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Silk performer 21.0 Log out dialog

When i try to replay a navigation recored in Ajax (browser driven), when i close a tab from a button, a confirmation dialog appears, and the script finishes and the dialog remains.

Solutions, i have tried.

I try to close the window but a dialog appears,  I have tried to push the red Sí, but i cannot debug neither.

I have tried, close the dialog from javascript,

with a click based in x, y

with dialogStop


BrowserDlgSetButton("Explorador web #2", "Sí");
BrowserTypeKeys("//BrowserApplication", "<ENTER>");
BrowserNativeClick("//BrowserApplication", 600,350, BUTTON_Left, "Click, BROWSERAPPLICATION (#1)");


The browser is IE. Any help is welcome.

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    Hi Javier,

    For the BrowserNativeClick function, you should be able to see the location of the click in the Try Script TrueLog and then adjust the coordinates accordingly.

    Are you able to share the TrueLog or the project?



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    what locator I should use because it doesn't detect //BrowserApplication neither //Browser?

  • Verified Answer

    +1   in reply to 

    The best way to find that is to record the action of closing the dialog box.

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    The record is 

    BrowserDlgSetButton("Explorador web #1", "Sí");

    But the close X symbol is disabled (why¿?) 

    Using the never ending replay is 

    BrowserStop() doesn't close that, How to i close all is another question!

    Thanks in advance .Neil.


  • Suggested Answer

    0 in reply to 

    i have solved, it is strange but the BrowserDlgSetButton("Explorador web #1", "Sí"); should be push before the botton exit. 

    Thanks the recording was correct but i should record with some different browser and only the silk IE record correctly. 

  • Suggested Answer

    0 in reply to 

    i have solved, it is strange but the BrowserDlgSetButton("Explorador web #1", "Sí"); should be push before the botton exit. 

    Thanks the recording was correct but i should record with some different browser and only the silk IE record correctly. 
