In RLC 6.2.7, in the Release Package application, on the form "Link Transition Form", widget ChildRelationalGridWidget is configurated in this way:
Relational Field: ChildPackage
Report: Packages to link as child
The relational field ChildPackage is a single-relational field. If this configuration is changed and for Relational field is used the multi-relational field, ChildPackages, it is possible to select multiple child packages to link to a parent package, but nothing is shown on the Master State Form, tab Child Packages.
In the table TRM_RLM_TURNOVERS the information is correcly saved. The field TS_RLM_CHILD_Packages contains the right information.
It is something else that must be changed? Maybe a new report?
Any idea would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Ioana Deaconu