Hi MF,
Is it possible for SiteScope to have an additional feature in the future that, for example, can monitor system changes such as new servers added or removed, transaction history, and so on?
Thank you.
When a user without privileges to modify a Schedule, views a schedule it is impossible to return to the "Schedules" list without logging out of Silk Central.
For example:
Clicking the browser back button - does not return the user to the Schedules…
Option to change the generated performer MHT file to HTML as the MHT files are limited to IE
There is an option to change this in Performer but not in Silk Central
Case 00373969
Additional column in document view to display total Not executed and not run tests. Add one column in document view which will show the overall not executed status irrespective of the finished last runs
Case 00365619
Enhancement to sort data driven test runs by Duration column on parent tests
For data driven tests in which each data row is not a single test, the sub tests are not displayed in SCTM as separate tests.
On the Data Driven tab of the parent test, there…
A new permission that will allow users access to “Cross-Project Activities Page”
This is currently restricted to users who have the SuperUser privileges
Case 00378381
Current functionality
1) Creates a shared step that contains other shared steps.
2) Clicks “ expand the shared step” which then shows the child shared steps.
3) Extract the parent shared step. The extracted steps which also include a shared step…
In Silk Central 17,0 when copying a test container from one project to another with requirements assigned the user is prompted with a warning;
"“There were assigned requirements found” Assigned requirements are generally not included when tests are…
Any tests that are assigned to user in a manual test cycle are not removed from the test cycle when that user is removed from the test cycle. The tests are assigned to a 'NO SPECIFIC TESTER' rather than removed from the cycle.
Case 00365028
If a step in a KDT fails, current SCTM behavior is to break the test execution no matter what Errors Allowed property of the test is. I believe it'd be more useful if SCTM could run the next steps if Errors Allowed > 0.
Benefit: Testers can write KDTs…
In order to free licenses and avoid problems with licenses issues it would be very helpful that administrators could force the logout of a registered user. Sometimes a user forgot to logout a session and the license it is not freed, so having the possibility…
In the Manual Testing dialog it is too easy to accidentally click the Finish button and Finish an entire execution plan that multiple testers could be working on and there is no way to undo/restart a Finished execution plan. Ball Aerospace would like…
1. Description of Feature Requested: ------------------------------------
Have the option to create custom popup lists’ fields where multiple values can be selected.
2. Business Case: ------------------------------------ Currently only one value can…
1. Description of Feature Requested: For any changes in status of the test scripts within a test cycle, email notifications required to be sent to the group/assignees of the Test Cycle. Please note there are multiple test cycles with a different set of…
Raised in 00363340
Ability to gather custom test attributes and custom execution attributes into groups in the attributes section of the test or execution properties tab
In filters, we would like to be able to filter using the “run comment” field that is filled in during test execution.
As the “run comment” can be used to put some internal info (e.g. bug ID)
Currently there is a limitation to the resolution when using the video recording feature.
The recording will work up to a resolution of 1920x1080 but fails when it was 2560x1440.
1. Description of Feature Requested: ------------------------------------ Functionality to be able to make a project read only 2. Business Case: ------------------------------------ This would enable users to review provious projects 3. Expected Result…
Ability to bulk update tests that have multiselect attributes. e.g. update 10 tests at the same time by adding a new value from a multiselect list attribute
case 00364528
Enhancement to the build management window
The products, versions and builds are managed in transversal and visible to all projects in Silk Central.
Example of view today: we cannot manipulate and enlarge the window
Need the ability to filrter…
Allow the customisation of thr workflow state for tests to have similar functionality to the current Issue Manager workflow customisations.
Case 00366000
1. Description of Feature Requested: ------------------------------------ Deleting the execution plan removes the run information from the test. 2. Business Case: ------------------------------------ The results need to be connected to particular cases…
1. Description of Feature Requested: ------------------------------------ Create a filter with “AND” and “OR” in the same filter. 2. Business Case: ------------------------------------ Extends the current functionality
Case 00365927
1. Description of Feature Requested: ------------------------------------ Execution stop condition drop-down at the test case level. The customer would like the ability to stop an execution if a particular test fails. Current it is only possible to stop…