Error OV 2024-01-18 10:09:20 BCA Catalina-utility-2 () java.rmi.ConnectIOException: Exception creating connection to:; nested exception is: No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): connect Error OV…
We have the vulnerabilities in Silk Central 20.6 (CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45105, CVE-2021-44832, CVE-2021-45046) and we need to fix them. What action do we need to take to resolve them?
I'm trying to setup and configure a test execution plan to be triggered from Jenkins and I'm facing an issue on line 43 in the gradle build script.
Unfortunately, it only throws an error in my Jenkins console and I can't see the reason behind…
I need to export the requirements with Requirement Id's into Excel. I couldn't able to find the option in Silk Central tool.
Please let me know if requirements export is possible or not.
Thanks & Regards
Vishnu Raj
I am trying to do an automation to import Test plan from excel to Silk Central through Excel VBA.
Is there any Addins or plugins available ?
In HPQC we have OTA COM library through which Excel can communicate HPQC , Similarly any other OTA library…
Hello Team,
I tried to import the test plan from Excel into Silk Central (Silk Central Version :
All test cases are imported successfully.
But i want to add the images in the test cases. There is no option available in the mapping template…
I have never used web services until now and I have small to 0 Java experience, but my testing department uses SILK as a test management tool and I am trying to get in touch with it. I want to get all the tests assigned to a requirement, but…
I have several classes created in Silk4J and have created keyword groups for each of these classes based on their functionalities. I am looking to associate all these keyword libraries to a single keyword driven test in SilkCentral. Is this feature…
I have created a keyword driven test in SilkCentral and implemented the keywords in silk4j.Is it possible to pass a keyword name as a parameter to a keyword. For example, say I want to execute keyword1 5 times. Is it possible to do it through another…
We are currently on Silk Central Test Manager v18.5.
We have a need for users to review and approve manual tests in SCTM. Also, is there is a way to lock a set of test cases after they are approved?
Does SCTM have approval, review, electronic signatures…
I have a keyword driven test and in the 'Attachment' section of the 'Properties' tab for the test I have attached an Excel file. I need to access this file at run-time to fetch data from it. Will this file be downloaded to the working folder while execution…
In our project, automation code(testNG with maven framework) is maintained in Bitbucket(git). Test plans are created in SCTM. What are the steps required to run a particular testNG class by fetching the code from Bitbucket using SCTM and runnning on Execution…
I have data categorized across various sheets in an excel file and i have defined this excel file as the data source in SilkCentral.I want to use data from across these various sheets for running my automated test in SilkCentral. However currently i can…
Hi All,
I have a problem for SC19 Load Balancing as below.
Could you help me?
Thanks & Regards.
ERROR: Application server connection failed: Application server needed for this operation, but not available. Ensure that the application server…
Hı Hepsi ,
SC19 Yük Dengeleme için aşağıdaki gibi bir sorunum var.
Bana yardım eder misin?
Teşekkürler & Saygılar.
Sunucu2 HATA: Uygulama sunucusu bağlantısı başarısız oldu: Bu işlem için uygulama sunucusu gerekli, ancak mevcut değil. Uygulama…
We currently have Issue Manager integrated with JIRA but today have run into an issue where Silk Central as sent a high volume of requests to JIRA to update issue/status(s).
I am unclear on how the synchronization works between the 2 systems.
Is there…
I already have execution server installed and after new upgrade of execution server, it should have been upgraded automatically.
But as it is not upgraded.
Can i upgrade without downloading and installing.
where program data file or…
I have stories imported into Silk Central as Requirements via the integration of JIRA and Silk Central.
I am unable to find a table i can join that will contain the custom JIRA attributes. The only table i have found is TM_RequirementTreeNodes…
Hello everybody
is there a out-of-the-box integration possiblity with the test automation tool "Ranorex" and SilkCentral?
The last post regarding this topic is about 5 years old. Any update since then?
I would be happy for any reply.
I am trying to get the test details based on 2 attributes name used in query.
On clicking a link in the parent window a new window opens in a web based application. I have to switch to the newly opened window and perform some action on the same, post which i need to move back to the parent window.
Can you please show…
I'm not really familiar with SQL command, that's maybe why I fail ;-)
Nevertheless, I like to use the default report "Failed test per executions plans". I already modify it in order to add the run comment field.
Now I would like to have the…
I have provisioned a VFS src ctrl profile pointing to the Jar file. I have associated the Test container to the same. It's running just fine . But I observed that for each set of test execution it tries to download the jar. The msg "Fetching sources…