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Silk Performer Knowledge Base
'0' Virtual Users shown in Help | About
'Could not Create AppLauncher' thrown when opening Silk Performer 2011
'Could not find file' when trying to install Silk Performer plugin for Eclipse
'Host Key is cached but in Registry' error reported when monitoring vmstat(ssh) measures in Silk Performance Explorer
'MeasureGet(RT: 18 - Measure not defined for measurepoint)'
'More than one server configured in client. First server is used' & 'Could not start session recording for server...' warnings returned at the start of a load test in Silk Performer when dynaTrace plugin is enabled
'PDCE: 200 - Internal error in SNMP engine: SNMP : SNMP request timed out' error returned when attempting to monitor SNMP measures within Silk Performance Explorer 18.5'
'Show TrueLog' option is disabled within the 'Analyze Errors' section of Silk Performance Explorer.
'Start' option disabled in the 'Evaluate Agent VUser Capacity' Dialog
"A script is trying to attach to the GUI..." when launching SAPGUI during the recording.
"An error occurred while opening the project file" when trying to open a .Net Explorer Project
"BrowserEngine: 32 - Internet Explorer request failed, INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND" when running Browser-Driven LoadTests on CloudBurst instances
"Change TM ART Folder Configuration" tool does not move "teechart5.ocx"
"CitrixEngine: 6 - Connect failed, Could not get session interface" during record or replay.
"CitrixWaitForWindowCreation(Citrix Engine: 21 - WaitForWindowCreation failed, Window should not be maximized - subsequent operations may fail).
"Class Definition Not Found" error while recording against Oracle Forms 6i.
"Could not bind to local IP address" error when executing a load test with IP multiplexing
"Could not create the Java Virtual Machine" error when installing SilkPerformer
"Document Not Found" in TrueLog Explorer.
"DOTNET: 3 - Loading object throw exception! Possible reasons: Wrong version of perfdotnetfw.dll, unhandled exception in constructor or insufficient permissions!".
"DotNetCallMethod(DOTNET: 15 - Exception has been logged!, Only one <configSections> element allowed per config file and if present must be the first child of the root <configuration> element"
"Error 105 : Get state failed for ServerTrace agent : {machine hosting server trace agent} : {port}" when trying to start a Borland OptimizeIt ServerTrace from Silk Performer.
"Error 112 Get state failed for ServerTrace agent : {machine hosting server trace agent} : {port}" when trying to start a Borland OptimizeIt ServerTrace from SilkPerformer.
"Error extracting files - Failed to create directory "C:\temp\SCC_ExecServer" when installing an execution server
"Error: Agent AgentName - SYSTEM: 1385 - Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer" reported in the simulation tab when running a load test.
"FRM-40735: ON-LOGON trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06502" message whilst recording against an Oracle Forms application in Silk Performer
"FRM-92050: Failed to connect to the Server: /forms/lservlet:-1" dialog returned during Oracle Forms recording in Silk Performer
"FTP: 12003 - An extended error was returned from the server., 550 /<directory name>: The system cannot find the file specified"?
"HTTP Error 406 - Client browser does not accept the MIME type of the requested page" reported when replaying a WAP script?
"HTTP response: 407 Proxy Authentication Required" is reported, even after specifying proxy authentication.
"HTTP: 401 - access denied, RespHdrAuthDb" when running a .NET Script in Silk Performer
"HTTP: 500 - internal server error" returned when making a WebRemedyBackChannelPost() request
"InstallAnywhere. Please select another location to extract the installer to" error when trying to install SilkPerformer
"Invalid class typecast" error when changing series type to "area" in a results graph.
"LoadtestController: 3317 - The virtual user's process terminated" when running Citrix tests
"LoadtestController: 3317 - The virtual user"s process terminated" reported during a loadtest.
"Native: 1007 - Java Exception, Native Error 4: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ......" when running a Silk Performer script.
"Network protocol/data error when performing data operation" when replaying script against BMC Remedy ITSM 7.6.04 Service Pack 1
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object" when changing values in the The Web ProxyAddress Settings Wizard in .NET Explorer.
"ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, 42S01 (2714) : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]There is already an object named "<table_name>" in the database."
"OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., class" error reported on replay of script
"Page Cannot be Displayed" when recording a HTTPs site with Silk Performer after applying Windows update
"PDCE: 6 - Measure inactive..." &; "PDH: 288 - Attempt to release mutex..." reported when monitoring non-English operating systems.
"PDCE: 905 - JMX deployment failed., Monitor will be restarted."
"PDH: 3000 - The specified object is not found on the system" when attempting to monitor a Non English Operating System.
"PerfLm: 9. Not enough licenses for checkout are available" with mulitple Usergroups.
"REQUEST: AMF3: Java based XML generation failed, using fallback, reason: java.lang.NullPointerException" gets scripted even with all jars present.
"RESERR: 94 - random file > too large to open (maximum length = 65279)" error when reading csv file
"RT: 18 - Measure not defined for measure point" error returned during TryScript in Silk Performer 10.0 when using MeasureGet()
"SapGui: 12 - Logon failed. The password parameter has to be customized".
"StInitSession(GUI-Level Testing Replay: 10 - Virtual user information, Silk Test Connection timeout reached" returned during Replay on a Windows Server 2008 system
"SYSTEM: 2 - The system cannot find the file specified" when testing after application of Hotfix 07 for Silk Performer 2011
"TChart control is not properly installed" when launching Silk Performer.
"TChart control missing" when launching Silk Performer.
"The provided URI scheme 'file' is invalid; expected 'http'" when attempting to load a WSDL file in .NET EXplorer
"Unable to import binding / operation...." when trying to load a WSDL file in .NET Explorer.
"Use of unassigned local variable "xxxx" error when exporting a .NET Explorer project?
"User has no grant for this product" when trying to open Java Explorer.
"Virtual User Container Error Runtime: 117 - External Function: can not load external function...""?
"Warning: hooking not properly configured. PerfHK_Name environment variable not available: PerfHk_Name81"
"WebEngine: 12 - The parameter provided is invalid" error
"WebFtpConnect(FTP: 12007 - The server name could not be resolved)" reported on replay.
"WebFtpConnect(FTP: 12029 - The attempt to connect to the server failed.)" reported on replay.
"WebPageLink(HTTP: 1060 - HTML Hyperlink not found.." when the link is located on the page.
"WebRemedyBackChannelUrl(WebEngine: 12 - The parameter provided is invalid., Please select the correct Remedy Application Type for script recording)" when testing Remedy 7.6.04 SP1
"XML: 19 - Parser Error!, Unexpected character in query string".
"You need at least version 7.0 of the Citrix COM Client installed!" when trying to record with Citrix Client version 10?
.Net Explorer 15 crashes while navigating certain classes.
.NET Explorer Enhancements in SilkPerformer 7
.Net Explorer is trying to use an uninstalled version of Visual Studio, how can I change this?
.Net Explorer verification fails with the error "RETURN(fFloat) value is not fFloat"
1. Creating and customizing your test script (video)
2. Configuring user types and baseline performance (video)
3. Defining workload (video)
4. Assigning agents (video)
5. Cloudburst Agent SaaS Walkthrough (video)
6. Configuring Server Monitoring (video)
7. Executing a Test and Monitoring Real-Time Test Measurements (video)
A list of Hotfixes for Silk Performer
A recording rule was copied to the documents directory of the project. The recorder"s log says the rule has been accepted. The generated script however does not contain a single WebTcpipRecvProto statement as I would expect from the rule.
Abort a test using a command line
Action and Page Timers within Silk Performer
Add a System DSN on a 64 bit operating system to aid ODBC testing in Silk Performer
Adding .jar files to a Silk Performer project, classpaths within the Active Profile Remote Java settings are not updated
Adding an Application Profile for Firefox and Chrome
Additional parameter recorded as part of OraBindCursor function
Advice on configuring Controller / Agents before running a large load test
Advice on configuring VMWare virtual machines for use as SilkPerformer agents
After assigning a different monitoring template to each profile in the project, why is the previously used pew file picked up when running a test rather than the one assigned to the selected profile?
After customizing a BDLT script in SilkPerformer, BrowserSetText gets changed to BrowserMouseMove causing the script to fail
After importing a Root CA Server Certificate into SilkPerformer why do I still see the error "Security: 1046 - sslv3 alert certificate unknown" in the record.log file?
After recording a Silk Performer script in SilkTest why can I not open the script in Silk Performer?
After running a LoadTest why does the generated Overview Report appear incomplete?
After using the Parameter Wizard to customize values why does the script read the wrong row from the CSV file?
AMF traffic is not displayed as XML in the Silk Performer TrueLog
An "empty" TrueLog with no data opens when running a TryScript in animated mode with Silk Performer Diagnostics (dynaTrace) enabled
An action triggered by pressing a modifier key is not triggered on replay of script
An introduction to Browser Driven Load testing (video)
An invalid CitrixKey function is recorded for [hankaku/zenkaku] key
AppDynamics Integration
Application does not load when using Silk Performers Browser Application
Applications crash when the SilkPerformer Recorder is running under Windows 7
Are .Net"s "Version Redirection" and "Name Redirection" supported in SilkPerformer?
Are any additional components or licenses required to test Siebel?
Are there any issues with the OdbcIgnoreError function?
Are there any known problems with using WebHeaderAdd for sending Content-Encoding headers?
As the Virtual User output window only displays 1024 lines of data; is there a way to get the complete output?
Assign unique data from a CSV file and ensure that each virtual user reads a unique row in an ordered fashion when running the loadtest on multiple agent machines
Assign unique data from a CSV file, such as UserID and Password, to each virtual user in my loadtest?
Assigning agents in Silk Performer
Authentication is not passed during Browser Driven Script replay
Automatic numbering of LoadTest folders in Silk Performer 15.5 worked differently than Silk Performer 16.0 and 16.5
Avoiding a reboot when silently uninstalling Silk Performer.
Avoiding the Security Alert Dialog when Recording a Secure Website (video)
Bandwidth Emulation availability without network emulation (NWE) driver
Basic checks for when Performance Explorer is having connection problems when monitoring Websphere.
BDLT and protocol level functions recorded together.
BDLT Script Error - Permission denied
BDLT script hangs at BrowserStop after downloading a file
Benchmark keyword in a Silk Performer BDL Script
Best practice when recording a new Silk Performer project
Best Practices for running load tests
Best practices for script and results reuse in SilkPerformer
Best Practices for Web Technologies
Black screenshots in Browser Driven truelog files
Borland SilkPerformer Supported Versions
Browser does not launch when recording in Silk Performer 15.0
Browser Driven File Upload works on TryScript but not during a test
Browser Driven Load Test (BDLT) Users 'executing' after test should have ended
Browser driven load test script fails on BrowserSetText when I can see the text being set in visible replay mode
Browser Driven Load Testing recorder is not recording HTML5 text fields and scripting BrowserSettext
Browser Driven Loadtest script fails when executed from a remote SilkPerformer Agent
Browser Driven Web Load Testing
Browser hangs when recording an Oracle Forms application.
Browser plugin support for BDLT
Browser-Driven Load Testing script works on TryScript but fails when running a loadtest in Silk Performer 8.1.
BrowserClick(BrowserEngine: 4 - Click failed, unknown error occurred) reported although the action is successful
BrowserEngine: 13 - GetText failed
BrowserEngine: 2 - Cannot continue, because the BrowserEngine was not initialized
BrowserEngine: 29 - Invalid locator or DOM element handle when running multiple users
BrowserEngine: 42 - Scrolling Functionality failed
BrowserMouseMove function is not allowing navigation of a dropdown menu control
BrowserNavigate(BrowserEngine: 32 - Internet Explorer request failed, INET_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND (0x800c0005).) reported when replaying a BDLT script on agent machine
BrowserSetText will not work for a BODY element
BrowserStart function reports the error "BrowserEngine: 65 - Communication to Browser engine failed"
Caching issues with BDLT replay
Calculating the number of virtual users for browser driven load testing
Calling Data file from Temporary Results directory on Remote Agent, using ProcessInitialize, fails
Can 2 different products, e.g. SilkPerformer and SilkTest, be installed on the same machine but use two different license servers?
Can a Baseline load test only be executed from the local SilkPerformer MMC machine, or can it be executed on a remote agent ?
Can a MySQL database be used as the Repository for SilkPerformer?
Can a PostgreSQL database be used as the Repository for SilkPerformer?
Can a single csv data file be called in multiple scripts?
Can a template be created to display the same graphs for different sets of load test results ?
Can additional attributes be added to the Radius JavaFramework?
Can an Oracle Database Be Used As The Repository For Silk Performer?
Can delimiters be used within the data in Comma separated files?
Can detailed Performance Timers be generated when testing at TCP/IP level?
Can dynaTrace diagnostics be used to analyse database performance and what statisitics can be measured?
Can Html or parsing verifications in Silk Performer scripts be deactivated?
Can I add Custom Charts containing information from a Monitor Report to an already re-merged Overview Report and get the information reported for the same time period?
Can I calculate the ApDex within SilkPerformer?
Can I check out multiple mobile licenses of the same type to my local machine?
Can I check whether the current HTML content differs from a prior test?
Can I decrement a custom counter in Silk Performer?
Can I delete more than one set of results at a time in Silk Performer?
Can I determine how many virtual users were active when a Page Time value exceeds a certain boundary?
Can I disable the generation of Quantiles files by SilkPerformer?
Can I easily change the Server / Domain Name that is used throughout my script?
Can I extract data from the Results Repository database for analysis in a 3rd party tool?
Can I force SilkPerformer to close TCP/IP connections using the FIN flag instead of RST?
Can I get details of all successful and unsuccessful license requests for my SilkPerformer installation ?
Can I have a detailed explanation of the digest verification?
Can I have multiple versions of Silk Performer installed on the same machine?
Can I import existing JUnit code into SilkPerformer?
Can I import existing NUnit code into SilkPerformer?
Can I initialize arrays as local variables declared in a function?
Can I install a SilkPerformer 6.0 MMC on the same machine as a SilkPerformer V 5.X MMC?
Can I loadtest an Power Builder application with a back end database that uses the Native PowerBuilder Drivers.
Can I make an additional HTTP request before the previous page call has finished?
Can I merge multiple m@ results files into a single m@ file?
Can I merge together the results from more than one LoadTest in Silk Performer?
Can I monitor a Citrix Server using Performance Explorer?
Can I monitor network devices with Performance Explorer?
Can I monitor server statistics via SSH using Performance Explorer?
Can I omit page timers greater than X seconds from the results?
Can I perform digest verification on data that is specified in a WebPageAddURL call?
Can I plot the results of two load tests on the same graph so that I can compare results?
Can I print my SilkPerformer scripts in colour?
Can I reboot an agent machine from the Silk Performer MMC?
Can I record Hyper terminal Utility found on Windows 2000 ?
Can I record pop-up windows actions while recording my script?
Can I remove or rename streaming counters?
Can I replay or test a CAPTCHA as part of my application?
Can I return an array from a function in SilkPerformer BDL?
Can I safely ignore the error "does not support ole32 function "xxxxxxxxxx"" when recording COM traffic?
Can I set a timer such that it starts inside one transaction and finishes in another?
Can I set up a shared drive to contain data files for my controller and agents?
Can I set up a workload which will run a transaction exactly X number of times?
Can I set up an application profile to capture ODBC and COM traffic in the same script?
Can I set up silkperformer to run a script at intervals of 5 minutes 24x7x365 ?
Can I simulate different modems speeds when running an FTP loadtest?
Can I simulate users doing file operations including creating, moving, opening, closing, reading from and writing to files?
Can I specify a relative base URL in my Standardhost Active Profile settings?
Can I start Performance Explorer from the Command Line and what additional parameters can be used?
Can I stop a virtual user if the incorrect page is returned by a server?
Can I tell from my results which agent was used during a test?
Can I turn caching off and on in my script?
Can I upload my SilkPerformer V project to SilkVision 1.1 ?
Can I use a combination of 32 bit and 64 bit agent machines?
Can I use a proxy server when loading a web service in Java Explorer?
Can I use an old Silk Performer license for a newer version?
Can I use custom timers to measure activities within a bat/exe file?
Can I use different versions of MMC and Agent software ?
Can I use IiopVbServerBind to connect to my SmartAgent if it is on a different subnet than my client?
Can I use IP Multiplexing with two NICS to test different DNS servers?
Can I use my SilkPerformer Lite Users license policy to top up my SilkPerformer MMC users?
Can I use project attributes to exchange data between multiple users or bdf scripts?
Can I use SilkPerformer to print a Microsoft Word document?
Can I use the 32 bit SilkPerformer Diagnostics dynaTrace client with the 64 bit SilkPerformer Diagnostics dynaTrace server?
Can I use the cross loadtest report functionality with SilkPerformer loadtest results?
Can I use the Performance Explorer SAM interface to monitor certain measures even though I do not have a SAM license?
Can I use the Windows option "Protect my computer and data from unauthorized program activity" with SilkPerformer?
Can I use TrueLog Explorer to customize input values in my script for Terminal Emulation testing?
Can I use TrueLog Explorer"s "Customize Session Handling" feature with a Browser-Level API script?
Can I view my page response times in real time mode using Performance Explorer?
Can Java Explorer load a WSDL which requires user authentication?
Can multiple MMC machines use the same agent simultaneously?
Can my new license allow older versions of SilkPerformer to run, and if not how long can I keep my old license?
Can reading, deleting and sending email be done for more than 1 mail profile with MAPI functions?
Can Server Analysis Module be used to monitor Server Clusters?
Can Silk Performer be used to test an application's adherence to web standards?
Can Silk Performer be used with the Adabas application from Software AG?
Can Silk Performer capture screenshots during a Loadtest?
Can Silk Performer do iteration pacing?
Can Silk Performer monitor network devices such as switches and routers?
Can Silk Performer record an application that uses the RPC protocol?
Can Silk Performer record and replay IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) traffic?
Can Silk Performer replay using different SSL client certificates for each virtual user?
Can Silk Performer"s DLL integration be used with VB based DLL files?
Can SilkPerformer licenses be stacked in SilkMeter?
Can SilkPerformer "Component Test Edition", "Lite" or "Developers Workbench" be installed using a silent (unattended) install?
Can SilkPerformer 2007 be installed on a Microsoft Virtual PC environment?
Can SilkPerformer be installed and run on Windows CE operating systems?
Can SilkPerformer be installed using a silent (unattended) mode?
Can SilkPerformer be run on Microsoft Virtual Server and Virtual PC software?
Can SilkPerformer be uninstalled using a silent (unattended) mode?
Can SilkPerformer be used to record Documentum desktop client 4.3.2.c?
Can SilkPerformer be used to simulate IP addresses via UNC?
Can SilkPerformer Controller or Agents be installed on Unix/Linux operating systems?
Can SilkPerformer deal with a web page which has a .gz extension during record/replay?
Can SilkPerformer delete a row from a csv file after it has used the data contained in that row?
Can SilkPerformer handle scripts parts of which go through a proxy server and parts of which do not?
Can SilkPerformer handle the ASP.NET ViewState?
Can SilkPerformer hook and record the RTE protocol?
Can SilkPerformer integrate with SAP eCATT?
Can SilkPerformer open a monitoring workspace when starting a test from command line?
Can SilkPerformer patches be applied to SilkPerformer Lite, CTE, Dev, or Monitor Workbench?
Can SilkPerformer record .Net applications that are implemented in VB.NET, C# or C .NET?
Can SilkPerformer Record and Replay the uploading of a file from the SAPGUI client to the server?
Can SilkPerformer record Citrix Published Applications rather than Session Sharing?
Can SilkPerformer Recorder be started from the command line?
Can SilkPerformer SAM monitor an Informix Database?
Can SilkPerformer test the Lotus Notes/Domino mail server?
Can SilkPerformer test the PSANALYTIC services used by PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management?
Can SilkPerformer"s TrueLog Explorer display XHTML?
Can the 'Security Alert' dialog box be captured when recording against a secure Website (HTTPS)?
Can the Controller machine be remote from Agent machines connected via a limited bandwidth?
Can the Data Source Scanner automatically detect valid data sources for monitoring of German and other localized or non-English servers?
Can the License Server parameters (.pol license file location) be specified prior to a Silent Install?
Can the SilkPerformer deal with escaped JavaScript characters that form part of a JavaScript string?
Can the size of the result buffer be configured on the Execution Server?
Can TrueLog Explorer render a WAP application which has the "WML" MIME Type?
Can verification be done on content in a Citrix environment?
Cannot change Security Modes within SilkMeter 15.0, unable to import admin policy
Cannot launch the sample Silk Performer RMI application "Product Manager".
Cannot perform this command while a document is being updated in background!
Cannot print to a network printer when replaying a Citrix script on a Silk Performer agent?
Cannot send large messages via MMS in Silk Performer.
Capture control values visible in the in-data tab of an Oracle Forms Truelog
Cause of the error "LoadtestController: 3563 - Unable to uncompress agent files"
Change keyboard shortcuts in TrueLog Explorer
Change SSH counter names in Performance Explorer
Change the default input parameter values for Java Explorer.
Change the server being monitored in Performance Explorer.
Change the timeout setting in a .NET Framework project
Changing a Custom Server Certificate from pfx or .p12 format to pem format that is required by Silk Performer
Changing the default agent capability to run more BDLT virtual users
Changing the Locator Spy hotkey in Silk Performer
Chart Server error "Message = No response"
Checking the Automatic SSL version and Encryption Strength
Cities where SilkPerformer 2010 R2 Cloud Agents are based
Citrix 11.2 client fails to start the core
Citrix OCR does not work for parsing/verification when font smoothing is enabled for some fonts
Citrix Passthrough with Silk Performer.
Citrix recorder reports "Unsupported function" error during record
Citrix recording failure on Windows 7
Citrix scripts fail with "CitrixConnect(CitrixEngine: 6 - Connect failed, Connection timed out)".
Citrix Web Recording
CitrixConnectIcaData CitrixEngine: 6 - Connect failed when running from Windows Task Scheduler
CitrixEngine: 43 - Startup failed, Citrix process 'wfcrun32.exe' is already running under a different user account
CitrixMouseClick (Citrix Engine: 15 - SendMouseDown failed, Position outside the screen).
CitrixParseText function is not returning the full result string.
CitrixWaitForTextFuzzy function produces “could not find language Eng” error on Execution Server
CitrixWaitForWindowCreation Windows Not Found Return Code
Class files in the project directory are not copied to a remote agent
Clearing cache and cookies in Internet Explorer does not delete all offline files
Client screens appear on agent during a Browser Driven Load Test
CloudBurst agent not showing in Cloud Agent Manager
Cloudburst SaaS Walkthru
Company Logo in Overview Report
Comparing floating point values in Silk Performer
Comparing HTML strings and Encoded Strings for special characters
Compile error "SEM 12: variable is not declared: ENCODE_URICOMPONENT" reported by SilkPerformer 7.0 script.
Compiling SilkPerformer scripts from the command line?
Configure Java Explorer to test a JBoss 4.0 Application Server.
Configure Silk Performer to capture LDAP traffic from mail client.
Configure Silk Performer to integrate with Borland ServerTrace.
Configure the recorder so that the "Security Alert" dialog box does not appear when recording a secure Website (HTTPS)?
Configuring Server Monitoring in Silk Performer
Configuring Silk Performer for testing a Japanese application
Configuring user types and baseline performance in Silk Performer
Configuring Windows Server for GUI Level Testing (video)
Considerations when testing an application using TCP/IP functions.
Controlling the summary page in Silk Performer 10.0
Correct behaviour of a "revisiting user" for Browser Driven Load Testing
Could not create the specified Projects folder!
Counting number of items in a dropdown menu in Silk Performer
CPU usage increases dramatically when adding multiple data sources when monitoring using SSH
Create a recording rule that will suppress the recording and scripting of calls to a particular URL.
Creating an Agent Cluster File in Silk Performer for use in SilkCentral test Manager
Creating directories in Windows Explorer using Silk Performer
Cross load-test report with load-tests in different locations
CSS is not applied in Silk TrueLog Explorer
Custom data file changes after re-opening SilkPerformer project
Custom timer count is doubled
Customization of form data from script using a csv file
Customize binary data in a script
Customize Session Handling, Customize User Data and Verifications in Silk Performer
Customizing the binary data posted through WebPageSubmitBin function
Customizing the input parameters of a method in a Java Frameworks script using a data file
Customizing user data
Date and time of the original Accepted Baseline are reported even though a new Baseline has been accepted
Debugging and Troubleshooting Techniques in Silk Performer
Default Max length of an acceptable attribute value within a Browser Driven Recording
Default Silk Meter log location.
Default SNMP port number used by Borland ServerTrace agent?
Define a custom browser type in Silk Performer
Defining a proxy server in a Java Frameworks Script
Defining workload in Silk Performer
Description of "Override System incidents" functionality
Developer Tools
Dialog Command Storage Demystified
Difference in Response times between BrowserSetText and BrowserTypeKeys
Differences between the Merge Wizards available in Performance Explorer.
Different Operating Systems listed under Citrix Support in Release Notes
Disabling the Document File Locking mechanism in Silk Performer
Displayed with "Starting recording agent failed" message in Silk Performer 9.0
Displaying custom HTML content in Truelog Explorer
Do I need an Oracle client installed on Silk Performer Agent machines to run a LoadTest which generates Oracle traffic?
Do I need to customize my TCP/IP script in order to successfully replay against a Telnet Server and what I consider when doing this?
Do I need to customize val-ref values in AMF3 scripts?
Do I need to export an Option Set when exporting a SilkTest project into a SilkPerformer GUI-Level Project?
Do I need to install the Oracle Client in order to monitor V$sysstat data from an Oracle Server?
Do I need to upgrade my Sikessentials package due to the introduction of Silkperformer 6.0?
Do not use the hyphen/minus character as part of a profile name
Do Silk Performer Controller and Agent machines have to be the same Silk Performer version?
Does .NET Explorer provide response time measurements on individual methods executed within a testcase?
Does .Net Explorer support testing of web services via HTTPS?
Does a limit exist on the number of scripts that can be added to a project?
Does changing the browser setting in the Active Profile from IE 6 to IE 7, have any affect on response times during Script Replay?
Does dynaTrace support monitoring of a java application which accesses a Object Orientated DataBase?
Does Java Explorer provide response time measurements on individual methods executed within a testcase?
Does Java Explorer support multi-dimensional arrays as Input Parameters?
Does Java Explorer support testing of web services via HTTPS?
Does Micro Focus send out emails when new releases are available for SilkPerformer?
Does Outlook need to be open when using MAPI to send a message?
Does Performance Explorer support monitoring of performance metrics for Oracle RAC environments?
Does Performance Explorer support monitoring of SQL Server 2005?
Does Performance Explorer support monitoring using JMX (Java Management Extensions)?
Does Performance Explorer support monitoring via SNMPv3?
Does Performance Explorer support the monitoring of Oracle Databases on Windows and Unix platforms?
Does SAM allow monitoring of Sun V880 Cluster with Sun OS 5.8 and 5.9?
Does Silk Performer automatically save changes during a load test?
Does Silk Performer measure how long it takes to render a downloaded web page?
Does Silk Performer provide support for the Diameter protocol?
Does Silk Performer support Java ME applications ?
Does Silk Performer support JUnit version 4?
Does Silk Performer support monitoring of Netscape iPlanet Web Server?
Does Silk Performer support Oracle Financials?
Does Silk Performer support Remedy ARS systems?
Does Silk Performer support RSS/ATOM Syndication?
Does Silk Performer support SNMP monitoring of Multiple database instances
Does Silk Performer support SSL Sticky or loadbalancing based on SSL session ID?
Does Silk Performer support testing of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB"s) ?
Does Silk Performer support the "cache-control: no-cache" HTTP 1.1 header?
Does Silk Performer support the recording and replay of FTP traffic ?
Does Silk Performer support the secure LDAP protocol ?
Does Silk Performer support the secure SMTP protocol?
Does Silk Performer support the streaming of data via Windows Media Player 11?
Does Silk Performer support the testing of applications which use the XHMTL document type?
Does Silk Performer support the testing of Drag and Drop mouse actions when testing SAP?
Does Silk Performer support the testing of Oracle Discoverer reporting tool ?
Does Silk Performer support the use of 64 bit JDKs?
Does Silk Performer Support UDP record and replay?
Does SilkPeformer support Web Applications which contain an embedded Microsoft Excel spreadsheet?
Does SilkPerformer 2006 support Internet Explorer 7.0?
Does SilkPerformer 2008 support the Z39.50 protocol?
Does SilkPerformer 2008(R2) support performance testing of JiBX Web Services
Does SilkPerformer 2010 SP1 support testing of Remedy 7.6.02?
Does Silkperformer 6.0 support Windows 2000 Service Pack 4?
Does SilkPerformer have any functions for rounding values to the next whole number?
Does SilkPerformer have support for Visual Studio Team System?
Does SilkPerformer impose any limits on the size of Custom Data files?
Does SilkPerformer provide a function for generating GUIDs?
Does SilkPerformer provide support for Kerberos Authentication?
Does SilkPerformer provide support for the Windows Vista operating system?
Does SilkPerformer re-distribute the Virtual Users from an Agent that has crashed?
Does SilkPerformer report bandwidth and bitrate errors similar to a Windows Media Player does ?
Does SilkPerformer support Axis 2.0?
Does SilkPerformer support bandwidth simulation for Streaming Media?
Does SilkPerformer support Citrix ICA Client v9.0?
Does SilkPerformer support Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)?
Does SilkPerformer support Cognos Enterprise Planning Application?
Does SilkPerformer support digest authentication?
Does SilkPerformer support DNS load balancing? How does SilkPerformer implement Hostname caching?
Does SilkPerformer support Flash9/Flex2/AMF3?
Does SilkPerformer support Java RMI?
Does SilkPerformer support late binding COM objects?
Does SilkPerformer support line breaks?
Does SilkPerformer support live splitting of media streams ?
Does SilkPerformer support Macromedia Breeze?
Does SilkPerformer support Microsoft Outlook"s Web Access?
Does SilkPerformer support monitoring of AS/400 systems ?
Does SilkPerformer support Oracle OCI 8?
Does SilkPerformer support Peoplesoft 8.9
Does SilkPerformer support PL\SQL?
Does SilkPerformer support record and replay of Oracle Forms
Does SilkPerformer support recording and replaying of pages that display embedded Adobe pdf files?
Does SilkPerformer support recording NTLM through a Proxy Server?
Does SilkPerformer support recording of a Citrix published application?
Does SilkPerformer support recording of the Mozilla Firefox browser?
Does SilkPerformer support SAP and mySAP Enterprise Portals (formly known as mySAP Workplace).
Does SilkPerformer support Secure (SFTP)?
Does SilkPerformer support SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)?
Does SilkPerformer support SQL* Net?
Does SilkPerformer support testing a .NET SQL Client Data Provider against a SQL Server Database?
Does SilkPerformer support testing an application that is built with the SPRING framework?
Does SilkPerformer support testing of Oracle Applications 12i?
Does SilkPerformer support the emulation of HTTP pipe lining?
Does SilkPerformer support the loadtesting of a SQL Server database via ADO.NET?
Does SilkPerformer support the monitoring of AIX servers?
Does SilkPerformer support the ODBC recording of a SQL query executed in "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio"?
Does SilkPerformer support the PeopleSoft 8.x CRM application?
Does SilkPerformer support the recording of JMS traffic?
Does SilkPerformer support the SAP Editor (also called MAM/C)?
Does SilkPerformer support the secure POP3 protocol ?
Does SilkPerformer support the testing and rendering of webpages which use the .cfm extension?
Does SilkPerformer support the testing of a SQL Server database using the low level DBLib API?
Does SilkPerformer support the testing of applications that are built via LabVIEW ?
Does SilkPerformer support the testing of SAP ECC/R3 systems?
Does SilkPerformer support Tiling Servers?
Does SilkPerformer support Time Sharing Option (TSO)?
Does SilkPerformer support Unicode standards UTF-8, UTF-16, UCS-2 and UCS-4?
Does SilkPerformer support WAP loadtesting over wireless networks such as CDPD, CDMA, GSM/GPRS, PDC, PHS, TDMA, FLEX, ReFlex, IDEN, TETRA, DECT, Datatec and Mobiltex?
Does SilkPerformer support Weblogic"s T3 protocol?
Does SilkPerformer supports SAP NetWeaver portal?
Does the "WebTcpipRecvUntilIdle" sTimer parameter include the idle time?
Does the Browser Driven Load Testing feature (BDLT) support the use of Client Certificates for secure applications?
Does the Citrix Option "RAM Disk" also apply to Agent machines?
Does the Java Explorer display HTTP Response"s when testing a Web Service in the same way as .NET Explorer does?
Does the Overview Report include timings for failed Transactions?
Does the ShopItV60 application support a specific number of concurrent users?
Does the Silk Performer 7.1 .NET Explorer work with .NET Framework 2.0 Beta?
Does the SilkPerformer 2008 Plugin provide support for testing Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2008?
Does the transaction count in the Summary General section of my Overview Report include the number of transactions that started but not finished before the load test ends?
Download the common and core JAR files required for AMF3 recording to work
During a loadtest is it possible to download a file from a server and save it on the local harddisk?
During installation of a results repository on Oracle why do I get the error "Oracle8: 1658 unable to create INITIAL extent for segment in tablespace DATA_TS create table perf_version(f_version integer)."?
During replay I get an error "WinSock: 10060 - Connection timed out , RecvBody. "
During replay why do I get the error "WebTcpipConnect (WinSock: 10061 - Connection refused,") on port 5152 specifically?
During replay why is the double click action not implemented by the function "CitrixMouseDblClick"?
Dynamic JQuery Attribute content when testing with BDLT
dynaTrace 2.6.2 release notes for the Silk Performer plugin
dynaTrace Session Recording stops if more than 100 Virtual Users are used
East US Azure CloudBurst Agents' IP addresses show incorrect location (Brazil) when using IP Geolocation services
Effect of OnlyIfCompleteResult parameter on recording rules
Enable the client side scripting option for SAPGUI?
End Windows processes from within Silk Performer
Ensure the script file linked to an XLG file gets displayed in the BDL tab of TrueLog Explorer.
Ensuring successful synchronization when Window captions are limited to 60 characters in Citrix functions
Entering only certain characters of a password in an online form
Error "Could not start Java Hooking Engine"
Error "Could not start Java Hooking Engine, reason: cannot load jvm, unknown error" displayed in the recorder during record
Error "Failure to perform OCR" when attempting to insert verification with Truelog Explorer
Error "The procedure entry point could not be found in dynamic link library perfZZZ.dll"
Error "WaitFor SYSTEM: 298 - Too many posts were made to a semaphore., sem2.Post()"
Error RESERR: 180 - Buffer passed to function <FileGetCol> is too small to hold data
Error when using Browser Driven Load Testing on Windows 2003 servers
Error “Could not install and start temporary service” when attempting a remote agent install for SilkPerformer 2010 R2
Error “SilkPerformer File has stopped working” when attempting to add a SNMP monitor via “Compile new Mib”
Error “Unsupported Function” when recording Citrix nfuse
Error: Failed to determine whether hooking is installed
Error: Failed to initialize recording. Reading configuration of Launcher Service failed.
Error: HTTP 401 - Access Denied - RespHdrAutNTLM occurring on Agent machine.
Error: LoadtestController: 3201 - License Error: Not all features are available - execution is denied due to registration limits
Error: WebEngine: 43 - No response from host - connection lost! , SendRequest first attempt
Errors flagged from an Event Handle differ in Try Script/Load test in comparison to a Try Agent test.
Errors occurred but error messages are not detailed in the repository or in the report files.
Estimating Micro Focus Credits consumption for CloudBurst tests
Even though the correct IDL files have been imported into a project, SilkPerformer still records IIOP binary functions.
Event Handler does not execute when in a loop
Executing a Test and Monitoring Real-Time Test Measurements in Silk Performer
Explore test results
Export raw data per user type using Performance Explorer
Export/import agent configuration settings between Silk Performer controllers
Failed to determine whether hooking is installed. Reinstalling may solve the problem.
Fails to install SilkPerformer on Windows 10
File upload in silk performer 21.0 in chrome
Files are not downloaded during a Browser Driven Load Test in Silk Performer 15.5 when using Remote Agent machines
Files with .ltcaz extension in the results folder after the test
Flash Remoting script fails with "WebEngine: 79 - Fatal error inside the Transform dll, Exception in TransformBegin()".
Force a virtual user to abandon a Web page if images do not load in a specified time
Forcing the scripting of a HTTP parsing function using a recording rule without a corresponding hit for the value in the script
Form Data tab in a TrueLog does not display the data for a form post
Format of API Time and Date is incorrect when viewing TrueLog file on Portuguese Operating System
General Best Practices
Generate a random date which ensures a business day is returned.
Generating a license file online (video)
Generating Cross Load Test Reports (video)
Getting an ‘Agent Locked’ message when manually assigning agents
Getting Started with Silk Performer
Getting Started with Silk Performer .NET Explorer (video)
Getting timers for redirections.
GetTransactionName ( ) function does not return the correct transaction name ?
Goal Session Time and Baseline Session Time differ within the 'Calculate the Virtual Users' Workflow screen
Graphs missing from print preview of overview report
GUI Level Testing
GUI-Level Testing Replay: 11 - Silk Test reported, Invalid arguments supplied for execution of testcase error returned during Replay (TryScript)
Guidelines for Running Silk Performer Cloudburst Loadtests
Handle multi status custom HTTP error messages such as HTTP: 4 - The server returned a Client Error Status code (4xx) - "423 Locked"?
Handling BrowserFileDownload function when it contains a dynamic file location
Hooking into the main Oracle Forms Applet classes might cause the JInitiator to be unable to load additional jar files that rely on the main classes
How are authentication credentials managed in Performance Explorer?
How are Silk Performer"s Percentile measurements calculated?
How can BDL code be used to find the download times for individual page components, namely image files?
How can Centura Reports be distributed to other users if I do not have access to a printer?
How can I access low level properties when testing SAP?
How can I achieve the time format XX:XX:XX with AM or PM specified?
How can I add a client certificate to a Web Service in .Net Explorer?
How can I add a custom BDH file to the "Include Files" Node in the Project Pane?
How can I add a data file so that it will appear in the parameter wizard in TrueLog Explorer?
How can I add a predefined Data Source for which there is no built in support into SAM?
How can I add a random variable into an XML string?
How can I add additional commands for Oracle Forms DMS monitoring?
How can I add custom timers data together at runtime?
How can I add more commands to the default SSH.sep?
How can I add multiple IP Addresses to a network card if it is not possible via the System Configuration Manager in SilkPerformer?
How can I add the transaction name and an identifier to measure names in my load test report?
How can I add two numbers of type STRING?
How can I add verifications globally for every API call in a script?
How can I assign a specific Silk Performer Agent to execute a particular usergroup?
How can I attach a Powerpoint file to an email when testing SMTP?
How can I automatically see the output from print statements when I am running a LoadTest?
How can I bypass the 5 second delay that occurs before the YES button is accessible to be pressed for SilkPerformer to send or receive an email via MAPI?
How can I calculate the amount of network bandwidth required for a loadtest?
How can I call a transaction multiple times in Java Explorer?
How can I capture Monitoring Data from multiple servers during a loadtest?
How can I change the authentication settings for agent machine if I cannot access them via System Configuration manager?
How can I change the credentials used to log into the server in Performance Explorer?
How can I change the endpoint URL of a method call in .NET Explorer?
How can I change the interval at which time series data is calculated?
How can I change the settings on the SAPGUI server so that users are allowed to replay scripts, but not allowed to record new ones?
How can I change the timeout settings used by Silk Performer when trying to connect to a server?
How can I change the version of the AXIS Web service framework (SOAP stack) used by Java Explorer?
How can I check the length of the server response is greater or less than a specified value?
How can I check the SAP patch level on the SAPGUI 620 client?
How can I choose random rows from a csv file and ensure that the same row is not used twice by the same virtual user?
How can I combine all the output (.wrt files) from all the users in my LoadTest into a single file?
How can I compare 2 Hexidecimal strings for length and content?
How can I compress (zip) request data and decompress (unzip) response data in Silkperformer using gzip?
How can I compress (zip) request data and decompress (unzip) response data in Silkperformer using zlib?
How can I configure and record mixed Protocols in Silk Performer?
How can I configure Silk Performer so that only some agents connect through proxies?
How can I configure SilkPerformer so that I minimize risk of data loss due to connectivity issues with remote (WAN) agents?
How can I configure SilkPerformer to add custom BDH files to a Source Control database?
How can I configure SilkPerformer to use a PAC file during replay?
How can I configure the Overview Report so that German umlaut characters are displayed correctly?
How can I confirm that I am a member of the Windows Administrators group on my machine?
How can I continue to enter my string when I have reached the line limit?
How can I convert a decimal number to a hexadecimal number in BDL?
How can I convert a number into a float or string?
How can I convert a PKCS#12 [ pfx ] format certificate to a pem format, for use in SilkPerformer, using OpenSSL?
How can I convert a Windows Performance Monitor file from .blg to .csv?
How can I convert the ASCII representation of Binary data into a string containing its equivalent Hexadecimal notation?
How can I correct the error "compile error SEM 12: variable is not declared: Key _XXX _XXX" when using Citrix Key* functions?
How can I correct the error "FRM-92050: Failed to connect to server:/forms90/I90servlet:-1" when I try to replay my Oracle 9i application?
How can I correctly display the Japanese characters which appear garbled in TrueLog Explorer?
How can I create a "Decreasing" workload in Silk Performer?
How can I create an event handler which will exit a transaction if an expected MessageBox or Window is not returned by the Oracle Forms Server?
How can I create random string of a particular length?
How can I customise session-specific information hardcoded in WebPageAddUrls?
How can I customize data returned by the function SiebelTokenApplet within Siebel 7 web scripts?
How can I customize my script in order to take different actions depending on the page returned?
How can I customize Session ID"s using the SilkPerformer TrueLog Explorer?
How can I customize the colors in the Overview Report?
How can I customize the overview report in Silk Performer?
How can I customize user input when using the Siebel 7 SilkEssential in SilkPerformer?
How can I deal with dynamic Web Links which require customization for successful replay against Oracle Forms Application?
How can I decode the REXEC commands which are stored in realtime.ini?
How can I define project specific include files?
How can I delete a single cookie from the current cookie database?
How can I determine if a patch that was applied to the MMC machine has also been applied to an agent?
How can I determine if an application is suitable for recording using SilkPerformer's Flash Remoting support?
How can I determine the memory footprint of a Virtual User executing an Oracle Forms Script?
How can I determine the size of a downloaded document during a load test?
How can I determine which version of JInitiator (or Java Runtime) is used by an Oracle Forms Application?
How can I differentiate between a Try-script run and a real load test in my script?
How can I disable Performance Explorer launching when executing a script using the SilkPerformer Java SDK?
How can I disable the CodeCompletion feature in SilkPerformer?
How can I display my Project Attributes within the Overview Report?
How can I do a remote installation of Silk Performer?
How can I do content verification on XML data?
How can I dynamically select a value from a HTML form's drop-down list for each Virtual User during a loadtest?
How can I email the Overview Report to someone including all the graphs?
How can I emulate a browser close via BDL?
How can I emulate a DNS Look-up for each VUser ?
How can I enable Digest Authentication in SilkPerformer?
How can I enable large icons in Silk Performer?
How can I enable ODBC Connection pooling?
How can I enable or disable link checking in my script ?
How can I enable or disable the Virtual User Output xml file?
How can I enable WAP SAR (segmentation/reassembly) support in SilkPerformer?
How can I encrypt my passwords so that they are not displayed in clear text in my script ?
How can I ensure my script replays in the same language as was recorded , when a site uses browser detection?
How can I ensure that a transaction will execute only once during my test?
How can I ensure that all users in my test will write to the same text file sequentially?
How can I ensure that each virtual user in my loadtest is assigned a unique IP address?
How can I ensure that Internet Explorer is started in "Maximized" mode to help with my Citrix scripts?
How can I ensure that multiple users are able to work simultaneously on the same document files without overwriting the files of each other?
How can I ensure that the same sequence of random numbers is generated for each virtual user?
How can I ensure that virtual users complete the current transaction and the end transaction before they finish their simulation?
How can I ensure that while recording large SQL statemenets the function recorded is not split over two lines in the bdf file and thus causing compile errors?
How can I ensure VUsers running on Agent machines can write to a shared network folder?
How can I exclude embedded objects from raising errors on replay?
How can I exclude images (e.g. .gif, .jpg) from being included in PurePath measurements in dynaTrace diagnostics?
How can I exclude timers from results if an error has occurred within the code being timed?
How can I execute a MAPI script on SilkPerformer agent machines?
How can I export Page Statistics from Silk Performer"s TrueLog Explorer to an Excel spreadsheet?
How can I extract results from SilkPerformer for external use e.g. to compare test runs?
How can I find out the average Response time[s] of a custom timer for any given interval in my loadtest?
How can I find the correct connection method used by Oracle forms?
How can I find the correct dynamic id when using the OraFormsOnMessageGet function?
How can I find the maximum capacity (virtual users) of an agent?
How can I force my VUsers to "Logoff" when they go into the Suspended state during an All Day workload test?
How can I format an 8 byte floating point number to a currency value of two decimal places?
How can I generate a contextless script?
How can I generate a unique value for every virtual user in my load test?
How can I generate dynamic attachment sizes for SMTP load testing ?
How can I generate individual response times for every virtual user and for every iteration of a transaction in my overview report?
How can I get a list of all the Performance counters available for each Object in Performance Explorer?
How can I get access in my script detailed statistics such as SSL handshake time or the Server Busy time for individual pages?
How can I get SilkPerformer's "What"s This" contextual Help to work on Windows Vista?
How can I get the start time of my load test programmatically?
How can I handle dynamic window names (for example, containing a timestamp) in my Oracle Forms script?
How can I handle load-balancing when testing Oracle Forms?
How can I have a variable weighted so that it uses one value more often than the rest?
How can I have Silkperformer create log files for every tenth virtual user in my test?
How can I hook and record the WAP Push Initiator tool from Openwave ?
How can I hook the IBM JVM?
How can I identify missing type libraries when trying to record my COM application ?
How can I identify the client jar files that my Oracle forms application uses?
How can I identify the IDL file used from the IOR request in a CORBA/IIOP script?
How can I identify which EXEs or DLLs are used when an application is launched?
How can I ignore a custom alert error message (RT: 14 - Custom Message, ...) which is returned by the PeopleSoft application server?
How can I ignore a custom alert message which is returned by the PeopleSoft application server in SilkPerformer versions earlier than 6.5.1
How can I implement a Custom Counter related to the MeasureSetBound threshold?
How can I improve Truelog generation performance when executing a Citrix project?
How can I increase the memory available to the JVM of the Java recorder to resolve "Native: 1002 -Java Exception, Native Error 0: java.lang.OutOfMemory" errors?
How can I increase the number of errors that Silk Performer can report for each agent?
How can I increase the number of Ranking reports displayed in overview report?
How can I indentify if my Abode Flex Application under test is using non supported Externalizable Traits?
How can I insert hex values into an ascii string?
How can I install SilkPerformer 6.5 on Windows XP?
How can I instantiate an object in .Net Explorer?
How can I limit prevent users from launching older versions of SilkPerfomer?
How can I limit the number of connection attempts to the server made by virtual users?
How can I loadtest my File Server?
How can I make a sound or beep from BDL?
How can I make all users in a load test print to the monitor window?
How can I make my monitor graph show real values e.g. ms, bytes instead of scaling from 0?
How can I make my OdbcConnect use Windows Integrated Security authentication?
How can I make my script write results out to a new line of a text file each time?
How can I monitor a dynaTrace server via JMX and integrate dynaTrace measures collected during a load test into Performance Explorer?
How can I Monitor a Sybase Database in Performance Explorer?
How can I monitor Linux SNMP without a MIB file?
How can I monitor multiple Oracle instances using V$SYSSTAT?
How can I monitor NT system resources on a server if I do not have a SAM license?
How can I monitor Real Time measures such as Active Users from a remote machine?
How can I monitor Server statistics for a Siebel 7 server?
How can I monitor Websphere application server version 5.0 with Global Security enabled?
How can I monitor WebSphere Application Server version 6.x?
How can I obtain a detailed breakdown of a page timer in the Overview Report?
How can I obtain a specific percentile value per User?
How can I parameterize my SilkPerformer .Net script once I have exported it from .Net Explorer.
How can I parse a hyperlink which is embedded in a JavaScript function?
How can I Parse and reuse a HTTP Response Header data in my BDF script?
How can I parse data from a text file into a variable?
How can I pass integers to Nullable types in .Net Explorer?
How can I pass multiple arguments into the StExecuteTestcase function?
How can I pass parameters for my application when using the ProcessInitialize function?
How can I pause Try-Script execution for debug purposes?
How can I perform a loadtest, using Silk Performer, whilst using SSH for client/server authentication?
How can I perform verification on the server response on BDF scripts recorded at TCP/IP level?
How can I prematurely stop the streaming of data after a specific time and still generate the streaming results?
How can I prevent a custom timer measure from being included if an "Application Error" occurs within the timer during a load test?
How can I prevent JavaScript from running when viewing TrueLog Explorer documents?
How can I prevent low severity warning messages such as "Warning WebSetBrowser WebEngine: 40 - Browser type setting overwritten by a call to WebSetBrowser()" from being displayed in the Output panel?
How can I prevent my .pew file open in the wrong version of Silk Performer?
How can I prevent Silk Performer from encoding special characters in my URL?
How can I prevent SilkPerformer recording TCP/IP functions in my Web-based Script?
How can I prevent the Agent GUI being launched when running a test on agents?
How can I prevent the file handling functions from reading the first row in my csv file since it contains column headers, not data?
How can I prevent the SilkPerformer Recorder from hanging when recording Java RMI traffic?
How can I print or write the number of errors which a Virtual User has during a loadtest?
How can I print out a graph that has been generated in the Results Repository?
How can I print the stack trace of a specific Java Exception error that occurred during a test?
How can I proxy record Internet Explorer with SilkPerformer?
How can I raise a warning or an error if my page download time exceeds a specified interval?
How can I raise an error if the time to download a particular page exceeds a given limit?
How can I raise an event if a certain error is found?
How can I randomize a string being used to query my database in a SQL command ?
How can I read a list of URLs from a csv file and write the URL and associated response time to the output file?
How can I read the entire contents of a file without hardcoding the number of bytes to be read?
How can I record against applications that use SAPGUI.exe, as opposed to SAPLogon.exe?
How can I record ODBC and HTTP traffic simultaneously in SilkPerformer?
How can I record the traffic from Internet Explorer on Microsoft's Device Emulator?
How can I reduce the size of my ADO script in silkperformer?
How can I reload a wsdl file, after it has been changed, into a current project?
How can I remove all occurrences of a particular character from a string?
How can I rename test case names in Java Explorer?
How can I replace part of a string with another string or different length?
How can I resolve "BrowserEngine: 32 - Internet Explorer request failed without ‘Visible client’" error?
How can I resolve "RT: 14 - Custom Message. Error occurred while unzipping (*** format)"?
How can I resolve an "ORA-00001: unique constraint violated" replay error?
How can I resolve SapGuiSetActiveSession(SapGui: 88 - An error occurred while setting the new active session)" and "SapGuiSetActiveWindowSapGui: 89 - An error occurred while setting the new active window)" errors in BMC Workbench 3.2?
How can I resolve the "Command failed. Document is read-only" warning when trying to edit one of my project files?
How can I resolve the Dynatrace metrics missing from my Overview Report in SilkPerformer 2006 R2?
How can I resolve the error "1327 - Invalid Drive" when I try to install Silk Performer?
How can I resolve the error "Cannot open Recorder multiple times!" when attempting to launch the recorder?
How can I resolve the error "COM Replay: 3 - Wrong parameter name., Couldn"t find specified function" when replaying my ADO script?
How can I resolve the error "Failed to generate Web Service proxy library" when attempting to load a WSDL file in SilkPerformer 2006 R2"s Java Explorer?
How can I resolve the error "Internal Error: MIB-File could not be compiled (check syntax)" when compiling a MIB in the Performance Explorer?
How can I resolve the error "Ora8Define(ORAAPI: 15 - Ftype not implemented yet)" ?
How can I resolve the error "Permission denied - Changes on agent can not be set" when adding IPs to a remote agent via System Configuration Manager?
How can I resolve the error "RUNERR: 37 - Run stack error during BDL function call"
How can I resolve the error "System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle Client Software Version 8.1.7 or higher" when testing Oracle .Net components in SilkPerformer or Visual Studio .Net Addon?
How can I resolve the error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: <value>" when testing a .NET application?
How can I resolve the error "WebEngine: 82 - Content transformation error, invalid reference #36, while parsing a "val-ref" reference of a String, invalid string reference 36 in node "String" ?
How can I resolve the error : "Installshield. 1601: Internal Error in windows Installer" received during the installation of SilkPerformer?
How can I resolve the error OraFormsLogon(OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., class when replaying an Oracle Forms script?
How can I resolve the error: "CitrixEngine: 50 - ParseText failed, OCR operation failed?"
How can I resolve the fact that the Overview Report user type section contains entries for individual users that encountered errors during the test?
How can I resolve the following error "Faulting application Performer.exe, version, faulting module msvcr71.dll, version 7.10.3052.4, fault address 0x00002777."?
How Can I resolve the following error:WebPageLink(HTTP: 1010 - too many redirections, possibly loop detected.) ?
How can I resolve the loadtest error "RESERR: 164 - insufficient memory: dynamic allocated memory cannot be allocated"?
How can I resolve the loadtest error "StExecuteTestcase(GUI-Level Testing Replay: 10 - Virtual user information, RDP not connected.)"?
How can I resolve the replay error "OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., class (
How can I resolve the replay error "OraFormsInit(Native: 1002 - Java Exception, Native Error 4: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: silk/performer/SilkPerformer)"
How can I resolve the values in SAM being different from values retrieved by using vmstat directly?
How can I resolve Truelog Explorer showing a "No node selected" error instead of loading a TrueLogOnError filewhen using Error Analysis?
How can I retrieve an ADO column name?
How can I retrieve my TSD result files from agent machines that failed to send results to the MMC at the end of a load test?
How can I retrieve SAP GUI measurements during the loadtest?
How can I retrieve the total number of bytes downloaded (including embedded objects) for a particular request at runtime?
How can I revert back to my original recorded script if I have made changes?
How can I run 10 Vusers in a loadtest, each starting 20 seconds from one another and after each user completes one set of transactions the test will end?
How can I run a loadtest without having to specify a duration?
How can I run a shell script in Silk Performer?
How can I run Windows Script from within SilkPerformer?
How can I save performance data from Windows Performance Monitor (PerfMon)?
How can I see a description of the errors generated during my test?
How can I see individual page times for each Vuser that take part in my loadtest?
How can I send an MMS message using SilkPerformer to multiple destinations (recipients)?
How can I set "Content Encoding" (aka HTTP compression) in a BDL Script so that virtual users accept gzip or deflate data from the server?
How can I set Active FTP transfer mode?
How can I set an upper limit or maximum for think times in my script?
How can I set JVM attributes or parameters when using Java Explorer?
How can I set one boundary for all my page times in a script?
How can I set Radius vendor specific attributes?
How can I set Silk Performer up to simulate VSAT connections?
How can I set SilkPerformer to close down automatically after a test simulation has finished?
How can I set the Overview Report to automatically be generated when opening a TSD file?
How can I set the Preprocessor Arguments so that all of my IDL files are loaded during the record process and what arguments can I use?
How can I simulate the movement of files using Windows Explorer?
How can I sort an array of strings?
How can I specify a domain parameter or a wildcard character in the WebSetProxy function?
How can I start monitoring from the command line without opening Performance Explorer?
How can I start recording an application manually after it has been launched by Silk Performer?
How can I stop memory increasing when testing a secure connection-oriented WAP gateway with SilkPerformer?
How can I stop Performance Explorer crashing while monitoring in Silk Performer 7.x?
How can I stop Redirection / Authentication comments being recorded in my script?
How can I stop SilkPerformer crashing when I select "Upload Project" or "Upload Project to Performance Manager" from the File menu?
How can I stop SilkPerformer from automatically downloading images during a test?
How can I stop SilkPerformer scripting commented data when using recording rules?
How can I stop the following message being reported "HTTP: 1010 - too many redirections, possibly loop detected"?
How can I stop the terminating character being included when using FileGetColumn?
How can I substitute absolute URLs for variables when the function WebSetStandardHost is not an option?
How can I suppress automatic redirections by the replay engine in response to HTTP 302s from a web server?
How can I suppress the logging of HTTP request data in the TrueLog to hide sensitive data?
How can I suppress WebPageAddUrl calls being recorded?
How can I synchronize my scripts so that they execute sequentially?
How can I tell how many vusers executed a particular bdf script from tsd data?
How can I tell if a patch has been installed on my agent machine?
How can I tell if a TCP/IP script was recorded using the Active profile or the Socks at all ports (1-65535) setting ?
How can I tell if a test was stopped, killed or aborted after a test has been run?
How can I test a website availability without having to download the elements like js, images, etc? Using silk performer v21
How can I test an application where a server is checked numerous times before it responds?
How can I test Media Streaming through a media proxy server in SilkPerformer?
How can I test my client/server application if the client is installed on a non-Windows operating system?
How can I trigger a Citrix event handler if an incorrect window is returned by the Citrix Server?
How can I troubleshoot GUI-Level issues in SilkPerformer?
How can I uniquely identify individual virtual users?
How can I update or delete the .WSDL files in my .Net Explorer project?
How can I upload a zip file to a server whilst maintaining the original zip format?
How can I use a custom delimiter with a text file?
How can I use a custom function to write out all the values of an Array or a specific value of an Array?
How can I use a custom timer to measure how long it takes an external process to execute e.g. a Batch file to execute?
How can I use an existing repository after upgrading SilkPerformer?
How can I use GetCurrentTime to execute a code segment for a set period of time?
How can I use SilkPerformer and .Net Explorer to load test submitting an xml document to my web service?
How can I use SilkPerformer to capture the HTTP response generated by invoking a WSDL file in Java Explorer?
How can I use SilkPerformer to verify that a specific image is returned at replay?
How can I use SQL server enterprise manager to change the password of my users for my SilkPerformer repository?
How can I use the SilkPerformer Performance Explorer to monitor an Oracle 10g Database?
How can I use TrueLog Explorer to check Citrix scripts for session IDs which may need customized?
How can I verify if an FTP site is available?
How can I verify is a server is available before a transaction is executed?
How can I verify text that appears in the rendered view of the TrueLog when the source of the page is displayed as binary data?
How can I verify that a PDF file is downloaded during a loadtest?
How can I verify that a Recording Rule has been executed during the record process?
How can I verify that my Web Server is sending data back in a compressed / encoded format?
How can I verify that the expect data is returned from my server during a test ?
How Can I Verify the MSDE System Administrator Password is blank (null) using OSQL?
How can I view all the project properties of a Java Explorer (.jep) project?
How can I view errors in Truelog Explorer during a LoadTest ?
How can I view response times for Custom Timers in a Performance Explorer graph?
How can I view the results of my TSD files for a specific period of time?
How can I work out the time my page request spent on my network?
How can I write out all errors encountered during my loadtest with a timestamp of when they occurred to a csv file?
How can I write out the value of a variable from Silk Performer into a multi-column .csv file?
How can make alternative graphs automatically appear when Performance Explorer starts during a test?
How can SilkPerformer be configured to simulate a 384 kBit/sec DSL connection?
How can SilkPerformer be used to test IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) applications?
How can the screen resolution at which the SilkPerformer Citrix Recorder will record at be changed?
How can User Types be used to get the most from your SilkPerformer scripts?
How can you enable/disable the TrueLog Explorer feature in Visual Studio.NET?
How do I add a host to the hostname cache of a Virtual User?
How do I add a percentage sign to the page timer BOUNDS section in the Virtual User Report?
How do I add additional columns to a multi-column random parameter file via SilkPerformer's "Create new Parameter Wizard"?
How do I add debug output to troubleshoot a "perfrun.exe" crash?
How do I add multiple optional flags to a SilkPerformer BDL function?
How do I add timers for web pages when recording at Browser Level?
How do I assign the output from a stored procedure into a variable in a BDF script?
How do I bind a script variable to Dynamic SQL ?
How do I bind a variable in a SQL command?
How do I call a command line executable / batch file from a Silk Performer script?
How do I change Layout Mode in mixed protocol TrueLogs?
How do I change the Importance of an email when testing SMTP?
How do I change the JDK version used by Java Explorer?
How do I change the PDCE collection interval when using SAM to Monitor servers?
How do I change the severity of an error in Silk Performer ?
How do I change the severity of Native errors?
How do I change the Severity of Runtime Errors?
How do I change the severity status of ODBC/SQL errors?
How do I compare headers between record and replay?
How do I configure IBM WebSphere Application Server 4.x "Performance Servlet" in order to monitor using Performance Explorer?
How do I configure IP Spoofing for Oracle Forms?
How do I configure SilkPerformer Performance Explorer to monitor my custom web server?
How do I configure SilkPerformer to provide client certificate authentication during record and replay?
How do I configure SilkPerformer to record a custom application at TCP/IP protocol level?
How do I configure SilkPerformer to record a newly installed browser?
How do I configure SilkPerformer to record a Telnet session?
How do I configure SilkPerformer to record traffic for my custom application?
How do I configure SilverStream so that SilkPerformer can monitor Silverstream Application Server?
How do I configure the IBM WebSphere Application Server 5.x in order to monitor using Performance Explorer?
How do I Configure the Oracle Intelligent Agent SMNP feature on Solaris Unix for Silk Performer SAM monitoring?
How do I configure Windows Server 2000 for GUI Level Testing?
How do I convert a Hex value from a CSV file to its binary representation?
How do I correct the error "bdf-script couldn't be created because the assembly doesn't define any virtual users!" when I run a try-script in Visual Studio?
How do I correlate a BDL function in my script to its place in the Recent TryScript TrueLog file?
How do I create a custom template to define which data are displayed in my Overview Reports?
How Do I Create a script that will ping a server and write the response time to the TSD file?
How do I create variables from a data (multi column) file e.g. CSV, TXT files in Java Explorer
How do I customize how errors are reported during replay?
How do I customize my SMTP email script so that on replay I can read in a file and post this off to the email recipient?
How do I customize the Cursor Position for TN3270(E) to change the screen position at which an input occurred?
How do I customize the file being uploaded to my server?
How do I deal with a COM application which must test for a particular status before proceeding?
How do I delete a standalone licence after it has been imported using the Silk Standalone Licence Utility?
How do I display PDF data in Silk Performer TrueLog Explorer?
How do I enable pretty-formatted JSON and XML viewing in TrueLog Explorer?
How do I enable SilkPerformer GZIP-transformation functionality?
How do I ensure all of my virtual users read from their own unique data file?
How do I ensure that Measure functions are inserted correctly when using the record setting "Encapsulate concurrent pages using timers"?
How do I enter a new line in an output (.wrt) file?
How do I export baseline report .brp into html or word format?
How do I export Time Series Data into .csv format for analysis in a 3rd party tool such as Microsoft Excel?
How do I find out which version of Secure Shell is running at the remote host machine I am trying to connect to?
How do I find the maximum possible throughput for a single SilkPerformer Agent machine?
How do I find the source of an error in True Log Explorer when the error occurred in an external function?
How do I generate an MSI-logfile to help debug SilkPerformer installation problems?
How do I get context-sensitive help on BDL keywords within a Silk Performer script?
How do I get the name of the currently executing script?
How do I handle a form name changing between Record and Replay?
How do I handle COM replay errors that also occur on record?
How do I handle the file download location during BDLT testing?
How do I implement Basic authentication in .Net Explorer?
How do I implement session handling in BDL based on a Javascript timestamp?
How do I incorporate the new Server Monitor Script Generation option located in Performance Explorer into a workload so that the measures can be viewed in the Overview report?
How do I install a results repository for versions of SilkPerformer since 2006?
How do I install SilkEssentials Peoplesoft 2.3 with SilkPerformer 2006?
How Do I install the ShopitV60 application on my local machine and access it via the browser ?
How do I install the WAP sample application ?
How do I integrate third party dlls into my Silk Performer script, and are there examples of integration of potentially useful functions from the Win32 API?
How do I interpret the measurements (Source, Value, Factor, Avg, Count, Min, Max, Sum and Std) in Performance Explorer?
How do I know if I need to increase the number of table elements in a COM Array?
How do I launch Developer Workbench for SilkPerformer 7.3.1 and 2006
How do I load a WSDL/DLL into SilkPerformer .Net Explorer?
How do I load XML data as input of a Web Service?
How do I manually uninstall SilkPerformer if the uninstaller tool gets corrupted?
How do I maximize the number of SilkPerformer Virtual Users that I can run on my machine?
How do I monitor a server in a remote location?
How do I monitor Apache Web Server running on Windows?
How do I monitor IBM WebSphere Application Server versions 3.5 and 4.0, and what are the typical Performance measures?
How do I monitor MSSQL 2008 using Server Analysis Module?
How do I monitor SUN GlassFish Server?
How do I monitor VMWARE ESX server using SilkPerformer Performance Explorer?
How Do I Monitor Weblogic Using SNMP ?
How do I overcome the "warning WAR 40 : include file not found in specified directory" and a "Limitation error RES 15" when compiling a script?
How do I overcome the error "PDH: 3000 - The specified object is not found on the system" when monitoring SilkPerformer Agent and Controller measures in Performance Explorer?
How do I prevent getting Sentinel service error message in my event viewer when trying to start or after starting Silkperformer?
How do I prevent my page timer names being recorded as binary data in Silk Performer?
How do I prevent SilkPerformer 2007 from crashing when I use the "New Transaction" or "New Function" BDF script Wizard?
How do I randomize connection speed and browser simulation in Performer?
How do I randomize the message ID that Microsoft Outlook/ Express assigns to each new message that it sends to enable replay of my script?
How do I record a script from a client installed on a Unix only environment?
How do I record against Emulators from the YoSpace product suite?
How do I record an application that runs from the command line and requires arguments?
How do I record from the Nokia WAP Toolkit?
How do I record IIOP traffic that is produced by a Chordiant application?
How do I reference a BDH file in SilkPerformer which is located in a non-standard directory?
How do I reinstall Silk Performer Performance Counters required for monitoring in Performance Explorer?
How do I reset my product levels in the sample Shopit application?
How do I reset SilkPerformer GUI customizations back to default settings?
How do I reset the view to default in SilkPerformer?
How do I resolve "Error 1095. Module .... ISilkPerformerUser.tlb failed to unregister. HRESULT" when trying to uninstall SilkPerformer?
How do I resolve a "Communication Error 21" when using OraFormsLovFind while running an Oracle Froms 12i script?
How do I resolve Citrix Windows Synchronization errors?
How do I resolve Silk Performer not loading when I double click the short cut?
How do I resolve the "Error: 1316. A network error occurred" when trying to install the Person1 sample application that ships with SilkPerformer 2008?
How do I resolve the dynaTrace diagnostics error, "license locked to different machine or license number mismatch"?
How do I resolve the error " Winsock 10048 - Only one usage of each socket address"?
How do I resolve the error "com.segue.monitoring.jmx.common.exception.RtException: Unable to connect " when attempting to monitor Weblogic using JMX?
How do I resolve the error "ComCreateObject(COM Replay: 202 - Error creating COM object., "Access is denied".
How do I resolve the error "compile error SYN 1: "BENCHMARK" expected" on my "@codepage" function when compiling a SilkPerformer 2007 Web script in a previous version?
How do I resolve the error "Could not start Java Hooking Engine, reason: Java Recording requires the minimum version 1.2 of the JVM" ?
How do I resolve the error "Could not write registry entry" when setting up a SilkPerformer Reporter Repository?
How do I resolve the error "Error MmsParseMms RT: 49 - Invalid Parameter in API call, no data!" ?
How do I resolve the error "File Error" when trying to open a .pat configuration file in a Citrix project?
How do I resolve the error "LoadtestController: 3317 - The virtual user"s process terminated." when running a streaming media loadtest?
How do I resolve the error "No return status or output parameters will be returned from this stored procedure unless you use only parameter markers to pass parameter values" when calling a stored proc
How do I resolve the error "OraForms: 35 - Waiting for an application timer or to expire timed out"?
How do I resolve the error "OraFormsSetWindow(OraForms: 5 - Handler not found, ......)" that occurs when I replay my Oracle forms script?
How do I resolve the error "RESERR:1019 - File handle is 0"?
How do I resolve the error "SilkPerformer virtual output queue is full. Further requests will be ignored"?
How do I resolve the error "System: 1219 - Multiple connections to a server or shared resource be the same user, using more than one username, are not allowed." when trying to monitor a remote server?
How do I resolve the error "Virtual User Container Error Runtime: 117 - External Function: can not load external function" received when trying to replay WAP scripts after upgrading to SilkPerformer 2007?
How do I resolve the error "WebEngine: 13 - The connection closed gentle or timed out, but earlier than expected" when load testing a Remedy application?
How do I resolve the error - JavaCreateJavaVM - Native 1007 - Java Exception, Can"t load JVM v1.3,
How do I resolve the Error 1603: Fatal Error During Installation when installing SilkPerformer?
How do I resolve the error message "Assertion failed! Program: C:\Borland\SilkPerformer 2006\Performer.exe File: .\src\String.cpp Line:66 Expression: 0 <=0 && idx < (int) muStrLen" when running a load
How do I resolve the error OraFormsConnect(OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., class Connection refused: when testing Oracle Apps 12i at Servlet mode on replay?
How do I resolve the error Security: 185 - no cipher match, SSLContextget?
How do I resolve the error ToEncoding(RT: 77 - String conversion failed?
How do I resolve the fact that StrSearchDelimited function does not return data if the "str_search_ignore_whitespaces" parameter is used?"
How do I resolve the runtime error "JavaUserInit Native: 1007 - Java Exception, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ClientUser, Framework: JavaUserInit" when running a Java Frameworks script with one or more agent machines?
How do I resolve the Silk Performer error message, "The following plug-in couldn't be loaded, BorlandServerTrace- The Directory doesnt contain expected Files!".
How do I resolve WebPageStoreContext(WebEngine: 9 - Invalid handle., context not valid anymore!) when using WebBrowserReset(WEB_RESET_ALL)?
How do I resolved the warning "Could not find main class; Program will exit." when opening SilkPerformer after a Silent install on a 64bit system?
How do I restore the Menu Tool Bar in Performance Explorer?
How do I retrieve the value when an external DLL only returns a pointer to a memory location?
How do I schedule a number of loadtests with different workload definitions to run automatically e.g. over night or at the weekend? I want to run the same script, but in different scenarios, e.g. peak time vs. quiet time.
How do I schedule load tests with SilkPerformer?
How do I see data per VUser (errors, data, transactions etc) in the output pane during a loadtest?
How do I select different measures in Performance Explorer"s "Find Root Cause" feature?
How do I set more than one command line option using the JavaSetOption function?
How do I set up a test to run with multiple profiles?
How do I set up a test workload so that the arrival rate remains constant at x transactions per second
How do I set up a test workload so that the arrival rate remains constant at x transactions per second in versions of SilkPerformer prior to 6.5?
How do I set up an application profile to record my Java application?
How do I set up an application profile to record my Oracle application?
How do I set up an application profile to record my SAPGUI application?
How do I setup and populate the sample database in MSDE to use with the Person1 application?
How do I specify the verification executed during replay?
How do I stop images being requested from the server?
How do I stop Silk Performer from automatically opening the last project I worked on?
How do I stop the error: "Error Agent - Loadtest controller: 3443 - command data timed out" occurring?
How do I suppress the following ODBC error:OraExec Native: 1001 - Oracle Error, OEXFET: ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero.
How do I switch between the Japanese and English versions of SilkPerformer 2008 R2?
How do I troubleshoot SSL issues?
How do I turn off Performance Explorer's automatic results loading when running the test from the command line?
How do I uninstall a SilkPerformer agent which was installed using PerfRsManager?
How do I use SAM to monitor a server located behind a firewall?
How do I use SilkPerformer 6.0's PDCE scripts to display real-time monitoring?
How do I workaround a Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/forms/engine/runform message when recording Oracle forms 11i application?
How do I write out the captured server response if it contains a string with terminating characters?
How do new users checkout a project from Source Code Control?
How do ODBC placeholders differ from OCI placeholders?
How do the dclparam and var sections differ in BDL?
How do the new features in SilkPerformer 2008 improve the testing of Remedy Web ARS?
How do we simulate multiple IP addresses of virtual users when running WAP loadtest?
How do you modify the HTTP Referer header?
How do you set the Random Think Time values?
How do you write Monitor Server data out to a TSD file and combine it with load test data ?
How does a WAIT statement affect the number of Active Virtual Users during a test.
How does licensing work for GUI-Level testing?
How does Performance Explorer monitor an Apache server on Linux?
How does Silk Performer behave during a LoadTest if the network connection between the MMC and Agent is temporarily broken?
How does Silk Performer handle a "cache-control: no-cache" http header?
How does Silk Performer handle JavaScript code of a Web Application during replay?
How does Silk Performer handle output from third-party plug-ins?
How does Silk Performer measure agent health during a test run for multi-processor agents?
How does SilkPerformer calculate the exponential distribution for thinktime?
How does SilkPerformer database functions allow calling a stored procedure which is located within a package?
How does SilkPerformer deal with load balancing in a Citrix environment?
How does SilkPerformer decide when to script SQL_FETCH_ALL versus specifying a certain number of rows?
How does SilkPerformer handle clientside javascript during recording at HTML/HTTP mode?
How does SilkPerformer handle cookies?
How does SilkPerformer measure verification against the Remedy ARS web client?
How does SilkPerformer simulate different modem speeds and compression?
How does SilkPerformer use the cache or simulate browser caches?
How does single threaded mode affect asynchronous script execution in SilkPerformer?
How Does the "Enable persistent-cookie recording for returning user simulation" setting in Active Profile work?
How does the "Preferred DOM attribute" option within Web (Browser Driven) Record settings work?
How does the "User Behavior" settings affect DNS Lookup in Silk Performer?
How does the fWait parameter work in Silk Performer functions such as WebUrl?
How does the licensing for Citrix load testing work?
How does the new Normalization feature in SilkPerformer 2008 R2 work and what does it show?
How does the setting "Number of Users per Process" work?
How does the SilkPerformer recorder generate test scripts?
How does the TrueLog Explorer decide which internal mode to launch during a TryScript?
How I can stop the dynaTrace diagnostics server?
How is an Infrastructure monitor created using SilkPerformer 6.0.1?
How is caching simulated in SilkPerformer?
How is it possible to use more than a two key combination for CitrixKey i.e.Ctrl-Shift-X?
How is responsiveness calculated on agent machines?
How is the number of users per process calculated when "Automatic Calculation" is selected?
How is the position of the cursor determined when recording or replaying Green Screen scripts?
How many Citrix vusers can I run on each agent?
How many concurrent users can I can run in SilkPerformer Lite?
How many GUI-Level virtual users can I concurrently execute from a single instance of Windows Terminal Server?
How many SAPGUI vusers can I run on each agent?
How much memory do I need for each Virtual User
How should I configure my project to record and replay XML / SOAP over HTTP?
How to change the location of the temp folders on Silk Performer Agent machines
How to change the name which appears in the TrueLog for each API call?
How to configure an ODBC test with SilkPerformer Agents using NT Database Authentication on SQL Server.
How to configure Silk Performer to record using a proxy
How to convert the SilkPerformer Overview Report (.tsd format) to HTML or XML format
How to create CSV files using ODBC connections
How to customize a database ODBC script in Silk Performer (Video)
How to enable Raw Measure Data Capturing for particular measure types or single measures.
How to extract jar files for java over http applications for recording.
How to I customize the Ora8SetBinary functions scripted for parameters of SQLT_NUM data type?
How to I determine the number of elements in an Array of strings?
How to install and activate a license for dynaTrace Diagnostics.
How to overwrite data from a specific column in an external data file within Silk Performer
How to perform data customization/parameterization in GUI level testing (SilkTest integration)?
How to record the SAP NetWeaver Business Client at the HTTP level
How to Remotely Monitor an Oracle Database via V$SYSSTAT in Silk Performance Explorer
How to save a file expressed in binary in the digest to the disk using WebParseDataBoundEx function.
How to set up Silk Performer to record sending an Email via SMTP
How to Take Screenshots in a Silk Performer Browser-driven Project
HTML source is displayed as binary data in the In-data and Source tabs of TrueLog Explorer.
HTTP 1015 - The authentication method requested is not supported RespHdrGetHdr
I am having problems using WebVerifyData with the WEB_FLAG_RULE parameter.
I am trying to record a script but no functions get recorded in Silk Performer's recorder.
I cannot completely uninstall Silk Performer via Control Panel. What can I do?
I cannot type 00 in the hours, minutes and seconds field when using the remerge wizard in Performance Explorer ?
I have a NVDesk32 Video driver installed on my machine and when trying to record a web based application I get 0 functions in the Recorder, what is the cause ?
I have already installed SilkPerformer Enterprise Edition do I also need to install SilkPerformer Component Test Edition?
I have Aventail software installed on my machine and when trying to record a web based application I get 0 functions in the Recorder, what is the cause ?
I have Babylon Translation software installed on my machine and when trying to record a web based application I get 0 functions in the Recorder, what is the cause ?
I have Google Toolbar installed on my machine and when trying to record a web based application I get 0 functions in the Recorder, what is the cause ?
I have Net Medic software installed on my machine and when trying to record a web based application I get 0 functions in the Recorder, what is the cause ?
I have Netinstaller software installed on my machine and when trying to record a web based application I get 0 functions in the Recorder, what is the cause ?
I have parsed an entire page and written it to the output (.wrt) file, but it appears as rendered HTML instead of the source code, why?
I have Penicillin AntiVirus software installed on my machine and when trying to record a web based application I get 0 functions in the Recorder, what is the cause ?
I have set the installation directory of the Java Virtual Machine in my system settings so why do I still see the error "Could not start Java Hooking Engine, reason: Can't load JVM"?
I have Zoftech Spectacle software installed on my machine and when trying to record a web based application I get 0 functions in the Recorder, what is the cause ?
I upgraded my controller and I am seeing this error when running tests, "RESERR: 154 - Wrong BEX file format, the specified bex file is no valid executable file"
Identify the Citrix Client version being used.
If a certain condition is met how can I send an email using my script?
If a server resets a connection, is the connection registered as a new "Connects Successful" in the overview report?
If functions are imported from an external DLL into a BDL script, does Silk Performer only load the external DLL once?
If I am unable to monitor a Server using the SSH.sep SilkEssential how can I confirm if there is a problem with the connection?
If I delete all the installed SNMP files, will SilkPerformer run successfully?
If I do not have SilkMeter installed on my local installation of SilkPerformer how can I check the number of free licenses available on a remote SilkMeter Server prior to running a loadtest?
If I encounter an unhandled Win32 exception in SilkPerformer why is it being raised in the "Visual Studio Just-in-time" debugger tool instead of the Dr.Watson log?
If I enter a relative start time greater than 24 hours why does SilkPerformer not start counting down from the time I entered?
If I have multiple profiles created how do I select a particular profile so that it can be assigned to a Script/Usergroup during a loadtest?
If I have one registry key that needs to have differing values how can this be achieved without having to manually edit the value each time.
If I record the downloading and saving of files to disk does Silk Performer simulate this on replay ?
If I use the WapHeaderAdd function to set a request header, why does the returned value get split into different strings?
If MSDE is installed before SilkPerformer what steps are required to configure MSDE for use as a SilkPerformer Results Repository ?
If my agent crashes or hangs during a test can I still retrieve the results ?
If my application is not thread safe is there any specific setting I need to change in SilkPerformer to load test it?
If my application uses more than one process can it still be recorded ?
If no filepath is set within SilkPerformer's FOpen function, where will the file be written to when the script is run?
If using agents in my COM / ADO test do I need to have my client software installed on my agent machine ?
If you have a server certificate which has a .cer extension how do I convert it to a certificate with a .pem extension so that it can be imported into the Silk Performer Recorder ?
IIOP script reports "WinSock: 10054 - Connection reset by peer, hostname:port".
Imported security certificates need to be imported again if using a different version of Silk Performer
Importing the Silk Performer SSL certificates into a java keystore for recording secure Java Applications
Improving the clarity of your load test results data storage
Improving the clarity of your Silk Performer .bdf scripts
Improving the usability and reusability of your scripts
In a MAPI script, where do I get and define the Exchange Server?
In Java Explorer how can I use the return value of a method call as the input parameter for a subsequent method call?
In Performance Explorer can I change the credentials of an existing server being monitored?
In Performance Explorer is there a way of changing the name of the monitor graph(s) ?
In Silk Performer 2007, why might my monitor interval automatically switch back to 1 when I am collecting data in Performance Explorer?
In SilkMeter can I combine 2 or more SilkPerformer licenses in order to increase the number of virtual users I can run in a load test?
In SilkPerformer 2008 R2 why is only one agent used in a load test when I have more available?
In SilkPerformer 2008R2, what advantages are offered by Performance Explorer"s new "normalized" function?
In the Active Profile, is the number of Connect Attempts dependant on the Send Timeout Number?
In the Outline Project section what is the role of the Application Type and what do the applications mean in regards to the introduction of SilkEssenitals.
In the Performance Explorers TSD graphs what does the factor column represent?
In the radius.bdh file, it states that Radius Vendor Specific Attributes (VSA"s) cannot be set. Is this correct?
In the Replay log why do I see the symbol "$" in the OutHdr when it should be "¤tBalance"?
In the TrueLog Explorer statistics tab, what is the difference between "Conditional cache hit" and "full cache hits" against an image file?
In the TrueLog Explorer what is the difference between 'Analyze Test - Compare Your Test Run' and 'Customize Session Handling - Find Differences'?
In the workload configuration window, in what order are the scripts to be executed listed ?
In TrueLog Explorer why do I receive the message "Error compiling XML with XSL - system cannot find the resource specified" when I click on the Statistics tab?
In-depth test Analysis
In-depth Workflow Overview (multiple videos)
Including server-side measures like CPU utilization in the Overview Report
Incorrect proxy IP address detected for recording a mobile device
Incorrect specification of opening and closing brackets( ) within WebXmlParseNodeAttribute function when parsing from TrueLog Explorer leading to a compile error
Increasing timeout for Iiop requests
Information for custom timers is different depending on whether you view the TSD File or the Overview Report.
Install Silk Performer
Install the Borland CA certificate on a mobile device to enable recording over a secure connection
Install the SilkPerformer 7.0 .NET Add-In?
Installer User Interface Mode Not Supported.
Installing a Standalone license file (video)
Installing licenses in SilkMeter (video)
Installing SilkMeter (Video)
Instructions on how to install OraFormsOnMessageGet search functions
Interactive test summaries
Intermittent SAPGUI windows
Introduction to GUI Level Testing (video)
Introduction to SilkPerformer's GUI-Level feature
IP multiplexing - how can I exclude specific IP addresses from within a chosen range?
ipfw dummynet network emulator
Is a new license required for Siebel or Peoplesoft SilkEssentials when using Silk Performer 7.1?
Is Browser-level API recording supported for use with Silk Performer Diagnostics?
Is Citrix replay possible via terminal service?
Is is possible to compare two TrueLogs of the same type (record or replay) in TrueLog Explorer?
Is is possible to perform typecast operations in Java Explorer?
Is it possible export all results from a Cross LoadTest report?
Is it possible for .NET Explorer to omit sending a parameter or object as part of a method call?
Is it possible for SilkPerformer to replay HTTP traffic as HTTPS without modifying my script ?
Is it possible to access Global Variables across multiple virtual users?
Is it possible to access the default value specified in a Project Attribute through the script?
Is it possible to append virtual users at runtime in a loadtest?
Is it possible to archive Silk Performer Projects from command line?
Is it possible to automate session handling during the recording process when testing AMF3 applications?
Is it possible to break a page-based web script into multiple transactions without losing session information?
Is it possible to calculate the Median response time for my measures ?
Is it possible to call variables from a BDH file and if so what is their scope?
Is it possible to change SilkPerformer project attributes via command line?
Is it possible to change the default input parameter values settings in .Net Explorer for all projects?
Is it possible to change the results repository folder numbering system, or change the actual name of a loadtest folder?
Is it possible to change the Silk Performer project directory for all user accounts on the same machine?
Is it possible to compare the values in an array with values from a csv file?
Is it possible to configure a Workload Model that executes a Script once only; and test completes without executing any further transactions?
Is it possible to configure Performance Explorer to store TSD results in intervals of less than 10 seconds?
Is it possible to configure SilkPerformer to select different web server hostnames for different users during a test?
Is it possible to configure SilkPerformer to simulate users sharing network bandwidth?
Is it possible to convert a baseline line report file to HTML using a command line.
Is it possible to convert a TSD file to CSV file using the command line?
Is it possible to convert CSV files to Time Series Data (TSD) files?
Is it possible to copy the contents of one array into another array?
Is it possible to enable IP multiplexing for a computer which has more than one network card (NIC)?
Is it possible to encrypt login information used in a SilkPerformer script?
Is it possible to exit a Function but continue executing the Transaction?
Is it possible to export a project from SilkPerfomer 2006 R2 and re-Import to SilkPerfomer 2008?
Is it possible to export/import agent configuration settings between Silk Performer controllers?
Is it possible to force stopped virtual users to complete the current transaction?
Is it possible to get a description of the files extensions used in SilkPerformer?
Is it possible to group results based on Agents?
Is it possible to handle reCAPTCHA challenges during a load test?
Is it possible to have server-side measures automatically written to the repository?
Is it possible to include functions from an external DLL that returns value in a structure?
Is it possible to install SilkPerformerV 5.1 and SilkPerformer Developer Edition on the same machine?
Is it possible to load test the downloading of a file from a server via the SSH-based SFTP (secure file transfer) protocol?
Is it possible to loadtest a Bharosa Authenticator Application which uses a randomized keypad?
Is it possible to loadtest a Citrix server through ICA Client and NFuse simultaneously?
Is it possible to loadtest a Mainframe computer using SilkPerformer?
Is it possible to modify the default view theme of Silk Performer?
Is it possible to modify the severity of SYSTEM errors using the ErrorAdd function?
Is it possible to monitor a zOS server with Server Analysis Module?
Is it possible to monitor performance measures from individual databases on SQL Server?
Is it possible to monitor performance metrics for MySQL database?
Is it possible to monitor processes which are not running at the start of the LoadTest but start dynamically during the test?
Is it possible to monitor throughput in real time using Performance Explorer?
Is it possible to obtain load test results from a test execution if no m@tsd (merged) file was generated?
Is it possible to open the Centura Report file on a different machine and with other applications ?
Is it possible to read the contents of a file in segments and then write this to a different location?
Is it possible to reboot a server from BDL?
Is it possible to record an FTP transaction using Filezilla?
Is it possible to record an Oracle 10G application when a dll used by the application is not in the OCI client library list?
Is it possible to record multiple protocols in SilkPerformer?
Is it possible to record ODBC traffic against SQL Server 2005?
Is it possible to record the OpenWave SDK Casio phone emulator?
Is it possible to replace the default timer names with the absolute URL?
Is it possible to run a DNS query from Silk Performer?
Is it possible to run a TryScript on an agent machine?
Is it possible to send content such as video or audio via MMS?
Is it possible to set the minimum thinktime recorded in a script to a value less than 0.5 seconds or greater than 100 seconds?
Is it possible to specify my own minimum / maximum thinktime range in my script?
Is it possible to specify which sequence .Net Explorer will read data from a CSV data file?
Is it possible to specify which version of SilkPerformer is used to open files if multiple versions are installed?
Is it possible to suspend particular users for a period of time during the test ?
Is it possible to test a Lotus Notes application with Silk Performer?
Is it possible to test a RESTful API with Silk Performer?
Is it possible to test an application that uses NTLM authentication via a proxy with SilkPerformer?
Is it possible to use SilkPerformer scripts to query against a MS Excel file ?
Is it possible to use the ClearCase Source Control provider with SilkPerformer?
Is it possible to view the line number of a script where errors occurred after the test has completed?
Is it possile to edit the virtual user report file (.rpt) in SilkPerformer ?
Is it true that Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 Professional are limited to 10 network connections? How might this impact on my loadtest?
Is Progam Neighborhood Agent (PNAgent.exe) a supported Citrix startup method?
Is Proxy authentication supported for Streaming Media?
Is SilkPerformer compliant with MC/DC - Modified Condition/Decision Coverage?
Is Team Foundation included in the SilkPerformer Source Code Control Integration (SCCI) support?
Is the Sizeof() function necessary for function calls in Silkperformer 6.0?
Is the TrueLog on Error option in SilkPerformer test-wide?
Is there a BDL equivalent to a Java Switch statement?
Is there a complete definition of the row and columns headers exported from a TSD file using the RAW format option.
Is there a Decrease Date function in SilkPerformer?
Is there a function that will take the current time and calculate the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00?
Is there a limit on the number of characters which can be used in a custom timer?
Is there a limit to the file size I can open with Silk Performer TrueLog Explorer?
Is there a list of all the SilkPerformer API Function calls?
Is there a list of SilkPerformer keyboard shortcuts?
Is there a list off all the attributes that may be returned by the function RadGetAttributeNumber?
Is there a OraFormsGetLocalIpAddress function?
Is there a way to add a graph to the Overview Report which shows only a selected time frame from my test?
Is there a way to add all .jar or .zip files to my Java Active Profile classpath setting in one go?
Is there a way to determine which IP address a virtual user is assigned to?
Is there a way to drill down and test every link on a particular page?
Is there a way to run queries directly against MSDE without using SilkPerformer?
Is there additional information on the database values listed in the ranking section of the overview report?
Is there an example of how I can develop an SMTP transaction in SilkPerformer?
Is there an explanation of what the columns under my Performance Explorer graph mean?
Is there any information available in regards to the Scalability of a GUI-Level loadtest executed in SilkPerformer?
Is there any limit to the amount of data that can be written to the Virtual User Output File?
Is there any way I can move the repository contents of MSDE to a different machine, if I have access to Sql Server 7 or above?
Is there any way to convert a hexadecimal string into a regular string ?
Is there support for Oracle Forms standalone client server edition?
Is there way to monitor perfmon based application process by PID in Performance Explorer?
Issue when Parsing a JSON string with Silk Performer 15.0
Issue when running cmd.exe from the Process* functions
Knowledge Doc: A list of Hotfixes for Silk Performer
Knowledge Doc: Error message "PerfLM: 9. Not enough licenses for checkout available" in Silk Performer
License check failed! Checkout for SilkPerformerSOA 15.0 (1) failed
Licensing error when trying to monitor using the Server Analysis Module, even though Silk Performer states a SAM license is available.
Limit on the number of characters for timer names in scripts
Limit to the number of characters results in “Testing connection to SapGui failed” when testing the eCatt connection
Limiting number of users to execute a part of BDL code during the load test
Linux system monitor via SSH
List of supported Popups in SilkPerformer 2011 for Browser Driven Load testing
Load Testing .NET Services
Load Testing Microsoft Technology based E-Business with SilkPerformer
Load Testing Siebel 7 CRM Applications with Silk Performer
Load-Testing i-Mode Applications using SilkPerformer
Loading a WSDL in .Net Explorer reports "Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure."
LoadtestController: 3221 - Could not connect agent
LoadtestController: 3432 - Command <connect> timed out when using "Use Particular User Account"setting to run agent in Silk Performer 9.5
LoadtestController: 3437 - Command <synchronize> timed out
Loadtesting an application if I am unable to record at the protocol level
log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 for Silk Test and Silk Performer
Logging into Oracle Database using OraLogon functionality fails in Silk Performer 18.0
Logging off an agent machine during a loadtest in SilkPerformer
Low Level Web Functionality Recorded in Silk Performer 16.5
Machine can only be started in safe mode after Silk Performer 16.0 installation complete with new Network Emulation driver feature
MapiLogon MAPI: 6 - Mapi Runtime Error., The logon did not succeed, either because one or more of the parameters to MAPILogonEx were invalid or because there were too many sessions open already
Max VUser estimation in SilkPerformer
Maximum length of an acceptable attribute value during a Browser Driven Recording
McAfee Anti-Virus identifying libfreerdp-core.dll as a Malicious file and deleting from System
MeasureSetBound not working with MEASURE_PAGE_PAGETIME type using BDLT
MeasureSetBound RT: 16 - Invalid parameter, undefined measure type reported during a TryScript when using the MeasureSetBound function in a Java Framework script
Memory consumption when running Citrix tests in Silk Performer.
Memory Leak in perfRun.exe when running load test against a WebSocket Server
Memory leak on agent machine during browser driven load test
message "Segue Core Components File has encountered a problem and needs to close" when executing a script in SilkPerformer.
Methods of NTLM supported with QALoad
Minimum permissions required to allow the SAM module to monitor PerfMon counters on a Windows Server 2008 Remote System
Missing timers in dynaTrace reports when using BDLT with SilkPerformer 9.0
Mobile App Recording with SilkPerformer and the Windows Phone Emulator
Mobile Web Applications
Monitor report keeps writing after test has finished if multiple reports are used
Monitoring ColdFusion MX on UNIX.
Monitoring is currently only available for the following measure groups when trying to use Performance Explorer
Monitoring Silk Performer 15.0 Controller Measures in Silk Performance Explorer reports Agent data
Monitoring Windows Server 2008 using SilkPerformer Server Analysis Module causes a System 5 - Access denied error
Multiple cookies recorded in the script when testing Remedy 7.6.04 SP5
My agent(s) CPU is at 100% for the duration of my loadtest, what could be the reason for this ?
My Performance Explorer workspace window is larger than my screen resolution how can I re-size it?
New SAPGUI replay enhancements in Silk Performer 2009R2
New: Silk Performer Accredited Software Professional (SLK200)
No Azure CloudBurst agents are listed in the Cloud Agent Manager
No BDLT authentication function recorded for NTLM authenticated application
No Citrix functions recorded when using the Citrix Desktop Viewer
No results are returned during replay of my ODBC script, how can I resolve this?
No TrueLog images for GUI Level test
NULL DATA and PDCE: 701 - Query for Ltci performance counter update failed
odbc 64 bit system dsn
ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, 42000 (4060) : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open database "DatabaseName"
On a multi-processor machine how does Silk Performer calculate the Agent Health CPU usage?
On replay of my Citrix script the simulation appears to show that text is entered with the CAPSLOCK key pressed.
On replay of my MAPI script, how do I resolve the error message: "MapiGetMessage(MAPI: 6 - Mapi Runtime Error., An invalid message identifier was passed in the lpszMessageID parameter)" or " Invalid M
On replay of my script the value of a variable is modifyied unexpectedly, how can I resolve this?
On replay why am I getting an error "HTTP: 1014 - WWW-Authenticate header is missing but status code was 401., RespHdrGetHdr " ?
On replay why do I get an error "OdbcExecDirect (ODBC:5-ODBC error,42000(0):[Oracle][ODBC]Syntax error or access violation)"?
On replay why do I get an error "WebUrl(HTTP: 1023 - image or applet was not loaded., "path/imagename.gif")"?
On replay why do I get the error "WebTcpipConnect(WinSock: 10061 - Connection refused,")?
On replay why do I receive the error "CitrixEngine: 33 - LogScreen failed"?
Only one rendered Web page for a 'TrueLog on Error' file when using BDLT
Opening LoadTest results is very slow. What might cause this behaviour?
Opening the open 32-bit Windows Performance Monitor (PerfMon) on a 64-bit machine
Optical character recognition (OCR) does not work for multibyte characters.
Optimizing load for load test agents
Options available if WebTcpipRecvProtoEx and WebTcpipRecvUntil are not suitable to replace WebTcpipRecvExact
Oracle driver missing when connecting to database
Oracle Forms script fails with the error “OraFormsConnect(OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException port out of range:-1”
OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., The function call timed out
OraFormsConnect(OraForms 21 : Communication error...) reported on replay of Silk Performer script?
OraFormsConnect(OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., class java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error: the trustAnchors parameter must be non-emptysun.reflect.Native.....)
OraFormsConnect(OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., class Received fatal alert: handshake_failuresun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method).
OraFormsVerifyListValue(Native: 1002 - Java Exception, Native Error 12: java.lang.NullPointerException)
OraLogon encrypted or project attribute set passwords get shown as clear text in the replay TrueLog
Page size increases with load
Page size of a “java-over-http” incorrect in TrueLog Explorer statistic tab
Parameter Wizard - Customize Value option within Silk Performer selects entire json data field to customize, as opposed to a specific section
Parse data from a string in reverse direction.
Parsing Response data from TrueLog Explorer is unsuccessful. What is the cause?
Parsing XML attribute values within TrueLog Explorer is unsuccessful.
Passing data to a 'Silk4x' (Silk4J, Silk4NET) test case during a GUI-Level test
Password created during the remote agent setup is not recognized in Silk Performer 2011
PDCE errors when monitoring my remote SAP Server with SAM
PDCS error 402 and 401 result in no measures being returned when using vmstat to monitor a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
PDH: 3000 - The specified object is not found on the system
Percentiles data is lost after remerging the load test results
Performance Explorer 6.5.1 reports a busy status and maxes out the CPU of my machine, when I try to edit my PEW file via the option Edit credentials for host.
Performance Explorer closes with ‘Evaluation Period Expired’ message
Performance Explorer crashes when trying to monitor Oracle database measures using SNMP?
Performance Explorer displays "PDCE 2 Data collection did not finish at a given interval" during monitoring?
Performance Explorer fails to connect to WebLogic due to a timeout
Performance Explorer reports "TSD: 3 - Unexpected end of time series file".
Performance Object list is disabled in Silk Performance Explorer
Performance Testing Primer
Performing File Uploads in Silk Performer Web Based Scripts.
Playback of SilkPerformer 4.x test gets performance data error "The library file "...SilkPerformer 3.5\PerfPD.dll" ... could not be opened."
Popup windows are not closing when using Browser Driven Load Testing with visible mode enabled
Possibility of changing the results to another directory on the Controller.
Possibility of running tests with Cloudburst agents from command line
Potential issues with Windows "Automatic Update" on loadtest machines
Preferred DOM attribute
Present your own server certificate rather than the Borland certificate to the client during recording of secure traffic?
Prevent SilkPerformer Browser Application using Internet Explorer compatability view
Prevent the results of timers from two different scripts being merged
Printing the contents of a table in a Browser-Driven test
Processes to hook for recording Microfocus Mainframe and AS400 Rumba 8.0 traffic.
Product Support Matrix - dynaTrace Diagnostics 2.5.2
Product Support Matrix - SilkPerformer 2006 Release 2
Product Support Matrix - SilkPerformer 2008 R2
Product Support Matrix - SilkPerformer 2009
Product Support Matrix - SilkPerformer SOA Edition 2008
Product Support Matrix - SilkPerformer SOA Edition 2008 R2
Product Support Matrix - SilkPerformer SOA Edition 2009
Product Support Matrix - SilkPerformer SOA Edition 2011
Protocol used by Performance Explorer when monitoring Perfmon counters on a remote machine.
Proxy record an application that does not have proxy support
Proxy record Rumba with Silk Performer.
RaiseError message parameter limitations
Raising an error when the last timer is too high using Silk Performer
Randomize surfing through a web application?
Reading and Verifying DOM Elements on a Page Using Silk Performer
Reason for the error "WebEngine: 106 - the browser configuration file was not found., .\browsers.xml"
Recommended Browser and Operating System Settings for Browser-Driven Testing
Record a native mobile application with Silk Performer
Record an application which uses Java Web Start?
Record and Replay an Application in Silk Performer
Record ODBC Query Tool Traffic with Silk Performer (Video)
Record traffic from SOAPUI using Silk Performer
Recording 64-bit applications with Silk Performer
Recording a Corba based application reports the following error in the record log when loading IDL files "idlcpp.exe: : Bad file descriptor".
Recording Internet Explorer 64 bit
Recording Mobile Apps on the Android Emulator with Silk Performer
Recording of browser traffic does not work if a browser window is already open.
Recording or replaying certain SAP transactions causes a spike in CPU or hang of the SAPGUI client
Recording rule to force the replacement of a form field value with a variable without parsing
Recording SAPGUI with Silk Performer
Recording the Safari browser with Silk Performer
Recording using a Web browser on a PC (video)
Recording with a Device-Emulator (video)
Recording with a Mobile Device (video)
Reducing the amount to data transferred at one time from the Agents to the Controller after a test
Registry key associated with TrueLog Explorer not showing directly after Silk Performer installation
Regular expression fails in Silk Performer but succeeds in .Net explorer?
Relationship between active users and concurrent connections
Releasing memory used by the Browser Application when replaying transactions at BDLT level
Remote Agent Connection
Remote host of Silk Performer's Cloud Agent Manager
Remove all occurrences of a character in a String value
Replace the default timer names with absolute URLs
Replacing characters in binary string data
Replay error "OdbcFetch(ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, SL009 (0) : [Microsoft][ODBC Cursor Library] No columns were bound prior to calling SQLFetchScroll/SQLExtendedFetch)".
Replay of Oracle Forms script generates the application error "Cannot complete applications logon. You may have entered an invalid applications password, or there may have been a database connect error."
RESERR: 1016 - Cannot find data file, File: xxxxx, Reason: SYSTEM: 2 - The system cannot find the file specified
Resolve error ‘Hooking not properly configured, Failed to read registry entry: software\microsoft\windows nt\currentVersion\windows\appinit_dlls’ on a 64 bit OS
Resolve the error "RESERR: 173 - Error re-allocating memory, close some applications or increase virtual memory on your computer, FileCSVLoadGlobal" or "Virtual Memory not enough"
Resolve the error message "Loadtest Controller - 3223: Agent connection lost".
Resolve the error “Native: 1002 - Java Exception, Can't start JVM v1.2, reason: Can't load JVM v1.6” when Java path is set correctly
Resolve the Recorder Error "Could not load OrbClient functions" in SilkPerformer 2006 R2
Resolving ? characters appearing in the TrueLog Explorer menu
Resolving the error “BrowserEngine: 31 - Cannot close window”
Retrieve information about an array of strings.
Retrieving Silk Performer test results from CloudBurst Agents (Video)
Return the facility, or severity, of an error as a string value instead of a number
Returning a timestamp in milliseconds
Row pointer does not update for users when using FileCSVLoadGlobal
Rule-Based Recording in Silk Performer
Rule-Based Recording with SilkPerformer V 5.1
Run a SilkPerformer loadtest from the command line or from a batch file.
Run more than 30 virtual users from one SilkPerformer agent for a Citrix load test
Running a Citrix load test results in an error stating, "Error number 2306"
Running a Try-Script starts a loadtest instead.
Running a TryScript for more than one Virtual user
Running non-keyword driven Silk4J Unit Tests on a single session using Silk Performer(Video)
Running sample Bank Java Framework bank example
Runtime errors occur when concatenating more than one string in a script?
Sample Code - How to print the contents of a table using a BDLT project
SAP client runs slower during the record process?
SAPGUI replay with Silk Performer
SapRouterString information as used by SapGuiOpenConnection.
Saving CORBA objects in SilkPerformer for subsequent use in replay
Search for a value in a CSV file and return the row number it is contained in.
Section of URL excluded from WebPageUrl and BrowserNavigate calls during Replay if Standardhost specified
SEM207: different types of actual parameters and formal parameters' compilation error returned for CitrixWaitForText() function in Silk Performer 10.0
Sending Event Based Email Notifications in Silk Performer
Server analysis module
Set TrueLog Explorer to automatically expand the nodes of a XML file at startup?
Setting the screen resolution for GUI-Level testing
Shared Data Files stored on a local location when importing a project
Sharing Reports with non-Silk Performer users
ShopIt does not work on 64-bit operating systems
Should I enable the Performance switches "/PAE and /3GB" on a machine running SilkPerformer?
Should I select "Whole Pages" or "HTML documents" in TrueLog when finding differences in AMF3 projects?
Should I use multiple transactions or custom functions when testing PeopleSoft?
Should I use the Jinitiator runtime when replaying my Oracle Forms script in Silk Performer?
Showing parsed data in TrueLog Explorer.
Showing warnings and informational severity messages in overview report
Silent Install of Silk Performer (video)
Silk Performance Explorer 9.5 / 10.0 crashes when trying to monitor SUN JVM Performance Measures
Silk Performance Explorer is not displaying vmstat data from Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.1
Silk Performance Manager Security Bulletin on CVE-2020-1938 – Important
Silk Performer - Active Profile Proxy Exceptions
Silk Performer - Functional Tests for Load Testing
Silk Performer 15.0 Gui-Level Testing with Silk4J and Silk4NET
Silk Performer 15.0 Transaction and Session Pacing
Silk Performer 15.5 and 15.0 Browser Driven support for Internet Explorer 10
Silk Performer 16.0 Cloudburst Enhancements.
Silk Performer 16.0 introduces UAC compliant Citrix record and replay.
Silk Performer 18.5 Workbench hangs and crashes
Silk Performer 2009R2 remote agent install fails with the error “PerfOrb: 23 - The connection could not be established"
Silk Performer 9.0 crashes when opening projects from an earlier version
Silk Performer 9.5 compilation error “Compile error SYN124: unexpected token in this section” after using Customize Value wizard
Silk Performer 9.5 fails to record on Windows 2003 64bit with "Could not connect to Recorder on localhost at port 19105."
Silk Performer 9.5 Plugin does not appear in Eclipse after installation
Silk Performer 9.5 reports WebPageForm(WebEngine: 100 - Uncompressing content failed., internal error-code: -3)
Silk Performer Agent counters report NULL values on 64bit machines.
Silk Performer BDLT fails with the error BrowserClick(BrowserEngine: 29 - UI element not found).
Silk Performer Browser Application unable to track Web Page Object
Silk Performer cannot record applications when secure boot is enabled.
Silk Performer Citrix Recorder reports "You need at least version 7 of the Citrix COM client installed" when recording my Citrix application?
Silk Performer converting serialized binary to XML (JoHttp).
Silk Performer CPU affinity.
Silk Performer crashes when trying to access the Index tab in the On-Line help.
Silk Performer Custom Keywords.
Silk Performer does not record Rumba AS400 sessions.
Silk Performer fails to open after installation
Silk Performer freezes, hangs or shows strange GUI behavior when accessed via RDP.
Silk Performer GUI windows and toolbars have become undocked - how do I fix this?
Silk Performer Gui-Level tests failing with SYSTEM: 10054 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
Silk Performer Help does not load as the primary Window
Silk Performer installation log directory
Silk Performer installer hangs during installation on 32 Bit Operating System via Remote Desktop
Silk Performer integration with Borland ServerTrace to perform in-depth J2EE monitoring.
Silk Performer memory footprint overhead by application type.
Silk Performer OracleForms Vusers get stuck in ‘Executing’ status
Silk Performer recorder does not close.
Silk Performer Recorder Message "PerfHK_NameXX registry key not being found"?
Silk Performer reports "GUI-Level Testing Replay: 7 - Application could not be launched"
Silk Performer reports "Webengine: 42-operation timed out, received second attempt"?
Silk Performer reports DOTNET: 3 - Loading object throw exception!
Silk Performer sample code for SapGuiSelectComboBoxEntry does not return entries
Silk Performer security vulnerability with XML Parser, OpenSSL and Java
Silk Performer Silk4J reports a class was not found during a Gui-level test.
Silk Performer support for NTLMv2.
Silk Performer support for RTSP.
Silk Performer support for Streaming Media
Silk Performer support for VMware virtual environments.
Silk Performer user simulation.
Silk Performer versions which support Cloudburst
Silk Performer videos
Silk Performer with Server Name Indication.
Silk Performer"s Citrix OCR is recognizing some fonts incorrectly, how can I resolve this?
Silk Performers recorder sometimes causes a Web Application to fail or to produce application errors during recording.
Silk Product Licensing server.
Silk-Performer 16.5: Unable to create a new VB.NET project in VS2012 after installing SilkPerformer Visual Studio .NET add-on.
Silk4NETInitSession 'The path to MSTest.exe not found'
Silk4XExecuteTestcase GUI-Level Testing Replay: 12 - Virtual user connection client reported, Request failed".
SilkMeter Licensing
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - .Java Support
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - .NET Support
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - ADO/COM Support:
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Citrix Support
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Database Support
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - General
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - GUI-Level Testing Support
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Licensing
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Monitoring
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Oracle Forms Support
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Performance Explorer
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Recorder
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - SAPGUI Support
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Setup
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - SilkCentral Test Manager Integration
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Source Code Control Integration
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Streaming Support
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - TrueLog
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Web Support:
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues - Workbench
SilkPerformer 15.0 Raw data giving invalid type as Measure Type
SilkPerformer 2009 Release - Known Issues
SilkPerformer 2010 R2 Release - Known Issues
SilkPerformer 2011 help files do not appear when pressing F1
SilkPerformer and SHA2 based Client Certificates
SilkPerformer and Sophos Endpoint Protection
SilkPerformer closes at the end of a Peoplesoft loadtest and the overview report does not get generated
SilkPerformer CloudBurst agent support of IP multiplexing
SilkPerformer crashes when attempting to generate the Font Database for Citrix OCR
SilkPerformer hangs when I close the Monitor pane or run a second Try Script ?
SilkPerformer not prompting for load test folder name before test
SilkPerformer not prompting for load test folder with Reporter Tool Installed
SilkPerformer recorder crashes with the error "perfrun.exe Application Error The instruction at "0x6c163026.."."
SilkPerformer replay reports “BrowserEngine: 29 - Invalid locator or DOM element handle”
SilkPerformer SOA Edition Supported Versions
SilkPerformer still referencing evaluation version after license has been imported
SilkPerformer support for JavaScript
SilkPerformer support for Windows 7.
SilkPerformer support of the AMF Streaming Channel
SilkPerformer V16.0 throws Win32 error: 1 ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION once installation is finished
SilkPerformer Visual Studio 2017 extension SPWpfWizzard class error
SilkTest is consuming all licenses during a Gui-Level test.
Silverlight recording fails on replay, binary data in script instead of XML.
Silverlight support in Silk Performer
Simulate a Mozilla Firefox browser on replay?
Simulate a user pressing the browser Stop button or closing the browser completely when loading a page.
Simulating various browsers with Silk Performer (Video)
Sort an array of numbers in Silk Performer.
Specification of Cloudburst Agents
Specify a different client certificate for each virtual user during a load test
Specify hexadecimal and ASCII characters in the WebTcpipRecvUntil function.
Specify SPACE character as right boundary in HTTP parsing recording rule
Specify which DOM attribute names should be used when recording a Browser Driven script
Specifying a negative value for the ThinkTime function
SQL query results do not appear in the TrueLog.
SSH monitoring does not work in Silk Performer 16.0.
SSH monitoring fails in Silk Performer 2010 SP1
Starting loadtest in Silk Performer, 'LoadtestController: 3004 - Memory Allocation Failed' error returned
Starting the recorder reports "Recorder proxy error: Could not start listening on port 8080. There may be another application listening on this port. See log tab for details."
States for the real-time measures tri-state option box.
Still see the error message "Network Emulation: 16 - Network emulation driver not available. Check your installation." after manual installation of the network emulation driver.
sTimer parameter does not work in Silk4JExecuteTestcase and Silk4NETExecuteTestcase.
sTimer parameter of StExecuteTestcase is not included in reports
sToken not getting parsed during Remedy recording
Stop the SAP GUI client from opening during TryScript.
Substitute absolute URLs for variables when the function WebSetStandardHost is not an option
Support for Visual Studio 2013 with Silk Performer
Support for Windows 2003 in Silk Performer 16.0 and later versions
Support Tip: Efficient Test Creation and Test Cycles
Support Tip: HLS (HTTP Live Streaming)
Support Tip: IPv6 Testing
Support Tip: Record ODBC Query Tool Traffic with Silk Performer
Support Tip: Reduce Costs and the Risks of Performance-Related Failures
Support Tip: Server-Side Diagnostics
Supported cryptographic protocols and ciphers within Silk Performer
Supported Eclipse versions for Silk Performers Eclipse Plug-In.
Supressing images during record in Silk Performer
SYSTEM 18 - There are no more files
System Configuration Manager dialog is truncated when display is set to 125%
System.MissingMethodException : Method 'Myclass.MyMethod' not found reported on replay of .Net Framework script
SYSTEM: 2 - The system cannot find the file specified error returned during Agent Connection
TCP/IP functions recorded when recording against a HTTPS application
Test a MS Exchange server sending and receiving emails.
Test shows a status of 'Executing' or 'Thinktime' and never completes in Silk Performer 2011
Test that a property exists before trying a verification in BDLT scripts
Testing Remedy 8.1 with Silk Performer 9.5
Testing support for Remedy ARS 8.1 SP2
Text appearing in Capital letters during Browser Driven Replay
The 'Find Baseline' option is missing from the Silk Performer 2009R2 Workflow Toolbar
The "install.log" file reports, "the process "java_LtcProvider.exe" not found"
The "perfexp.exe" process is not being killed after Performance Explorer is closed - how do I resolve this?
The "SslSetClientCert()" SSL function is always TRUE in Central 3.7 even if the certificate files does not exist
The BrowserGetText function not return the text of a property
The difference between the and operators "AND" and "&" in Silk Performer.
The difference between the or operators "OR" and "|" in Silk Performer?
The File | Generate BDL option is missing in Performance explorer version 6x , so how can I create a BDL monitor in this version?
The new BDLT features in Silk Performer 2011
The OCI replay engine generates an error when replaying a database script
The record.log does not write the hex characters for non-printable characters, how can I resolve this?
The Select Region button of the Citrix Recorder does not allow selection of a region in Silk Performer 2010
The SilkPerformer 6.0 PeopleSoft release notes for state that I should install the SilkPerformerPeopleSoftAddOn.exe, do I still need this ?
The transaction node within an Oracle Forms truelog does not contain any child nodes
The ‘Silk\Shared Files’ folder is installed to ‘C:\Program Files…’ even if I choose to install Silk Performer on a different drive
This program cannot display the webpage when generating Overview Report
Timed out or halted users do not count towards the number required for the rendezvous point of GlobalWaitFor?
TInit Transaction continues to repeat during Test Execution
TM ART Central 4.1 system health monitor fails with 'Monitor was halted or reconfigured. It will be reinitialized at next execution'
Transaction / Session Pacing in Silk Performer 15.5
Troubleshoot JNDI Lookup Errors which occur in Java Explorer.
Troubleshooting errors such as "Winsock 10060 Connection timeout"
Troubleshooting GUI Level Testing
Troubleshooting License Server Communication Issues (Video)
Troubleshooting potential memory leaks in SilkPerformer.
Troubleshooting Remedy applications which use a Security Token Property
Troubleshooting tips when an issue is related to running on a virtual machine
TrueLog Explorer "Customize Session Handling" wizard does not recognize certain session ids.
TrueLog Explorer crashes when animated mode is chosen during an Oracle Forms Try-Script.
TrueLog Explorer crashes when using the "Input-Output-Correlations | Find Differences" feature
TrueLog Explorer crashing and reporting the error "The instruction at "0x00000000" referenced memory at "0x00000000"?
TrueLog Explorer displays the message "SYSTEM:1 Incorrect Function" in Animated Mode.
TrueLog Explorer hangs for several minutes when you use the customize session handling option to customize certain string values, how can I resolve this?
TrueLog Explorer Message: "No more form submissions" when trying to Customise User Data in the TrueLog Explorer
TrueLog Explorer Message: No more form submissions, received when trying to Customise User Data in the TrueLog Explorer
TrueLog Explorer reports that JavaScript is disabled or ignores a NoScript tag
TrueLog Explorer SAP control colors.
TrueLog not running through with Animated Run of TrueLog Explorer
TrueLog on Error - A Visual Click Path to Your Failures
TrueLogs do not render in TrueLog Explorer 2006, how can I resolve this?
Try Script takes a long time to run when loading .jar files?
Try-Script error "IiopRead524(IIOP: 191 - System exception:,".
Try-Script files for each script in a project.
Trying to load a WSDL in Silk Performer 9.0 reports "WSDL: Proxy servers are currently not supported for WFC service import".
Trying to use an agent machine during a browser driven load test causes errors
TryScript "hanging" whilst using BDLT approach in Silk Performer
TryScript causes "ObdcExecute(ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, 37000 (170): [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near "/" "
TSD: 14- Memory allocation failed. The system maybe out of memory
TuffRunner - check out Silk Performer's competition for a good laugh (video)
Turn off generation of the Baseline report when doing a try-script or running a test?
Tutorial Part 1 - Getting started with Silk Performer
Tutorial Part 2 - Getting started with Silk Performer
Tuxedo error "Tux_tpacall(Native: 1009 - Tuxedo ATMI Error, ErrNo 6, TPENOENT - no entry found, service=xxxx, flags=(TPNOREPLY))" during TryScript
Types of Time-Series Data Files
Unable to change the Project name for some Silk Performer Projects after initial creation
Unable to drill down into my custom timers when using Silk Performer Diagnostics.
Unable to edit random data files within Silk Performer 2010.
Unable to install Windows Performance (Perfmon) counters in Silk Performer 2009 and 2009R2
Unable to open Silk Performer Workbench on a Windows Server 2003 system
Unable to open TryScript TrueLog from the Silk Performer Workbench
Unable to progress beyond the Certificate Warning when recording a secure application with Silk Performers Browser Application
Unable to progress beyond the Certificate Warning when recording a secure application with SilkPerformer after applying Windows update
Unable to record HTTPS traffic using SilkPerformer 10 – encountered ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
Unable to retrieve data when using the SSH monitor after a server has been restarted.
Unable to run System Configuration Manager
Unable to start the dynaTrace "GoSpace" demo application after installing Silk Performer Diagnostics 3.5.1
Unable to use the Eclipse debugger after using the JavaSetOption function in a script
Under load conditions why do I encounter the error message "SapGui 1: SapEngine could not initialize virtual user"?
Updating locator strings in BDLT scripts.
Use of InPrivate Browsing when recording Internet Explorer with Silk Performer 15
Use of IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) addresses for IP Multiplexing
Users, Groups and Grants in SilkMeter (Video)
Using a Java Frameworks script how can I use different JDK install paths on different agents?
Using a MAPI script, can I send messages from multiple Outlook profiles at the same time?
Using a recording rule to suppress the scripting of WebCookieSet functions cookies for a particular domain
Using BrowserExecuteJavaScript to solve issues with unrecognized popups
Using BrowserMouseMove to handle expanding menus
Using BrowserNativeClick function in SilkPerformer browser driven load testing
Using CloudBurst VPN on virtual machines.
Using CompareIT to identify dynamic data
Using hooking in recording mobile apps on android emulator with Silk-Performer 16 and later
Using IP address multiplexing with browser driven loadtesting projects
Using MeasureSet function with a Timer increases Count and Measured Values
Using OpenSSL to troubleshoot SSL issues that occur when using Silk Performer
Using OSql how can I change the MSDE password for SA user?
Using ProcDump to generate a crash dump file (video)
Using Random Thinking Time Uniform distribution option in SilkPerformer?
Using recording rules to replace a built in BDL function with a custom wrapper function in a recorded script
Using region mapping to synchronize Citrix script playback in SilkPerformer
Using Silk Performer Diagnostics 'browser agent' for browser diagnostics during a load test
Using Silk4Net scripts within Silk Performer
Using SilkPerformer for testing web applications for mobile devices
Using the BrowserNativeClick function (video)
Using the customization wizard to modify an already created parameter
Using the Customize Session Handling Wizard in TrueLog Explorer (video)
Using the dynaTrace plug-in for Silk Performer to provide in-depth performance and error diagnostics down to the code level for J2EE and .NET applications?
Using the Return Statement, how do I stop a transaction execution on the occurrence of a particular condition?
Using the WebPageStatistics functionality with Low Level Web functions
Using the Windows Problem Step Recorder (video)
Using Trim functions to remove leading spaces or trailing space from a string
Using User Types to get the most from your SilkPerformer scripts
Using wildcards in X-Path queries used by Browser-Driven Web Load Testing functions
Valid CloudBurst VPN configuration
Verification and Parsing with SilkPerformer V
Verification function is not reporting an error when verification fails
Verify DjVu content in web applications automatically.
Verify the correct screen content is displayed during Citrix replay.
Verify the number of items in a combo box when using browser driven load testing
Verifying Silk Performer DLL injection with Process Explorer.
Verifying the size of a download in a browser-driven script
View a function"s code/definition.
View the k-th percentile of a set of measurements with Silk Performer
Viewing PeopleSoft XLG files in TrueLog Explorer does not display some pages in the rendered tab.
Viewing the times for specific Transactions in a monitor graph while the test is running
Virtual user container error *** RESERR: 166 - Cannot load Oracle OCI library OCIW32.DLL when trying to use an Agent in My loadtest?
Virtual Users do not start as per configuration settings within an All Day workload load test
Visual User Data Customization does not work for browser-level scripts
Visual Verification Under Load - Combined load and functional testing of Web applications using SilkPerformer V
Wap Replay error - Native 1008 - Protocol Error, Invalid buffer length (0) when using the function WAP_VAL_EnablePush set to TRUE
Warning 'There is a problem with this websites security certificate' when recording a secure site
Web Context Management with SilkPerformer V
Web Virtual User not stopping or Sending any requests, it stays in executing status forever.
webAxisProxy1.Service1Soap12Stub cannot be cast to webAxisProxy1.Service1Soap_BindingStub when replaying an exported Java Explorer script
WebCookieSet(WebEngine: 20 - The cookie could not be set, because the domain name does not tail match the host name or does not contain an embedded dot
WebDriver update for Silk Agents
WebEngine: 82 reported when using class files on a 32bit controller and 64bit agents.
WebFormReset does not reset the form correctly when WebFormValuePairRemove is applied to the form, how can I resolve this behavior?
WebFtpPut cannot send files larger than 2GB
Webinar démo – Silk – Testez efficacement la performance de votre infrastructure Citrix !
WebSetDomainSuppress function is not working as expected
WebSmtpMail(SMTP: 1 - The step server reported an error., step server error: 503 5.0.0 Polite people say HELO first
WebTcpipSendBin(WebEngine: 18 - Could not send all data specified)
What additional HTTP headers are required to setup a custom phone type for a NOKIA 3650 within WAP recording?
What affect does the SilkPerformer Recorder setting "Convert URL query strings to forms" have on the generated BDF script?
What affect will the user tolerance levels have on a load test?
What Apache metrics I can monitor with SilkPerformer?
What applications/Operating systems can I monitor using SNMP, without using a specific MIB file?
What are AMF3 Externalizable Traits and does SilkPerformer support them?
What are Custom Recording Rules and what are they used for?
What are custom timers and how can I add them to my Silk Performer project?
What are files with the extension .TSD_H_ that appear in the results directory while a test is running?
What are Java Hook Configuration Files?
What are recording rules and what are the benefits of using them in my project?
What are the .ser files created in the data file section of my Java Frameworks project?
What are the advantages of using dynaTrace Diagnostics compared with other code profilers?
What are the definitions of Throughput rate and Response Time in Performance Explorer?
What are the differences between SilkPerformer Lite and SilkPerformer?
What are the different TrueLog Explorer modes which are launched during TryScript or Replay?
What are the different types of time series data (TSD) files (m@, i@, a@, u@, r@, t@, k@, n@)?
What are the different types of user simulation available?
What are the errors which can occur when the loadtest controller attempts to connect to agents?
What are the implications of changing the interval times of a TSD file?
What are the key new features and enhancements for dynaTrace diagnostics 2.5.3?
What are the key Perfmon measures to collect when monitoring Microsoft SQL Server machine (including OS) performance?
What are the known issue with SilkPerformer 2006? Pt1
What are the known issues in SilkPerformer 2006?Pt2
What are the known issues in SilkPerformer 2008 (Part1)?
What are the known issues in SilkPerformer 2008 (Part2)?
What are the known issues in SilkPerformer 2008R2?
What are the limitations on concurrent connections on a single network card (NIC)?
What are the limitations on text or screens verification in Citrix projects in SilkPerformer?
What are the Main features of SAM (Performance Eplorer) and what benefits does it have over Microsoft PerfMon?
What are the minimum privileges required to allow the SAM module to monitor PerfMon counters on a remote machine?
What are the New Features available for SilkPerformer 2007?
What are the New Features available for SilkPerformer 2008?
What are the New Features available in SilkPerformer 2009?
What are the new features of SilkPerformer"s 6.0 ADO support?
What are the numbers in the Text Column of the VU Output Pane eg 33.52/0.00
What are the prerequisites for running SilkPerformer"s Java Explorer?
What are the protocol / testing limits of the new Multi-Byte Character Set Support / UTF-8 / EUC-JP support announced in SilkPerformer 2007?
What are the requirements for Monitoring Oracle Forms AS with Performance Explorer?
What are the requirements for the Add button to become enabled on the "Add SNMP Measures GUI when selecting a SNMP measure?
What are the resource requirements for the Repository? How do I estimate disk space requirements to store Repository results?
What are the Session Time and Session Busy Time values in the "User Type" section of the baseline report and how are they calculated?
What are the SilkPerformer internal and external product names?
What are the SilkPerformer OrbClient log files used for ?
What are the steps required to move project attributes from one project to another?
What are the ST_PROJECT_TimerX timers generated when running a Silk Test script?
What are Time Bounds and how do I set them in my script?
What Axis version does Java Explorer 2008 R2 support?
What can cause a "WebEngine: 71 - Html verification, SYSTEM: 71 - No more connections..." error?
What can cause a C unusual / abnormal program termination runtime error when opening SilkPerformer?
What can cause a memory reference error when recording ODBC with SilkPerformer 6.0?
What can cause page timers to be larger than the transaction times or duration?
What can cause the "The XML page cannot be displayed.Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet." error in the Truelog Explorer?
What can cause the error "CitrixWaitForWindowCreation(CitrixEngine: 21 - WaitForWindowCreation failed, Operation timed out)"
What can cause the error "PDCE:403 conversion of data fields failed" when using Rexec?
What can cause the error "SYSTEM:2 - The system cannot find the file specified" when using the Performance Explorer Command Line Parameters?
What can cause the message, Warning WebPageStoreContext WebEngine: 9 - Invalid handle, context not valid anymore!
What can cause the Silk Performer Recorder to be hanging on the "Recording" status when recording against a web-site?
What can I do if I receive a "perfrun.exe" crash when replaying a COM script?
What can I do if I receive the message "PDCE: 6 - Error measure inactive" in Performance Explorer?
What can I do to resolve the error: Load Test Controller Error 3304 ?
What causes "Connection is busy with results for another hstmt" message to be displayed on replay?
What causes "Warning: Page has Expired" message to be displayed during record?
What causes .Net Explorer to report Soap Exception errors messages?
What causes a Grey Box to appear over 90% of the Screen when the Silk Performer Recorder is started?
What causes a Perfrun.exe crash to occur at the very start of the TMain transaction?
What causes an Unknown WAP content type error when using additional WAP Accept headers?
What causes CitrixParseText not to recognize a text font?
What causes error - "BDL Machine: 13 - RUN actual length of source string longer than maximal length of destination string in assignment"?
What causes my active profile window to be blank?
What causes PDH: 288 - Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller to be displayed when monitoring German OS values with German version of realtime.ini?
What causes SAP transaction response times to be higher than expected?
What causes SilkPerformer to open Internet Explorer windows during SAPGUI replay?
What causes SQL 104 Attempt to fetch non-numeric data into numeric column retrieving data from Silk Performer repository?
What causes SSL Handshake failure. Reason: Security: 222 - ssl3 session id too short message during record?
What causes the "500 Invalid PORT Command" response when recording an FTP session?
What causes the compile error "SEM 25: constant already declared: SQL***"?
What causes the error "Security: 149 - digest check failed, SSL Connect" when loadtesting an Apache Web Server?
What causes the error "SYSTEM 121 - The semaphore timeout period has expired SendRequest first attempt" during a LoadTest?
What causes the error - CitrixInit CitrixEngine: 43 - Startup failed, Failed to start the core ?
What causes the error Compile Error SYN124: unexpected token in this section?
What causes the error when loading IDL files in SilkPerformer "No such file or directory message"?
What causes the generation of the Overview Report (OVR) to take a long time?
What causes the message "PDH: 288 - Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller" to be displayed in Performance Explorer and how can I resolve this?
What causes the message "The ICA file could not be found" to be displayed during Citrix recording?
What causes the warning : OraFormsSetInt(OraForms: 24 - Profile setting INITIAL_VERSION overridden by function OraFormsSetInt)
What causes TrueLog explorer to crash with an error stating "The memory could not be written" when a particular API node is selected?
What configuration changes do I need to make to the Windows Server in order to enable GUI-Level testing support for SilkPerformer?
What could cause an increasing memory usage or seeming memory leak error when running an XML based script?
What could cause the contents of my XLG to disappear from the render section of the TrueLog Explorer.
What could cause the error "Connection Refused host = localhost 8080" during replay?
What could cause the error CitrixEngine: 36 - The communication failed, Error: 0xe00f001d)?
What could cause the errors: HTTP: 1062 - html form not found and HTTP: 1063 - Hyperlink not found
What data sources can I monitor with Sam Lite?
What data types does the .NET Explorer support as input paramaters and how can I add other data types or objects as input parameters?
What details are required before SilkPerformer can activate the MSDE repository ?
What determines when a WebPageSubmitBin function gets scripted instead of WebPageSubmit when posting a form?
What disk space is required for unpacking the downloaded version SilkPerformer 6.0.1?
What do MMS,RTSP and PNM media file extensions mean?
What do the coloured borders around windows and the other symbols in Citrix TrueLogs represent?
What do the compilation errors LEX, SYN, SEM mean?
What do the measures displayed in the "Statistics" tab of the TrueLog Explorer represent?
What do the numbers which occur in the Citrix error codes mean?
What do the REXEC commands in REALTIME.INI that are executed by the SAM mean ?
What do the row and column headers represent when I export my results from Performance Explorer using the "Dump" option ?
What does <USE_HTML_VAL> mean in the dclform section of my script?
What does "Correlate" do in the TrueLog Explorer?
What does "Show Null Values" do in Performance Explorer?
What does "You have disabled automatic generation of the virtual user overview report - Generate virtual user report now " message mean?
What does the " Connect " button in the WorkLoad Configuration dialog do ?
What does the "Lock Waits per second" in the SQL data source refer to?
What does the "Stress Test" option do in SilkPerformer?
What does the "Warm-up" and "Shut Down" status in the SilkPerformer Monitor pane mean ?
What does the Call column within the Errors section of the Virtual User, Baseline and Overview reports mean ?
What does the error "Microsoft Visual C Runtime Library Runtime Error! R6025 -pure virtual function call" mean and how can I deal with it?
What does the error "RPC (Remote procedure call) failed" mean when monitoring a server with Performance explorer?
What does the error Web Engine 50: internal error at processing - register connect failed mean when replaying a script?
What does the error: "Silk Performer Runtime Event: Virtual User: VUser-Profile1_xx: 3760259236 - unknown error code" in Windows Event log mean?
What does the following error mean "Error: Agent <agent name> - SYSTEM: 21 - The device is not ready." ?
What does the graph Overall Response Time represent?
What does the Histogram in "Page Timers" section of the Overview report represent?
What does the message "PDCE 7 measure is waiting for first data values" mean in Performance Explorer?
What does the Siebel Function "Siebel7Param" do and why is it used in SilkPerformer?
What does the Workflow option - Show simple workflow do?
What does these errors mean "Agent localhost - Attempt to access invalid address." OR " Agent localhost - Too many posts were made to a semaphore."
What does this license error mean "Error - Communication with license server failed Dev (1) no policy available for this product " ?
What does WebSetBrowser(WebEngine:40 - Browser type setting overwritten by a call to WebSetBrowser()!) mean?
What exactly is a SilkPerformer MMC and what is it used for?
What factors can cause high memory utilization when running Oracle Forms scripts and what are the recommended settings?
What features of dynaTrace are excluded from the Borland edition of dynaTrace?
What files are sent to agent machines when a load test is started on the controller machine?
What format do functions need to be in to allow Silk Performer DLL Intergration to be used?
What formats of Root CA certificate does SilkPerformer support?
What function do I use to assign IP addresses to Virtual users during WAP testing?
What happens if I have no AppInit_DLLs under the following registry location - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | MICROSOFT | WINDOWS NT | CURRENT VERSION | WINDOWS?
What is an .LTZ file?
What is included in each of the Silk Performer licenses, and what components do I need to license separately?
What is MD5 and is it supported in Silk Performer?
What is Oracle"s JInitiator and why is it recommended when using Oracle Forms?
What is required to create an enhanced QAPhooks log file?
What is Silk Performer"s current functional support for reading from (or editing) a .csv file, using column "name" as an identifier?
What is SilkPerformer Developer Workbench?
What is SilkPerformer's Support for OCI 8.0 ?
What is SilkPerformer"s support for OCI (Oracle Call Interface) protocols ?
What is Start Time Offset and how does it affect my loadtest ?
What is supported by the WAP add-on?
What is the 0xB7 character that appears in my log files?
What is the best method to verify input and output data from file?
What is the correct method to record Attachmate Reflection Terminal Emulator?
What is the correct method to record Hummingbird terminal emulator?
What is the current JDBC support in Silk Performer?
What is the current SilkPerformer support for IP Multiplexing, by protocol?
What is the current support for GZIP & Deflate in SilkPerformer V ?
What is the current support for IBM"s WebSphere Application Server monitoring in Silk Performer ?
What is the default size of the Cookie Database and how do I alter this value?
What is the definition of a Virtual User ?
What is the difference between #Overall Response Time# Page data[kB] and Throughput[kB]?
What is the difference between a crash, hang and busy status?
What is the difference between a Remote Install and a Silent Install of SilkPerformer?
What is the difference between a variable declared in the upper var section of a BDF script, a Global variable, and a variable declared in a transaction?
What is the difference between ADL files and IDL files ?
What is the difference between HTTP 1404 and 404 errors as indicated by SilkPerformer?
What is the difference between Page Times, Document Download Times, Round Trip Times and Server Busy Times ?
What is the difference between the "Connect" and "Run" options in the workload configuration dialog ?
What is the difference between the Corba functions IiopObjectRelease and IiopObjectShutdown with regard to their ability to free CORBA resources on the agents?
What is the difference between the COUNT and MEASURED values in the Report Files ?
What is the difference between the functions WebSetSpeed and WebSetModem?
What is the difference between the options "Select from pre-defined Data Sources" and "Have Data Sources detected" in the Data Source Wizard for Server monitoring?
What is the difference between the Page Component size and the Response Data Received size in the TrueLog Explorer's Statistics tab?
What is the difference between the Remote Desktop feature and Windows Terminal Services?
What is the difference between the Stop, Kill and Abort commands when stopping a loadtest?
What is the difference between the System settings and Active Profile settings for Java?
What is the difference between the ThinkTime and Wait statements in SilkPerformer?
What is the difference between the two classpath loaders in Java Explorer.
What is the effect of increasing TCP/IP user ports numbers to increase connects per second?
What is the END transaction in a SilkPerformer script?
What is the footprint when loastesting Peoplesoft Web applications?
What is the formula SilkPerformer uses to calculate standard deviation in the repository?
What is the function of the "Balance load across agents" option in the Workload Configuration dialog?
What is the functional difference between SilkPerformer 2006* and its SOA edition?
What is the hard coded limit in the SilkPerformer JavaSetString function?
What is the maximum number of agents machines I can run from a MMC controller?
What is the maximum number of lines of code my script can contain ?
What is the maximum value of a thinktime?
What is the meaning and effect of the Truelog option "High-resolution timers for page statistics"?
What is the meaning of the icons at the bottom-right corner of the System Configuration Manager when connected to an agent?
What is the memory footprint of a Siebel 6x Virtual User in SilkPerformer?
What is the memory footprint per virtual user running a Web based loadtest?
What is the memory footprint per virtual user when loadtesting ADO/COM applications?
What is the memory utilization for each virtual user when running SAP based scripts?
What is the new DCLPARAM keyword defined in SilkPerformer 6.0 script syntax?
What is the optimize network settings options in SilkPerformer Active Profile settings used for ?
What is the Perfexp.log and can it be safely deleted?
What is the process required to display the value of an array element in Java Explorer?
What is the purpose of "hiding" the directories for SilkPerformer with a Silent Install?
What is the purpose of Keyword"Init" in a script?"
What is the purpose of the function WebPageAddUrl?
What is the purpose of the SilkPerformer Siebel function "SiebelTokenApplet" and how does it work?
What is the recommended way to install MSDE 1.0 Service Pack 4?
What is the REXEC unix command used for?
What is the root cause of Winsock 10060 (connection timeout) errors?
What is the second parameter (fWait) used for in Browser-level functions such as WebUrl?
What is the Service Context ID in the IiopBeginServiceContext function used for and does it need to be unique for each virtual user ?
What is the significance of the "server-status?auto" Apache url detailed in the Performance Explorer user guide?
What is the significance of the HTTP Header "Accept-Language" and does it effect the replay of a script.
What is the Silk Launcher Service (SgLauncher) and what does it do?
What is the SilkPerformer Java Framework and how does it work?
What is the structure of the Results Repository?
What is the typical memory footprint of a Java virtual user in SilkPerformer?
What is the VMSTAT unix command used for?
What is the Web Measure "HTTP Hits" that appears in the Overview Report and how is it defined?
What issues have been fixed in SilkCentral Performance Manager 2.7?
What issues have been fixed in SilkPerformer 7.3?
What issues have been fixed in SilkPerformer V 5.1?
What issues have been resolved in dynaTrace diagnostics 2.5.3?
What issues have been resolved in Silk Performer 15.0?
What issues were fixed in 7.2?
What issues were fixed in SilkPerformer 2008?
What issues were fixed in SilkPerformer 2008R2?
What issues were fixed in SilkPerformer 6.0 ?
What issues were fixed in SilkPerformer 6.5.1?
What issues were fixed in SilkPerformer 6.5?
What issues were fixed in SilkPerformer 6.6?
What JDK versions are supported by Silk Perfomer?
What levels of encryption does SilkPerformer support?
What might cause a "Winsock 11001 - Host not found" error ?
What new Workload Configuration options are available in SilkPerformer 2008(R2)?
What options are set when running a Try Script and can I change them?
What Overview Template options are available when rendering SilkCentral Test Manager cross load test data in SilkPerformer's Performance Explorer
What part do Virtual Users play in a .NET test class and why do they have to be unique?
What Performance Measures are available when loadtesting a Media Streaming Application with SilkPerformer 2008(R2)?
What ports do I need to open on a Firewall, when monitoring WebSphere 3.5-4.0 with Performance Explorer?
What project application type do I select if I am testing a Siebel 6 application with a back-end SQL server database?
What protocol is used by SilkPerformer to communicate with SilkMeter and SilkPerformer Agent Machines
What registry key gives details of the SilkPerformer Recorder Proxy settings?
What registry key shows the Application Profile setup in SilkPerformer?
What resource overhead is incurred during SilkPerformer 2006 R2"s realtime clientside monitoring and will it skew my results?
What resource overhead is incurred when using SilkPerformer verification functions and will it skew my results?
What settings are required to successfully record and replay an application which uses both HTTP Web and Java RMI?
What settings in SilkPerformer"s Active Profiles" will be applied across all Profiles in a project?
What should I consider when testing a Java Application with Silk Performer?
What should I consider when upgrading from Issue Manager 3.x to 4.x?
What should I do to resolve the COM Replay Error: 204 - Error during method invocation., Internet Client Error: Request Timeout.. "Exception occurred."
What specific ports, or port ranges, does SilkPerformer listen for when monitoring a remote server?
What Streaming Media Measurements does SilkPerformer provide?
What type of encryption is used for the .pew file server authentication string used for login?
What type of Terminal Services License is required to run GUI Level Tests with SilkPerformer?
What version of Citrix was tested with SilkPerformer 6.5?
What version of Java should I use when testing Oracle Forms in SilkPerformer?
What version of Siebel does SilkPerformer 6.0 support?
What version of Silk Test do I need in order to run GUI-Level testing?
What version of SNMP does SilkPerformer"s Performance Explorer support ?
What version of the Open SSL libraries does Silkperformer use?
What versions of Visibroker does SilkPerformer 5.x support?
What will occur if you enable "Content-Encoding" when no Compressed Pages are sent by the server?
What would cause a "Winsock 10054 Connection reset by peer" error?
What would cause the error "Could not create the specified results directory! SAL: 4 - Object not found"?
What's the difference between the "print" and "write" functions?
Whats New in Silk Performer 15
When adding a client certificate in .Net Explorer why is the error "Input data cannot be coded as a valid certificate" returned and how do I resolve this?
When attempting to customize my SAP controls in TrueLog Explorer, why does it not display all the controls in the rendered view?
When attempting to install SilkPerformer 7.2 why does it detect my SilkPerformer 6.0 version and stop the installation?
When attempting to monitor a Windows machine why do I get the error "Can not connect to Performance data with provided data"?
When attempting to monitor realtime clientside measures in SilkPerformer 2006 R2, why is my Controller machine reported as "disconnected" in Performance Explorer?
When attempting to monitor using JMX why do I see the error "Unable to create Java VM" and how do I resolve this?
When attempting to open the overview report why do I see the error "system: 183 cannot create a file when the file already exists"?
When attempting to run a GUI-Level test why do I get the error, "StExecuteTestcase GUI-Level Testing Replay: 11 - SilkTest reported, Script file has compile errors"?
When attempting to run a script why do I get the error "Error: R6016- not enough space for thread data"?
When attempting to stop or restart the dynaTrace Diagnostics server I am being prompted for a user name and password; what credentials do I require?
When attempting to uninstall an agent remotely, why do I get the error: "Remote Setup: 5 - Detected SilkPerformer Controller version on target system"?
When attempting to use the BEA-WEBLOGIC-MIB to monitor a WebLogic Server why do I get no values returned ?
When calculating Simulation Time for a LoadTest does SilkPerformer use the system clock during the test or does it use it's own internal timer/clock ?
When compiling an SNMP MIB file the following error occurs "SYNTAX type unknown: NULL" ?
When compiling my script why might I see a "cannot find symbol" compile error and how do I resolve this?
When configuring my Java profile setting why do I get an error "Error in the Java Settings - Java core classes "lib/" not found in "<java path>""?
When connected to remote agent via System Configuration Manager, all options are grayed out, how can I resolve this?
When connecting to my remote agent via System Configuration Manager why are the options disabled?
When does SilkPerformer send a "Referer" header when making requests to a server?
When does the recorder automatically encrypt passwords in generated scripts?
When double clicking on a .ltz file to open it directly in Silk Performer, the following error occurs: "At least one "Warning" event was triggered because a recoverable error".
When editing the application profile why is the list of Java APIs to be recorded greyed out?
When exporting a .Net Explorer project to a SilkPerformer .Net Framework project why do I recieve a compile error "<object> does not contain a definition of <variable>"?
When exporting tsd data to a csv file using the dump option, why do some counters have zero value for X2: Sum of squares?
When exporting tsd load test data to *.csv format and viewing in excel, why is some of my data missing?
When I add dll and ocx files in the COM Interface dialog of the Application Profile I get the error "Cannot read type-library of file"
When I am running a large load test why do users fail with the error "LoadtestController: 3317 - The virtual user"s process terminated"?
When I am using Performance Explorer (SAM) to monitor my Windows machine (System (PerfMon)) what can cause the Physical and Logical disk measurements to report no measurements?
When I attempt to load a Class file from the address bar in Java Explorer why do I see the error "Connection refused to host; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect"?
When I attempt to replay a SilkPerformer Web Project exported from .Net Explorer, in SilkPerformer SOA edition, I receive the error "PerfLM: 18 - License error", how can I resolve this?
When I click HELP | ABOUT why is the PeopleSoft component unchecked even though I have the PeopleSoft license imported into SilkMeter?
When I get the message "Error limit of agent reached - no more errors will be logged, no new TrueLog files will be created!" How do I change the number of errors logged?
When I import an IDL file and start the recorder I receive the error "parameter name missing"?
When I import an IDL file and start the recorder I receive the following error: undefined identifier "name here".
When I import my JUnit file into SilkPerformer why does the "Import Unit Test" dialog not show any methods?
When I launch the recorder I get the following error "Error could not connect to recorder on host local host at port 19105"
When I open a recorded Java RMI Framework script I receive the error "The file contains a line which exceeds the maximum allowable length..." and the script fails compilation, how can I resolve this?
When I re-open a .NET file why do I get the error "File may be corrupt or of different type"
When I run a 30 VU test I get a Java User Unique Error but if I run a 15VU test there are no errors?
When I run a load test why do I get the message "\\Program Files\Segue\SilkPerformer\Working\Projects\"projectname" \RecentLoadTest\ already exists! Do you want to re-use the directory and overwrite the results of a previous test?"
When I run a loadtest against an FTP server, will the file uploads and downloads be simulated, or does the actual transfer happen?
When I select a successful node in the TrueLog Explorer why is the Page not displayed in the Rendered Tab?
When I try and record my application that runs in Windows Explorer why are no functions recorded?
When I try to compile my COM script why do I get "compile error SYN 43: invalid expression" on a ComSetDouble function?
When I try to launch Java Explorer from the Start menu why does it not launch?
When I try to print information contained in Java Explorer"s Help why does the On-Line Help to freeze?
When I try to record SMTP traffic why do I get TCP/IP traffic in my script?
When I upgrade my version of SilkPerformer will my existing projects and scripts be saved?
When importing a client certificate into SilkPerformer why do I get the warning "Could not import certificate, security 100: app data in handshake"?
When installing a results repository, I get the following error - "Installatation of Results Repository is not possible because no SilkPerformer is installed on this computer", even though SilkPerform
When installing MSDE why does the installation stop, perform a rollback and I then generate "Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation"?
When installing SilkPerformer I am being asked for the Segue Launcher password. Where is this password located?
When installing SilkPerformer Visual Studio.NET Add-in for Visual Studio.NET 2003 why do I get an error "Cannot Find one or more components - please reinstall the application" ?
When invoking a Web Service method in .Net Explorer using the wizard a warning appears reporting that an exception may be thrown, why is this?
When IP spoofing how many IP addresses can I add per NIC?
When is it appropriate to use the WebSetHttpHeader / WebModifyHttpHeader functions?
When launching a loadtest via the command line is there an option to overwrite previous loadtest results?
When launching SilkPerformer from the command line why does my load test not start execution?
When Load testing Streaming Media how can I simulate different modem speeds?
When loading a WSDL why does Java Explorer report "JExpLoadException: WSDL2Java emitter timed out..."?
When loading an external DLL into .NET Explorer why do I get the error: "Error loading referenced assembly: Could not load file or assembly (...file name...). The system cannot load the file specified
When loadtesting my site how can I block calls to an external site e.g. a third-party banner ad?
When might I get the error "Unexpected content" when viewing an file created by the Csv2TSD tool?
When might I see "COM Replay: 105 - Couldn"t resolve reference type" or "COM Replay 203 - No Definition for " <interface parameter>" errors on replay ?
When might I see any of the following error messages "RESERR: 1004- Failed to create virtual user thread", "System: 1450- Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" or "Winsock: 10055 No buffer space ava
When monitoring a BEA- WebLogic Server why does the counter "executeQueueRuntimePendingRequestOldestTime" produce a very high value and what does this value represent?
When monitoring a Unix machine using Performance Explorer (SAM) why do I get the following error " PDCE 101 - RPC Call Failed " ?
When monitoring DB2 why do I get "PDCE: 706 - Executing transaction failed" & "PDCE: 701 Query for Ltci performance counter update failed"?
When monitoring in Performance Explorer, is there a way to copy the description of the KEY field when the mouse cursor hovers over the selected KEY title?
When monitoring Oracle v$systat why do I see the error "PDCE: 701 - Query for Ltci performance counter update failed"
When monitoring PeopleSoft what causes the error "PDCE: 701 - Query for Ltci performance counter update failed"?
When monitoring REXEC measures how can I specify the process name instead of the process ID (PID)?
When monitoring WebSphere 4.0.5 I get the following message "SYSTEM: 0 - The operation completed successfully. Please verify that WebSphere Admin Service and Application Servers are running"
When my protocol changes from HTTP to HTTPS why are images/files requested again instead of being cached?
When opening a .NET Explorer project why do I get the error "Cannot open project file! File may be corrupt or of different type!"?
When opening a SilkPerformer project : Cannot lock project file "C:\.....\loadtest.ltp"
When opening a TSD file in Performance Explorer why do I see the message: "Cannot open project settings "C:\FolderName\projectSettings.xml.""
When opening a TSD file in Performance Explorer why do I see the message: "Wrong or missing baseline report file"?
When opening my .NET Explorer project why do I encounter the error Object reference not set to an instance of an object?
When opening my project in .Net Explorer why do I get an error "Cannot open project file: File may be corrupt or of a different type!"?
When opening Raw Data Capture files in Excel, all of the data is displayed in the first column.
When parsing binary data how can I resolve \h0000 being incorrectly parsed when left delimiter ends with "0000"?
When performing SSL based tests why might I get the error "1236 The network connection was aborted by the local system." ?
When preparing a GUI-level load test, can I perform any variable customization within SilkPerformer, or must I return to the original SilkTest project?
When recording a Citrix script, how can I specify the exact ICA connection to be used by SilkPerformer"s Citrix Recorder?
When recording a Citrix Web Interface script the Citrix recorder is not launched and the Citrix application does not start as expected
When recording a script to test a Remedy application, why are TCP/IP functions recorded rather than high-level Remedy functions?
When recording a secure Web site why do I receive a message saying that the certificate has expired?
When recording a web based script why might I see the following "Internet Explorer cannot download from server xxxxxxx" ?
When recording against a Flash version of a web site why does Silk Performer not record all anticipated links?
When recording against a site using NTLM why do I get the error (HTTP/1.1 401 Access Denied WWW-Authenticate: NTLM) in the record log and why does a red cross appears next to the function in Data Explorer?
When recording against a WAP Emulator why do I see WebTcpIp functions recorded?
When recording against my webservice why do I not get the SOAP/XML data in the script?
When recording against the SAPGUI client why am I unable to record Windows Operations such a "FileOpen or FileSave"?
When recording an AMF3 application why is some of the data in my script Base64-encoded?
When recording an Oracle Forms 6i based application why do I see the error "Can"t start JVM v1.1, reason: Unable to initialize threads.." in the script?
When recording an Oracle Forms application why does the application fail to launch and recording stop?
When recording at TCP/IP level why do the server responses appear fragmented and how can I amalgamate the fragmented responses?
When recording do I get the message "The name on the security certificate does not match the name of the site. " ?
When recording the download of a large file from a web page the Silk Performer Recorder crashes with a "perfrec.exe" error. Why does this happen, and what is the solution?
When recording the Mocha TN3270 client application the display window is blank, how do I resolve this?
When recording UDP traffic why are no WebUDPRecvFrom functions scripted?
When replaying a GUI Level BDF script what is the difference between running as a console session and a terminal server session?
When replaying against a Citrix NFuse Application do I need to have the Citrix ICA client installed?
When replaying against PeopleSoft application server why do I see errors such as (RT: 14 - Custom Message, "Error name here")?
When replaying HTTP pages using compression does the Page Time include the time taken to decompress a page?
When replaying my FTP script why do I get an error "WebFtpPutFile FTP: 12003 - An extended error was returned from the server..."
When replaying my script why is the rendered HTML page incomplete in TrueLog Explorer?
When replaying Oracle Forms script with multiple profiles the Oracle Forms APIs are missing from the TrueLog, how can I resolve this?
When replaying When replaying my Oracle script why do I not see a connection being established in Oracle Enterprise Manager?
When running a .Net test driver test on agent machines is it necessary to modify the machine.config and the app.config file?
When running a Citrix script on my agent machine what could cause a timeout to occur after the initial connection?
When running a Java Frameworks test why do I see the error "An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM..."
When running a loadtest and executing virtual users on a Windows Vista Agent why do I encounter the warning message stating "A program can"t display a message on your desktop" and how can I disable it?
When running a loadtest why might I see the error: "<Process has already exited> has generated errors and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program"?
When running a multi-user Java Framework script how many JVMs are created?
When running a Queuing workload, why does the test show a status of finished but no actions are performed?
When running a test why do I receive the error "Virtual user error - Runtime: 93 - error calculating file length for random file < <SomeFile.csv> > "?
When running an All Day workload why do my virtual users show a status of suspended, as opposed to executing, in the monitor execution window?
When running an IP Multiplexing loadtest against an i-Planet server why does my agent machines fail with errors ?
When running an ODBC loadtest why do I receive the error: "OdbcConnect ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, xxxx (0) : [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]" only on my Agent install?
When running my script why do I get the error " ****Virtual User Container Error**** Runtime 117 - Cannot Load External Function. <(GetRuntimeID>" ?
When running my test why do I get "WapPushWaitFor WAP: 4 - Warning, Push wait timeout, user continues.."?
When running SilkPerformer on a French or Danish Windows OS, the load test results do not return "CPU" or "Memory" Health values. Why is this so, and is there a workaround?
When saving a project why do I get the error "Could not create the temporary project file ..\Working\Projects\MyProject\~$LoadTestProject1.ltp!"?
When saving my script why does the recorder give the warning "The title of this file is not a valid Java identifier. Please specify another file name!"?
When sending an email message using SilkPerformer"s MAPI support why does the email get returned as "undeliverable"?
When sending an email using the Silk Performer"s MAPI support why is the email returned with the message "Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients"?.
When should I use the candle reports in Performance Explorer?
When should I use the option "Automatically Start Monitoring"?
When stopping a test using the "stop all" option, it take several minutes to stop all users
When testing a Flex AMF3 application is it necessary to customise the dynamic "correlation ID" for successful replay?
When testing Citrix Program Neighborhood 8.0 with SilkPerformer why do mouse clicks have no effect?
When testing MAPI why are emails not sent immediately?
When testing my SAP application why do I see the error, "The GuiXT component could not be found. Please check the installation"?
When testing Oracle Forms 6i, 9i or Oracle Applications 11i using SilkPerformer 2008, why are no OraForms* functions recorded?
When testing using Kerberos authentication why does authentication occur on every request instead of just once.
When the Data Source wizard is detecting my data sources why does Performance Explorer crash?
When to use Page-level Emulation instead of the Browser-level Emulation when recording a Script.
When to use protocol / BDLT for web 2.0
When troubleshooting Oracle Forms replay errors what is the first thing should be checked in the TrueLog XLG file
When trying to add a Bea-Weblogic-MIB SNMP measure why is the "Add" button is disabled ?
When trying to add an agent why do I see the error: "The agent cannot be connected with the information provided! Please specify the correct agent connection properties."
When trying to deactivate my license for dynaTrace diagnostics why does the "deactivate" button not work?
When trying to monitor a server using JMX why do I see the error, "Connection refused to host: <IP of localhost>" and how do I resolve this?
When trying to record a web application why would I get a "Page cannot be displayed" message in IE and see the error "Error(#500, could not connect to remote server)" in my record log?
When trying to replay a script that tests Clarify CRM why do I get the error: "RESERR: 116 - External Functions: can not load library: <libfml.dll: Error: 126>" and how can I resolve this?
When trying to start the recorder from the Model Script workflow I am getting an application error " 0x00415c20 is referencing to the memory in 0x00428e4c" referencing the "idlcpp.exe"
When trying to view my PDF file on TrueLog Explorer why do I get a file download box prompting me to open or save the file.
When upgrading a machine to SilkPerformer 6.5 can I keep older versions installed?
When uploading a project to Test Manager why do I get the following error "Error uploading project. Server returned 500"?
When using a "Queuing" workload, how are transactions distributed and how does "Smooth Transaction Arrival Rate" affect the distribution?
When using a recording rule (.xrl) file why do I see "Error, Reason: XML: 28 - Invalid XML source" in the record log?
When using an event handler what is the difference between EVENT_TRANS_END and EVENT_TRANS_FINISHED?
When using FileCSVLoadGlobal function; how can I halt script execution when the end of the Data File has been reached?
When using Modem Simulation why are my SSL page times shorter in SilkPerformer 4.x than SilkPerformer 5.x, and why do I get more Transactions per second in 4.x than in 5.x?
When using parsing recording rules or parsing data using the TrueLog Explorer why are the specified boundaries incorrect?
When using Performance Explorer to monitor more than one server why are no performance measures returned when one of the servers is unavailable?
When using Performance Explorer to monitor Unix the Rstat command is returning the CPU Idle column with the CPU Wait"s value and vice versa.
When using PerfRsManager for remote agent setup can I specify what drive to install on?
When using PerfRsManager to install agent software why do I get an error "Setup 6 - Detected Existing SilkPerformer controller on machine" ?
When using Rstat to monitor a Unix platform, what do the Rstat Total CPU, Rstat System CPU and the Rstat User CPU values mean?
When using SikPerformer in an NTLM environment, how do you specify an alternate domain in which to authenticate?
When using the "Open in IDE" menu option in the "contributors" tab of the PurePath view in dynaTrace Diagnostics why do I get the message "Source lookup was not successful"?
When using the EnableUNCAccess function, why do I get the error " SYSTEM: 1219 - The credentials supplied conflict with an existing set of credentials" ?
When using the function WebFormReset extra data is added to the form data sent to server, how do I resolve this?
When using the mobile license feature why do I receive "Error while loading project: Cause LoadttestContoroller: 3201 license error not all features are available - execution is denied due to registration rights?
When using the Print BDL function in a script I get this error "Error - IPC 3014 error - the inter process communication is too long."
When using the remote agent install why do I get the error "Remote Setup Failed! SYSTEM 53 - The network path was not found"?
When using the RepMessage function why is the specified message not written to the results repository?
When using the WebVerifyDataBoundEx function, why does "WEB_OCCURRENCE_LAST" return a compile error when used as the nLeftOccurrence parameter?
When using Truelog Explorer to customize my script why is the WebParseResponseData function inserted in the wrong place?
When using TrueLogExplorer to find session id"s both xlg"s are comparing different html and are out of synchronisation with each other.
When using WebFormValueGet why does the retrieved string get truncated if > 254 characters ?
When using WebParseDataBound with content encoding why is the encoded data not decoded and parsed during my test?
When using WebSmtpSendData SilkPerformer sends the data without waiting for a response and the mail server closes the connection, why?
When viewing a SAP TrueLog file what does each column in the control window represent?
When viewing AMF3 data in the TrueLog Explorer what does the Rendered XML data represent?
When viewing an Oracle Forms TrueLog File why is there no information contained in the Out-data or In-data tabs?
When viewing PeopleSoft 8.4 TrueLog file (.XLG) in the TrueLog Explorer the "rendered" view reloads in an endless loop
When writing load test results to the repository : "Repository 2002 maximum number of messages for agent reached further messages will not be stored"
When writing my results to the repository I get an error "Error while writing to Repository : Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint "perf_pk7". Cannot insert duplicate key in object "perf_measure" ?
When writing results to the repository I keep getting error "Could not open Repository database module" OR "Repository 8 : A database error occurred during writing results "
Where are data files and load test results stored on agent machines during a load test?
Where are SilkPerformer system settings stored and can these settings be exported?
Where can I find "perfRadius.dll" referenced in the radius.bdh include file?
Where can I find detailed information on the time it takes to download individual components of a web page, on server busy time and on round trip time?
Where can I find full details on the ODBCTables function?
Where can I find information on Recording and Performance Testing an Oracle 10g Database?
Where can I find sample resources that I can test against using .Net Explorer?
Where can I find the LDAP sample WebLdap01.bdf?
Where can I find the ODBC sample application "person1.exe" in SilkPerformer 2006?
Where can I get a list of reserved keywords that should not be used as variables in a Silk Performer script?
Where do I configure the ica-tcp setting in my Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 or higher?
Where do I find a list of the errors that SilkPerformer reports when running tests against web applications?
Where do I find information on the schema or structure of SilkPerformer's repository?
Where do I specify which .jar file to use to enable JDBC Framework testing?
Where do the recording rules which are created by the recording rule wizard in SilkPerformer 2009 get stored?
Where does the Dynamic Workload Configuration window go after I click OK?
Where is the output generated by java System.out.println() statements written during a loadtest?
Where is the screen resolution displayed in the CitrixInit function derived from?
Which additional prerequisites should be adhered to before running a SAP loadtest in SilkPerformer 2008?
Which API does the SilkPerformer Recorder use when recording the DB2 CLI protocol?
Which application environments are supported by dynaTrace diagnostics 2.6?
Which BDL functions might expose passwords in plain text, and how can this be avoided?
Which Citrix ICA clients are supported by SilkPerformer?
Which component license is required to run Radius based scripts ?
Which Corba Orbs are supported by SilkPerformer ?
Which DLL (Type Library) should I use when loadtesting ADO?
Which executable should I hook to record my Java application, Java.exe or Javaw.exe?
Which ports need to be opened in a firewall for SilkPerformer to connect to an agent?
Which protocols and testing methods are supported by Silk Performer's Cloudburst?
Which registry key does SilkPerformer query to find a list of the installed Source Control Providers
Which steps can I take to resolve the Citrix TrueLog Explorer verification error "Failed to perform OCR"
Which workload models is the concept of "warm-up" time relevant to?
Why am I getting "compile error SEM 207: different types of actual parameters and formal parameters" when trying to compile my script?
Why am I getting the error "No monitor configuration file found" when trying to add a pre-defined data source in Performance Explorer ?
Why am I having problems recording with SilkPerformer when Mercury's QTP is installed on the same machine?
Why am I not able to KILL a single Virtual User in the monitor window during a test run? The "Kill User" feature is present but is not enabled in SilkPerformer V.
Why am I not getting the whole value when reading from a CSV or RndFile?
Why am I seeing delays between my page requests being made?
Why am I unable to capture JMX measures during monitoring when I am using the SilkPerformer Performance Explorer?
Why am I unable to execute multiple GUI-Level virtual users on a SilkPerformer Agent installed on Windows XP?
Why am I unable to make an API selection in custom application when adding an Application Profile to the Recorder?
Why am I unable to monitor an Apache Web Server which is hosted on a UNIX/Linux environment?
Why am I unable to monitor IBM WebSphere 6.1 via JMX when administrative security is enabled?
Why am I unable to monitor Oracle Forms DMS counters?
Why am I unable to open the TSD file from SilkPerformer MIL training in Performance Explorer 2008 R2?
Why am I unable to parse an embedded document using "WebParseDataBoundArray" function?
Why am I unable to record my HTTP application with SilkPerformer when it uses an automatic refresh rate?
Why am I unable to record SAP context menus?
Why am I unable to save large changes to the All-Day workload?
Why am I unable to select a complete line of a BDF script from right to left?
Why am I unable to use the add load test feature of Performance explorer?
Why am I unable to use Visual Source Safe integration even though I have the VSS client installed?
Why am I unable to view the baseline report?
Why are "<java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String>" exceptions reported on replay of my AMF3 script?
Why are "WinSock: 10060 - Connection timed out" errors reported on replay of my script?
Why are all of my Virtual Users active from the start of a test when using a Warm up time in a Queuing Workload?
Why are all perfmon counters not available under "Operating System Data | Windows 2000/XP | System (perfmon)" and how can I access the full list of perfmon counters?
Why are applets not displayed in TrueLog Explorer ?
Why are buttons on the workflow bar, e.g. Find Baseline or Run Test, greyed out?
Why are connections being placed in time_wait mode and not closed?
Why are measurements which occured during the "Warmup Time" still included in the Overview Report?
Why are my Citrix respone times always reported as 1000 milliseconds and how do I resolve this?
Why are my page timer values twice what they should be and how do I resolve this?
Why are no Citrix Windows Synchronization functions being recorded?
Why are no functions recorded at TCP/IP level and why do I see the error "SSL through HTTP tunnel detected" in the record.log file?
Why are no measures produced in dynaTrace diagnostics?
Why are no Oracle Forms functions recorded, even though I have met the pre-requisites?
Why are no SOAPAction functions scripted when recording Web Services" SOAP Protocol over HTTP?
Why are no ThinkTime functions being scripted after a record session?
Why are SilkPerformer files saved to a shared folder saved as read-only?
Why are some Charts and other Visual elements missing from my Printed Overview Report?
Why are some Japanese characters not displayed correctly in my SilkPerformer 2008 BDF script?
Why are some JMX measures not written to Tsd file, even though they can be monitored with Performance Explorer?
Why are some measurements in the overview report / documentation shown as KB yet others are shown as kB ?
Why are some ODBC type functions not detailed in Silk Performer Help or the BDL Reference Guide?
Why are some of the minimum response times reported in the Overview Report equal to zero?
Why are some of the url calls missing when I examine my TrueLog On Error file?
Why are some Oracle V$SYSSTAT measures returning incorrect, or zero, values using SilkPerformer 6.6
Why are statements with "<uncorrelated>" scripted by the Java Recorder?
Why are the "Wait" and "Idle" values interchanged when monitoring using RSTAT?
Why are the bounds in my overview report different to those I specified it the "Automatic Threshold Generation" dialog?
Why are the colours of graph keys not printed when you print a graph which has been exported from Performance Explorer to HTML?
Why are the downstream settings for Modem Simulation less than the upstream settings?
Why are the form API calls in my FlexLm script identified in the TrueLog files as "null"?
Why are the log files growing exponentially in TM ART 3.9 and 4.1 rather than switching to a new file?
Why are the number of bytes parsed (nBytes) inconsistent when using WebparseResponseData, WebParseDataBound, WebParseHtmlBound?
Why are the parsing options grayed out when attempting to parse data from in-hdr tab?
Why are the SilkPerformer menu options unavailable in Visual Studio.Net if the SilkPerformer Project Wizard is not used?
Why are there conflicting values reported between Kernel.bdh and Visual Studio add-in?
Why are there different TrueLog views and how does TrueLog Explorer determine the default view when opening a TrueLog?
Why are there missing Bounds and Histograms in my Overview report ?
Why are ThinkTimes being included during TryScript in SilkPerformer 2006 and 2006 R2?
Why are UDP functions recorded instead of Wap* functions for Nokia Mobile Browser Simulator 4.0, how can I resolve this?
Why are unexpected characters rendered in the Overview Report for comma and decimal point characters?
Why are values greater than 999 split into more than one cell when exporting my results from Performance Explorer to a CSV file?
Why are very large SQL statements broken by SilkPerformer during record?
Why are Virtual Users not showing in my Overview Report after I use the "kill" or "stop" command during an Increasing Workload" test?
Why are Virtual Users showing the status "not participating" in the Monitor tab?
Why are WebFormPost functions not executed asynchronously?
Why are WebPageCustomRequests scripted for HTTP GET requests?
Why can I no longer get the virtual user error files (.err) from the Silk Performer toolbar or monitor window ?
Why can I not add an SP4.X agent from a machine that also has SPV installed ?
Why can I not check out my standalone license even though it has not yet expired ?
Why can I not configure the JVM Virtual Memory size using the directions in the Silk Performer 2008 Advanced Concepts whitepaper?
Why can I not decrement dates beyond a year in SilkPerformer?
Why can I not edit the user details for all my scripts in the All Day Workload in SilkPerformer 2009?
Why can I not execute Try Script in Visual Studio .NET 2005 and nothing happens in the virtual user output pane?
Why can I not get the Intellisense feature of SilkPerformer 6.0 to work?
Why can I not install only Java Explorer from the Advanced Installation option in SilkPerformer 6.01?
Why can I not manage my agents via the System Configuration Manager?
Why can I not monitor 2 or more WebSphere Application servers simultaneously ?
Why can I not monitor SNMP on Weblogic 5.1 with Performance Explorer?
Why can I not record against a Web Application which uses Pushlet technology?
Why can I not retrieve all my requested Data Source measures when monitoring ATG Dynamo Application servers?
Why can I not see a network card displayed in the System Configuration Manager for an agent machine?
Why can I not see any output from my PrintFunction, PrintInfo, or PrintData functions in my Virtual User Pane?
Why can I not select a testcase in the SilkTest project that I have imported into SilkPerformer for GUI-Level testing?
Why can I not specify a start-time for the Dynamic Workload?
Why can I not toggle the Auto-assign Virtual User option in an All Day workload in Silk Performer 2008 R2?
Why can I not use a specific overview report (.ovt) as a template in SilkPerformer 2007?
Why can I not view Truelog On Error files from my agent machine while my test is executing?
Why can performance counters which contain an "@" character not be monitored with Performance Explorer?
Why can"t I replay my SAP script when sapgui/user_scripting_disable_recording parameter is enabled?
Why do agent machines lose connection with the SilkPerformer controller during a load test?
Why do agents not appear in the "Add LAN Agent" dialog when I attempt to add them even though they are on my Local Area Network?
Why do Citrix TrueLog On Error files only show a snapshot of the error screen and no details of other screens in the test?
Why do graphs from the Overview Report not appear in Word after copy and paste?
Why do I encounter a compile error when trying to export from .NET Explorer into a SilkPerformer .NET Project?
Why do I encounter a memory leak or the error message "VUser- 3760259236 - unknown error code" when executing a flash remoting loadtest?
Why do I encounter errors such as "Link Checking(HTTP: 500 - internal server error)" when performing Link Checking on a URL?
Why do I encounter the "CitrixEngine: 51 - VerifyText failed, OCR operation failed - -986" during replay?
Why do I encounter the dialog box "A program is trying to send an email message on your behalf, do you want to allow this", when executing a MAPI script?
Why do I encounter the error "compile error SEM171" when checking the returned boolean value of the function OraFormsSetWindow?
Why do I encounter the error "OraFormsConnect(OraForms: 21 - Communication Error., class" when replaying again
Why do I encounter the error "PerfMon: error when accessing a Windows PerfMon counter (PDH: 288 - Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller., )" when executing a SilkCentral Infrastructure monitor?
Why do I encounter the error "SEM 207: Different type of actual parameter and formal parameters when I omit an optional parameter from a BDL function?
Why do I encounter the error "SilkPerformer File has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience"?
Why do I encounter the error "StInitSession(GUI-Level Testing Replay: 10 - Virtual user information, More than 1 user per Session is not allowed, please check if user credentials are provided" during
Why do I encounter the error "StInitSession(GUI-Level Testing Replay: 10 - Virtual user information, SilkTest Connection timeout reached)" during a loadtest?..
Why do I encounter the error "StInitSession(GUI-Level Testing Replay: 10 - Virtual user information, SilkTest Connection timeout reached)"?
Why do I encounter the error message "HTTP: 407 - proxy authentication required" when replaying a BDF script via an NTLM-authenticated proxy?
Why do I encounter the error message "MS Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close" when trying to record in SilkPerformer?
Why do I encounter the error message "SapGui 1: SapEngine could not initialize virtual user" when I attempt to run a try-script or test?
Why do I encounter the error message "SilkTest reported, Log Error: *** Error: Window "window name" was not found" during replay?
Why do I encounter the Java Exception "com.segue.jexplorer.datatyp.exception.JExpLoadException: failed to load web service" when trying to load a Web Service in Java Explorer?
Why do I encounter the warning message "Do you want to record spied data" when using the SilkPerformer Recorder?
Why do I ger XML sample error: *** Virtual user error *** RUNERR: 34 - RUN Null string not allowed for parameter (add "ALLOWNULL" modifier)
Why do I get "compile error LEX 18: /* comment is not closed before end of file" when compiling my database script?
Why do I get "compile error SYN 3: SQL text is not closed with ";" " when compiling my SQL based script?
Why do I get "Error - could not start listening on port 19105" when trying to record a web application and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get "Error in the Java settings: Can"t start JVM v1.2, reason: Unrecognized option: path", java home="...", jvm-dll="(null)", last error=203(exit code-1)"?
Why do I get "Error occurred during initialization of VM...." after installing dynaTrace agent on 64bit Solaris 10 OS ?
Why do I get "HTTP: 1001 - invalid URL, SetUrl - "http//<server name here>"" when replaying my script?
Why do I get "HTTP: 1024 - invalid scheme separator, SetUrl - "http:<server name here>"" when replaying my script?
Why do I get "OdbcExecute(ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, HY092 (0) : [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Option type out of range)" when accessing Oracle repository?
Why do I get "OdbcIgnoreError("HY004"); // [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0123E SQL data type out of range" recorded in my ODBC script?
Why do I get "Page cannot be displayed" when recording a secure (HTTPS) site with SilkPerformer 2006R2?
Why do I get "PDCE 6 measure inactive - data collection stopped " messages when monitoring a server ?
Why do I get "PeopleSoft8Api.bdh cannot be opened" when compiling a script?
Why do I get "The page cannot be displayed" when trying to place an order in the GMO2 sample application?
Why do I get "WinSock 10061: connection timed out" errors when replaying SAP script?
Why do I get 0 functions recorded when trying to record an application using SilkPerformer?
Why do I get 0 functions when recording a DCOM application?
Why do I get a "At least one "Warning" event was triggered because a recoverable error" message when opening an .ltz file?
Why do I get a "compile error SEM205: too many actual parameters of function" after using TrueLog to parse text from SAP status bar?
Why do I get a "Compile error SEM207: different types of actual parameters and formal parameters" when using the WebPageSubmitFileUpload function?
Why do I get a "java.lang.StackOverflowError" error when using Silk Performer"s java recorder to record my java based client?
Why do I get a "PerfMon: 3014 - The data is not valid" error when running a monitoring script?
Why do I get a "perfrun.exe" application error when using the StrAnsi2Unicode function and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get a "perfrun.exe" crash during replay of a script that contains calls to a URL containing the "#" character?
Why do I get a "perfrun.exe" crash during replay of an OCI script and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get a "SEVERE ERROR" when installing SilkPerformer V 5.1 Hotfixes or the WAP add-on?
Why do I get a blank line at the end of my CSV file after editing it in SilkPerformer?
Why do I get a compile error when omitting the last optional parameter of the JavaSetByteArray function?
Why do I get a Db2Connect Error when monitoring a IBM DB2 database using Performance Explorer?
Why do I get a dialog showing "Error parsing sapgui command line" when trying to record my SAPGUI client?
Why do I get a memory reference exception error when recording my ODBC script and as a result my application aborts leaving me unable to record a full script.?
Why do I get a message "Data query skipped due to delay" when trying to monitor a server?
Why do I get a message "File does not begin with "%PDF-"" downloading a pdf file in Truelog Explorer?
Why do I get a Microsoft Development Environment error message when creating a project using the Visual Studio .NET Add-On on a Chinese language operating system?
Why do I get a redefinition error when compiling a CORBA script?
Why do I get a SilkCentral Core Components crash when replaying my COM script and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get an error "WebLdapSearch Native: 1004 - LDAP Error, Partial results and referral received" when replaying my LDAP script?
Why do I get an error on record - "Internet Recorder Error - The requested URL could not be received - invalid header" ?
Why do I get an error similar to "Connecting to http://<machine_name> failed - Connection failed (12007)"?
Why do I get an error similar to "Windows cannot find tnameserv, make sure you typed the name correctly.." when trying to start the Java RMI sample application?
Why do I get an error when using the DotNetCallMethod function to call Static Methods?
Why do I get an installer dialog appearing when trying to open SilkPerformer and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get authentication errors when using an Agent even after adding my user credentials to WebSetUserAuthNtlm?
Why do I get different values when setting custom counters using WebPageStatistics and MeasureGet?
Why do I get Error "ComUserInit ITF: 273 - ClassFactory cannot supply requested class" when attempting to compile the VB Frameworks script that is part of the SilkPerformer Templates?
Why do I get error "PDCE: 701 - Query for Ltci performance counter update failed" when monitoring SAP.
Why do I get error "SYSTEM - 1332 - no mapping between account names & security ID was done" when using an agent in a LoadTest?
Why do I get errors similar to - Whitespace is not allowed at this location. Error processing resource when viewing the generated XLG file?
Why do I get errors when trying to compile my file that comes with the RadiusJFW.sep?
Why do I get FORM_NULLs in WebPageAddUrl() functions in my recorded script?
Why do I get GUI-Level testing "Error: Directory XXXX does not exist"?
Why do I get multiple FileCSVLoadGlobal calls in my script when using the Truelog Explorer parameter wizard to call a multi-column data file?
Why do I get no functions recorded when trying to record a Siebel 6 Application using Oracle backend with the Silkessential for Silkperformer?
Why do I get so many WebPageBack function calls in my recorded script even if I never pressed the back button while recording?
Why do I get some TCP/IP functions in my script when recording Oracle Forms?
Why do I get the commented code "// Rule set "ASP.NET ViewState"" in my SilkPerformer 2009 scripts?
Why do I get the error " 3758489721 - unknown error code, SendRequest first attempt " during a loadtest?
Why do I get the error "<path>/<file>.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations, recompile with XInit unchecked for details" and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get the error ""No Error Occurred" when viewing CSV files in SilkPerformer 2007?
Why do I get the error "*** Virtual user container error *** Runtime: 117 - External Functions: can not load external function: <MeasureSet> " ?
Why do I get the error "3760259232 - unknown error code" or "Cannot open data file - runtime error 1017 " when running a load test ?
Why do I get the error "access denied, RespHdrAuthNTLM" when using a data file to parameterize the WebSetUserAuthNtlm function?
Why do I get the error "BDL Machine: 21 - RUN dynamic stack expansion failed, cannot allocate memory for stack segment" when calling a function in Silk Performer?
Why do I get the error "BDL MACHINE: 28 - RUN array index out of bounds" when running a script?
Why do I get the error "Caution! The picture files for the HTML reports could not be copied to their target location"?
Why do I get the error "CitrixWaitForLogon(CitrixEngine: 20 - WaitForLogon failed, Operation timed out)" during Tryscript.
Why do I get the error "com.segue.monitoring.jmx.common.exception.RtException: Unable to connect" when monitoring Websphere via JMX?
Why do I get the error "Compile error CM214 internal funcion is not allowed as actual paramter of an internal function Siebel 7 param" ?
Why do I get the error "compile error SYN 39: "DO" expected" when trying to compile the XML sample that ships with SilkPerformer?
Why do I get the error "Could not import certificate! Security: 6 - Could not read certificate"?
Why do I get the error "Could not start Java Hooking Engine, reason: Can"t load JVM" when recording Oracle Forms?
Why do I get the error "DOTNET: 15 - Exception has been logged!, Unrecognized element" when using .Net Framework?
Why do I get the error "DOTNET: 3 - Loading object throw exception! Possible reasons: Wrong version of perfdotnetfw.dll, unhandled exception in constructor or insufficient permissions"
Why do I get the error "Error - update option not supported" when using PerfRsManager to install agent software?
Why Do I get the error "Error, Reason: XML: 4 - Unexpected document" when trying to use my recording rule?
Why do I get the error "EXCEPTION in JavaEngineJseCmd: com.segue.javahooking.common.RecException: Exception in jseCmd Cause: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" during record?
Why do I get the error "Following compiling errors occurred: No overload for method" when exporting a .Net Explorer project?
Why do I get the error "GUI-Level Testing Replay:11 SilkTest reported. Project failed to open"?
Why do I get the error "Hook DLL not configured in registry entry Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Windows\AppInit_DLLs. Recording may not work properly"?
Why do I get the error "HTTP: 1033 - HTTP 304 on a non conditional page-level request on replay of script."?
Why do I get the error "IiopVBrokerServerBind(IIOP: 191 - System exception:, <completed_no>)" when running a Corba script?
Why do I get the error "Initialization of Class Import DLL failed" when trying to load a unit test?
Why do I get the error "Internal error 2894.126" when trying to install Silk Performer ?
Why do I get the error "JavaCreateJavaVM(Native:1002 - Java Exception, Native Error 0: java.lang.UnsatisifedLinkError: no perfJavaAPI in java.library.path" during Try-Script?
Why do I get the error "Loading ARM Dll failed: C:\Program Files\Segue\SilkPerformer 7.3\ "dll name" when replaying my script?
Why do I get the error "Loading project failed. Error (3759865874 - unknown error code)" when running a Try-Script in Visual Studio?
Why do I get the error "LoadtestController: 3201 - License Error" when starting a TryScript with the Developer Workbench?
Why do I get the error "LoadtestController: 3309 - The temp directory could not be cleared" when running a TryScript or LoadTest?
Why do I get the Error "MeasureSetBound - Runtime: 1027 - Invalid severity specified" on replay?
Why do I get the error "no cursor position match" when replaying a TN3270/TN5250 script?
Why do I get the error "No Separator Defined" when I am using the Create New Parameter wizard?
Why do I get the error "No Source Code Control providers available" when trying to use StarTeam as my SCC?
Why do I get the error "ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, IM002 (0) : [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"?
Why do I get the error "OdbcConnect ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, 28000 (18452) : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user "(null)". Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Serve
Why do I get the error "OdbcConnect(ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, HY000 (-1032) : [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file "(unknown)". "?
Why do I get the error "ORA-01000: Maximum number of open cursors exceeded" ?
Why do I get the error "Ora8StmtExecute Native: 1006 - Oracle Error, : ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column"?
Why do I get the error "PDCE: 701 - Query for Ltci performance counter update failed" when monitoring my SAP application server from Performance Explorer?
Why do I get the error "PDH: 3035 - unable to access the desired machine or service" when running a monitoring script?
Why Do I get the error "Reason: XML: 4 - Unexpected document" when trying to use my recording rule?
Why do I get the error "Remote Setup: 9" when trying to install remote agents?
Why do I get the error "Repository 3093 : Repository Version Check Failed - Please Update The Repository" when running a test in SilkPerformer?
Why do I get the error "RESERR: 150 - Error in delimiter parameter (";") of FileCSVLoad* : delimiter must be ";" or "," or any other one character long string"?
Why do I get the error "Runtime 1016: - Cannot find data file, File: <FILENAME>, Reason: SYSTEM 2 - The system cannot find the file specified.." when I try to access a file in my script?
Why do I get the error "Runtime: 116 - External Functions: can not load library: <perfDataEngine.dll: Error:126>"
Why do I get the error "SapGuiSetActiveWindow(SapGui: 89 - An error occured while setting the new active window., IDispatch error #635)" on tryscript, how do I resolve?
Why do I get the error "SEM 207: Different type of actual parameter and formal parameters" on compile of my recorded script for AdoParamCreate functions?
Why do I get the error "SEM263: too many parameters using string expressions" when I try to compile my script?
Why do I get the error "StInitSession(GUI-Level Testing Replay: 10 - Virtual user information, SilkTest Connection timeout reached)" during a loadtest?
Why do I get the error "SYSTEM: 16389 - Unspecified error, Cannot find type : System.DataTime" when using the DotNetCallMethod sample?
Why do I get the error "SYSTEM: 2 - The system cannot find the file specified." when using WebPagePostFile when the path to the file is correct?
Why do I get the error "SYSTEM: 231 All pipe instances are busy" when monitoring client-side real-time measures?
Why do I get the error "The combination of style=rpc with use=literal is not supported" when loading a wsdl file in .Net Explorer?
Why do I get the error "The following plug-in(s) couldn"t be loaded"
Why do I get the error "The page cannot be displayed" when recording SSL traffic when using a Client Certificate?
Why do I get the error "Unable to locate the requested MetaFrame server name" when trying to connect to a Citrix server?
Why do I get the error "Virtual User Container Error - Attempt to reference a token that does not exist (System 1008)" and how do I resolve it?
Why do I get the error "Virtual user container error - RESERR: 1028 - The BDF file"s codepage does not match the system codepage" and how do I resolve it?
Why do I get the error "Warning hooking not properly installed. Spy DLL specified in PerfHK_Name registry entry does not exist"?
Why do I get the error "Warning: hooking not properly configured. PerfHK_Name environment variable not available: PerfHk_Name73".
Why do I get the error "WebEngine 13: - The connection closed gentle but earlier than expected" when replaying http traffic against Netscape Enterprise Servers?
Why do I get the error "WebEngine: 21 - No free context space available" when running tests?
Why do I get the error "WebEngine: 42 - Operation timed out!, RecvHeader second attempt" when "Connect Attempts" is set to 3?
Why do I get the error "WebPageLink(HTTP: 1060 - HTML Hyperlink not found.." when the link is located on the page?
Why do I get the error "WebTelnetSendCommand(WinSock: 10053 - Software caused connection abort)" and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get the error "Winsock 10065 - no route to host" on replay and how can I troubleshoot it?
Why Do I get the Error - Error Agent Localhost - LoadtestController: 3301 - The results directory could not be created
Why do I get the error - limitation error RES 5: list of global symbols full; increase value of Global Symbols in Settings Dialog - General/Compiler
Why Do I get the error - Session Timed out ! while replaying my first record of Shopit application that ships with Silkperformer V ?
Why do I get the error COM Replay: 701 - Internal record not initialized correctly. No description for "Uo0076I" available during replay of a COM script?
Why do I get the error EnableUNCAccess(SYSTEM: 1312 - A specified logon session does not exist)?
Why do I get the error java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: when attempting to monitor Websphere via JMX?
Why do I get the error LoadtestController: 3432 - Command <connect> timed out?
Why do I get the error message "33: Authentication failed (wrong password)" when trying to connect to an Agent?
Why do I get the error message "Silk Central Components File has encountered a problem and needs to close" when executing JavaGetByteArray?
Why Do I get the error message - DOTNET:3 - Loading object throw exception! When doing a Try Script in Visual studio .Net of a .Net Explorer Recorded Script?
Why do I get the error OraFormsEditSet(Native: 1002 - Java Exception, Native Error 12: java.lang.NullPointerException) on replay of my Oracle Forms script?
Why do I get the Error: "FileGetRow - RESERR: 1020 - The column index is out of bound (larger than the maximum row)"?
Why Do I get the error: Compile error, SEM 12 : variable is not declared when assigning a variable to a form?
Why do I get the Error: Error while loading project, Cause: PerfLM:18 - Silkperformer license error -See event log for details
Why Do I get the Error: HTTP401 - Access Denied when trying to replay my recorded script against a mixed authentication website?
Why Do I get the Error: Ora8StmtExecute(Native: 1001 - Oracle Error, ORA-04031: unable to allocate 4096 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool",) ?
Why Do I get the error: OraFormsConnect(OraForms: 21 - Severe Runtime Error, class connect: Address is invalid on local machine, or port is not valid on remote machine)?
Why do I get the error: OraFormsConnect(OraForms: 26 - Handler already destroyed or not created yet, Warning: cannot find handler with id: xx when replaying my Oracle forms script?
Why do I get the error:OdbcConnect(ODBC: 5 - ODBC error, 08002 (0) : [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Connection in use) when running my database script?
Why do I get the follow error on replay "MeasureSetBound(Runtime: 1027 - Invalid severity specified)" ?
Why Do I get the following error " Found Blank in entry" when setting a repository in the Silkperformer repository manager?
Why do I get the following error "Attempt to release mutex not owned by caller. [<machine name>/<counter>]" when monitoring my server?
Why Do I get the following error - Bdf-Script couldn"t be created because the assembly doesn"t define any virtual users! No user information from SPADdInHlp: Count: 0
Why do I get the following error :FOpenRuntime: 1017 - Cannot open data file, File: D:\Temp\Sample1.csv, Reason: SYSTEM: 5 -Access is denied when attempting to reaad/write to a data file on a network drive from multiple agents?
Why do I get the following error during my test - "Could not insert project into repository - Repository 8 : A database error occurred during writing results" ?
Why do I get the following error during recording: "SSLv3 alert bad record mac" with 0 functions recorded and the browser showing the DNS error page?
Why do I get the following error message when recording IIOP traffic " Runtime: 9 - The name of the measurepoint is too long"?
Why do I get the following error message: "Warning: Hooking not properly installed; Hook DLL does not exist C:\WINDOWS\system32\qaphooks.dll; Recording may not work properly"
Why do I get the following error when connecting to SilkMeter "The agent cannot be connected with the information provided! Please specify the correct agent connection properties."
Why do I get the following error: HTTP 1007 - invalid content length, and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get the following error: SapGuiOpenConnection(SapGui: 9 - Creating a new connection failed., Unknown error 0xE03B0009)?
Why do I get the following message when trying to monitor my Unix server "PDCE 401 : connection lost will retry" ?
Why do I get the following Warning - WebPageSubmit(HTTP: 1064 - Html form does not contain the specified Attribute
Why do I get the license error "Error - Could not connect to the workload " when trying to run a load test?
Why do I get the message "Cannot get values; Object not available on target host." When attempting get SNMP values?
Why do I get the message "could not customize SQL statement of the "OdbcPrepare" call in line xxx of you BDL script"?
Why do I get the message "Error: Could not create the specified results directory - System: 5 - Access Denied." and how do I resolve this?
Why do I get the message: "Error 1706. No valid source could be found for product Silk Performer 7.3. The windows installer cannot continue"?
Why do I get the Oracle forms replay warning: OraFormsSetConnectMode(OraForms: 23 - OraFormsSetConnectMode overrides the profile"s connection setting)
Why do I get the pop-up: "Do you want to load all relevant files of Project:"xxx" LoadTest"xxx"? when my loadtest is finished?
Why do I get the replay error "DotNetCallMethod(DOTNET: 18 - An exception was thrown by the called method., System.IO.FileNotFoundException : File or assembly name PerfDotNetFW, or one of its dependen
Why do I get the SSL error message: "security 17 - could not load SSL libraries"?
Why do I Get WebPopPass and WebPopStat errors on Replay of my Recorded Pop3 Email script?
Why do I have to install Internet Explorer during the install of Silk Performer?
Why do I need to use CORBA/IIOP Preprocessor Arguments and how do I specify these in SilkPerformer?
Why do I need Type Libraries when recording a COM application? Can I record COM traffic without Type Libraries?
Why do I no longer see API calls such as the WebTcpIp or WebPageUrl function calls generated in the Record.log file?
Why do I not get Document Download Time and Server Busy Time when I am using WebUrlBeginPage and WebUrlEndPage??
Why do I not get measure data written to the TSD file when using REXEC to monitor multiple servers in SilkPerformer 6.5?
Why do I not have all the "decomplile" menu options in the "contributors" tab of the PurePath view in dynaTrace Diagnostics even when viewing a live session?
Why do I not have the "Add Sensor Rules" menu option in the "contributors" tab of the PurePath view in dynaTrace Diagnostics?
Why do I not have the "decomplile" menu options in the "contributors" tab of the PurePath view in dynaTrace Diagnostics?
Why do I not see all User Profiles available for selection when I go to run a LoadTest?
Why do I only see 10,000 rows returned when I query my results through RESULTS | RESULTS REPOSITORY, even though my test created more rows than this?
Why do I receive "Error Parsing IDL file" in SilkPerformer 5.1's recorder?
Why do I receive a "401 Unauthorized" error when trying to load a WSDL file which requires user authentication in Java Explorer?
Why do I receive a "failed to load WSDL" error when trying to load a WebService in Java Explorer?
Why do I receive a "File download" dialog box when viewing a TrueLog file?
Why do I receive a Compile error SYN 2: identifier expected message?