This working folder is only used for the Demo project that comes with silk central. The "Demodata" folder that you see here is a UNC path that is set up to use this location from a Source Control of the Demoproject.
Therefore, if you are not using…
Configuring Silk Central Clients
To Setup the Silk Central Clients:
Go to Instance Administration page
Click the “Login URL” beside this instance to go to the login page
Login as the “Sysadmin” user of the system to access the System Administration…
This issue can occur on the Traceability tab of Silk Central.
It can occur when the default NGINX port is changed from 19120 to another value in the nginx.conf file located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Silk\Silk Central 17.0\instanceadministration\nginxFiles…
After an LDAP server has been created, the security enabled for users in SCTM must be reviewed.
Within the screenshot below, there is an option named " Mixed mode authentication (LDAP) " within the Login Data section.
If this is not enabled, then…
For Screenshots/Video Caputuring, Java needs to be available in the user session on the terminal server. Screenshots Screen capturing should work on Windows Server systems as soon as Java is available. Installing Java on the client machine is not necessary…
This error will appear when importing a large Silk Central project and using IIS on your server.
This error is caused by a limit within IIS.
Use the following steps to change the limit settings within IIS.
Open the Internet Information Services…
Silk Central LDAP integration supports plain-text authentication and SSL authentication.
Your directory service must either allow anonymous queries or a user with read rights on the directory must be provided.
This means that within the BindDN field…
On Machine 1 – Main Application/Frontend Server
On Machine 2 – Frontend Server only
On Machine 2, do the following:
Open Silk Central Instance Manager
Stop the Services you do not need. (eg Application,Chart servers…
To enable SSL on Silk Central 17 and newer versions:
1. Copy the certificate and key to the frontend server machine
2. Edit the file nginx.conf.template in C:\Program Files (x86)\Silk\Silk Central 17.0\instanceadministration\nginxFiles\conf
It is not possible to export filtered test cases in the Details View. The Download as XLSX option from the Test Grid View is the way to export filtered test cases. There are no plans to change this in the Details View as of Silk Central 16.0. This enhancement…
This error can occur when you are changing an execution server from one environment to another on Silk Central.
Please see the below steps to delete execution server associations on the original machine without using Silk Central. This is useful if…
When attempting to synchronise VersionOne test tasks to Silk Central, you may receive an error message in your Silk Central log files stating that your 'Test Task could not be created in SCTM'.
In order to resolve this issue, please ensure that you…
Issue occurs if the following steps are used:
Attributes are created within a single-selection list with elements that have no weights.
The Attribute is applied to a test:
Go to Tests
Assign Attribute to test
Value assigned is my_first_element_in_list…
Email notifications can be disabled from Silk Central Test Manager GUI.
To do this, use the steps below:
Go to Administration
Select Execution Environment
Select an execution server
Click Edit
Click on Advanced
Change the "Responsiveness…
Errors may appear when running a report:
An exception occurred during processing. Please see the following message for details: Cannot open the connection for the driver:…
There is no pre-written report that will return a list of Silk Central Test Manager users and the roles they are assigned to. This information is retrieved from the following tables:
SCC_Roles, SCC_UserGroupRoles and SCC_Roles.
Please note that access…
When dealing with multiple 3rd party clients, security is important within the Advanced Query Builder
The best solution is to prevent security issues occurring or misuse of SQL queries. By disabling some settings within System Administration you can…
If tests do not show in Grid View, this could be an issue with the snapshot isolation or the LQM Updater within the database.
Tests get deleted while the LQM updater is running due to some invalid test plan node-ids in the project history (TM_ProjectHistory…
The steps below allow you to check if IIS is being used.
Open the start menu
Open the IIS console
Go to the IIS configuration settings menu option.
Go to the node "Web Sites" in the panel.
Go to the "ISAPI Filters" section.
Check for an…
There are two options to show all know defects.:
You can create your own custom reports with SQL using our ‘Create New Report’ function.
Reports > Details View > New Child Report
You can add a panel to your dashboard that will allow you…
Error Message:
Unable to locate C:\_SilkTestProjects\_FilenServe\ error.
Issue Explained
The SilkTest Classic script functions correctly stand alone with data driven tests. Your file exists in the correct place. When…
When using a Microsoft Excel sheet for data driven tests, you may come across problems with SCTM recognising special characters when uploading the template.
These can be characters such as:
- = [ ] \ ’ ; / . , ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ { } | ” : ? …
Below are the steps to set up Silk Performer tests to run in Silk Central Test Manager (SCTM) using a Datasource.
1) Setting up DataSource:
Create a project within Silk Performer.
Create tests within this project. (e.g browser tests to google…
The drop-down is missing because it has been hidden. Its visibility is set within a configuration file in the Silk Central folder
To make this drop-down visible again:
Go to the FrontendServer installation directory, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)…
Silk Central relies on a relational database for storing its data. A well sized and maintained DBMS can significantly impact system performance. This blog post introduces some recommendations for a Microsoft SQL Server-based installation of Silk Central…