Our application has a feature that displays application an icon in the system tray on windows
When we Right Mouse Click on the system tray icon, Context Menu is displayed with some menu items (About, Help, Exit, AppName....etc.)
The application is…
how to stop/abort the test execution when the validation fails in workbench.verify . I dont want to run any more if a validation fails . just to stop the test on the first validation on failure .
Can any one let me know how to record the script to open the downloaded PSF/xls file and validate the content . I am struggling on this . please help me on this . your help is highly appreciated
In Silk Test Workbench, if using Visual Test there is reserved variables that we can use to get project name. Is there the same function in .NET script?
Hello I try to solve Javascript-alert auto closing in Firefox and the support gives me solution like this: //Use Selenium WebDriver for Firefox if(desktop.<BrowserApplication>find("//BrowserApplication").getProperty("browserType").equals("Firefox")) …
In visual script, Step 1: In windowbrowser 1, open windowbrowser 2 Step 2: In windowbrowser 2, open windowbrowser 3(Now, windowbrowser 3 is actived) Step 3: Come back windowbrowser 2 to do something(Now, windowbrowser 2 is actived) Step 4: Call a .netscript…
How to use Wild Card to capture dynamic value in Dialog of Window application?
With.Dialog("RFQ Outright CANDEAL BOND 1010319024004711")
In this code, 1010319024004711 is a dynamic value which changes with every run.
Please advise.
Silk Test Workbench 19.5
I have created an error handler if the click step could not found the locator (because the locator will exist only if the object is clicked), it will create the object.
The problem is error playback dialog is always…
Hi there, I have two questions about executing cmd via ConsoleWindow
1. Could we execute cmd as Administrator?
2. I tried run the script from Silk Central (I insert the script to Visual Test) to remote server, it got error:
"Error while interacting…
Hi there,
i have strange issue,
I create .net script to call cmd using ConsoleWindow and so far I get no problem until I try telnet
this is my code
ConsoleWindow.TypeKeys("telnet 21<ENTER>")
and I got error
'telnet' is not recognized…
If we want to print result file, we have to print it one by one. It will be take long time and energy if there are >100 result that have to be printed as requirement.
I found out if we explore the db, we can create query to get detail step of result…
Hi All,
We have password box and we type password but after we type password I need to validate the password with value I provided.
Once I type password , its shown as **** so if I get Text property then I get ' **** Show'
Application WPF
Hi All
I have a table similar to below in a WPF application.
Table is dynamically loaded based on latest data. I need to click on 'Default' ( Link) for specific row.
e.g. I need to click on 'Default' link for Trump1 , Trump2 row.
Hi All,
I need to to Set Pre-fill forms setting to 'Yes' using VB.net and then 'NO' during run time.
How can I do it ?
Basically I want to get count of all child objects(WPFLISTviewitems) at run time for this Pre-Fill form setting should be…
Hi All,
I need to scroll to an element present in table for WPF application, the value is dynamically provided during run time.
I have below code which runs fine for small listview as scrollbar moves correctly but does not scroll to elements nearing…
Hi All,
I am using below code to bringelement into view. It worked everyone in the team for some time but suddenly it has stopped working(does not work me as well). I have not made any code changes.
Hi All,
We are working on WPF application using SilkTest 17.5 workbench .net scripts.
Scrollbar moves to a dynamic locator and then needs to open a sub menu, for this I need to move scrollbar by few distance down.
Any ideas , vb.net code example…
Hi All,
We have desktop application and there are several text boxes. When we enter invalid values , red color border appears.
How do we validate red color border text box ?
Text Box with valid values
On WPF application I need to scroll down( vertical) and until an element is visible. Once I element is visible , I stop (later I need to click on it)
Issue 1:
I recorded below script using SilkTest workbench but when I run/replay the…
Hi All,
I am getting following error on a TextBox
SilkTest.Ntf.ObjectNotEnabledException: The object is not ready for user interaction because it is not enabled.
Type of object: WPFTextBox
Action to be performed : Type a numerical value
We are sending email from workbench using .net script. We would like to include the value from active data sheet in subject like.
Can anyone help us how to do it. below is the code i tried which is not working.
Dim row As ActiveDataRow