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I need to move the Licence Server - but do not have a Microfocus portal account?


We have been using PVCS VM since the 1990s - but have had no reason to contact product support since about 2016 - when it was Serena. 

I now need to move the Licence Server onto a Cloud environment - but cannot find a way of regenerating the Licence Keys for the new HostId. 

I have read the article but cannot create a Microfocus Portal Account, is there an option to email the product and licence details and someone at microfocus can create the two licence keys (20 named and 10 concurrent)

Many Thanks

Stuart B


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    Hello Stuart,

    Rehosting licenses requires an active maintenance contract. If you have one but are experiencing problems creating a portal account, please let me know and I'll help you make this work.

    If you do not have an active maintenance contract at this time, this will have to be reinstated first. Let me know if you would like me to provide you with a contact in the renewals team, or if you would like for someone in that team to reach out to you.

    With kind regards.

    - Richard.

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    Hi Richard,

    Thank you for your reply I think I have managed this,  I got onto my.microfocus and requested access using a serial number we had in a historical email - this triggered an email to my colleague who was thankfully down as the account owner, and then they created an account - and could see our licences and granted access so I have activated them assigning the host id.



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    Hi Stuart,

    That's good to hear! The Micro Focus Portal supports multiple users on an account and has the concept of delegated admins, which are people within your organization with the ability to add/delete other users and change their access levels.

    If you do not have a personal account at this time, your colleague should be able to help you get one. If that coworker does not know how to do this, please let me know and I'll be happy to assist or provide pointers.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.

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    Hi Stuart,

    That's good to hear! The Micro Focus Portal supports multiple users on an account and has the concept of delegated admins, which are people within your organization with the ability to add/delete other users and change their access levels.

    If you do not have a personal account at this time, your colleague should be able to help you get one. If that coworker does not know how to do this, please let me know and I'll be happy to assist or provide pointers.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.

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