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Do we have any Synchronization settings or set up for Windows Application? in my Windows Application after performing Click Action somtimes dialogbox opening sometimes not do we have any usersimulation practices ?

1, Do we have any Synchronization settings or set up for Windows Application?

2, in my Windows Application after performing Click Action somtimes dialogbox opening sometimes not do we have any usersimulation practices ? 

3, As per Test Case Flow i need to handle Windows Desktop Application and Web Application. due to const wDynamicMainWindow geting issue like , const already declared ! could you please help me on this issues

  • Suggested Answer



    1. With regards to synchronization there are multiple options in Silk Test to handle this, so it depends on what you mean.

    For example, if you want to wait longer to a window/object/control to appear, you can increase the Window Timeout (Options > Agent > Timing).

    2. Do you mean that on some occasions that the click operation is not having the desired effect of opening the dialog? If so, you can try toggling the replay mode between high and low level and verify if this have any effect on the behaviour.

    3. The wDynamicMainWindow costant refers to the application that will be invoked by the DefaultBaseState. If you need to launch multiple applications this should be achievable by creating your own appstate and leverage functions such as SYS_Execute to start an app. For browsers use the InvokeBrowserBaseState method that is available on the BrowserApplication winclass.


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    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for your Inputs,

    Im not able to create own appstate. Here as per my Application i need to deal with Web Application in the middle of the Test Case so i have created separate .inc and frame for web now im not able to run script continuously

    like ;

    Desktop Script(,1.frame)

    WebApp Script(,2.frame)

    Desktop Script(,1.frame)

    so here im facing issue like wDyanamicwindow error when i add .inc files in Options -Runtime-Files

    can i get any clear example to handle this situation.

    even if Added these Scripts in TestPlan Also facing same issue like wDynamicWindow declared already.

    Could you please help me on this, its kind of showstopper for me

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    See the attached zip file with an example of how you can define multiple applications in a single frame file and create appstates to launch the applications. The testcase is a basic example that shows how you can start any of the applications during the testcase execution.


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    Thanks for your quick reply Robert, will try to implement it .