DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Can I import issues to IssueManager with Web Services?
It is possible to use the web services API to do this and you
could also build a custom utility however such a procedure cannot
be created or supported by Borland Technical Support.
The following method is available to enter issues via the web
public int saveNewIssue
(long sessionID, int projectID, String issueType, String
product, String release,
String platform, String component, String severity, String
synopsis, String description)
long sessionID - The unique ID of the actual session
int projectID - The ID of the project
String issueType - The issue type
String product - The product name
String release - The release name
String platform - The platform name
String component - The component name
String severity - The severity of the new issue
String synopsis - A name or short description of the new
String description - The description of the new issue
The issue number of the newly generated issue.
For further information, please see Chapter 3 of the Test Manager
API Guide.