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How do I compare headers between record and replay?


When you receive errors on replay, which are not related to session information, it can often be a difference between the headers which were sent during replay, which cause these.


The following steps show how you can compare what was sent during record, to what was sent during replay:


  • Open the TrueLog

  • (For projects other than Web, such as Citrix Web, select EDIT | TRUELOG TYPE | WEB)

  • Select Customize session handling’ wizard
  • Select ‘Find differences’

  • You can cancel the ‘Step through TrueLog’ at this stage (but projects other than Web must now change the TrueLog type to Web Again)
  • Highlight the call which is producing the error, right click on it, and choose ‘Synchronize TrueLogs’

  • Go to the out Header tab, and compare what was recorded, to what was replayed (a good way to do this, is to copy both to Notepad, compare and delete what is the same, what you are left with are the differences)

  • Differences, such as the ‘Referer’ (which is often important) can be added to ‘Record additional HTTP headers’ (SETTINGS | ACTIVE PROFILE | RECORD | WEB PROTOCOL LEVEL | RECORDING tab).


For Web projects, the script can be re-generated using the capture file, but for projects other than Web, the script must be re-recorded (clearing cache and cookies before doing so):


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