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PVCS - Could not access file because it is in use by another user.


I have two instances of users being unable to check out documents with the error:

'Could not access file because it is in use by another user. Check out <file>. <archive>'

the users privilages are correct, I can check them out as SuperUser, others with the same privs can check them out as well.

Everything on the fileserver looks sem leftovers that I can see....

Can anyone offer some advice please?

Many thanks

  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Chris,

    File In Use errors can be caused by an inability to obtain a semaphore, or an inability to to write the target file. As a test, please split the Check-out into a separate Get and Lock operation.

    • If the Lock operation works but the Get operation fails, the problem is with the file the user is trying to write to (permissions, open in an editor, etc.).
    • If the Get operation works but the Lock operation fails,  there either is a problem with an existing semaphore, or VM is unable to create one. Should it prove hard to find the origin of this, seeing the output from VM_Debug.bat (from KB doc S141099) might prove helpful. You might want to open a support case for this and upload that file to it.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.

  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Chris,

    File In Use errors can be caused by an inability to obtain a semaphore, or an inability to to write the target file. As a test, please split the Check-out into a separate Get and Lock operation.

    • If the Lock operation works but the Get operation fails, the problem is with the file the user is trying to write to (permissions, open in an editor, etc.).
    • If the Get operation works but the Lock operation fails,  there either is a problem with an existing semaphore, or VM is unable to create one. Should it prove hard to find the origin of this, seeing the output from VM_Debug.bat (from KB doc S141099) might prove helpful. You might want to open a support case for this and upload that file to it.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.

  • 0 in reply to   

    Hi Richard and thanks for the speedy response.

    One of the users with the issue cannot do a get, lock or check out (we have literally just tried it), but I can still do all three.

    I removed his access to the project then re-instated change.

    Anymore options?

