into a combo box. Once I click to another field, the system will then apply this logic: If the organization I entered does not exist in the application's database, a popup window…
  • Can a script be protected from editing?

    Can a Silk Test script be set to read only or protected somehow? To prevent accidental editing.
  • How to change Browser for visual recording

    Fellow community members, Thus far I can see there are many experts around here and everybody seems very helpful so maybe you can assist me getting started on SilkTest 15.5. Is there a way to change the browser for visual script recording to another…
  • Creating a driver script using a Browser Driven function?

    Hi All, Need some beginner help: I am trying to call another script at the end of my browser driven script. What is the function to make this happen or to create a driver script using. I found the Help Guide that says to use Workbench.RunScript…