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Locator spy is wrongly capturing locators for rumba mainframe screens

Hi, Silktest locator spy is capturing locators wrongly for rumba screens.

For ex, if I hover on an element at 5th line then it is highlighting rectangle box at 2nd line and giving 5th line element's locators upon clicking ctrl+alt. And now when I click on validate locator button it is identifying value of 2nd line element but expected was 5th line element.

Not sure why this is happening.

Note: Earlierit was working fine, This is happening with the ones who installed silk and rumba recently.

Kindly help.


  • Verified Answer



    Are the object types correct when you are recording locators, for example RumbaObject, RumbaField etc?

    If so and the problem is related to the wrong object being highlighted, can you check your Windows Display Settings and verify if the affected machines are using a screen scaling greater than 100%? If so, can you reset the scaling to 100%, reboot the machine and check if this addresses the problem?


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    Many thanks, I did try change display settings and now my issue is resolved.