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Encryption of VM repository

I have been asked to see if it possible to encrypt the PVCS repository (v 8.6) on a Windows server (2012 R2).
I have found that MS has BitLocker available to encrypt servers.
Is anybody using BitLocker or another product to perform this?
What are the Pros / Cons ?

Thanks for your time.
  • 0  
    Your primary goal should probably be to figure out what the intent of this requirement is, because as stated it is too nebulous to provide meaningful guidance. (Anything that is encrypted needs to be decrypted before it can be used, so there's nothing inherently wrong using Bitlocker if the sole requirement is to encrypt the files. If this is not valid for the requirement, additional details would need to be provided.)

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.
  • 0  
    Your primary goal should probably be to figure out what the intent of this requirement is, because as stated it is too nebulous to provide meaningful guidance. (Anything that is encrypted needs to be decrypted before it can be used, so there's nothing inherently wrong using Bitlocker if the sole requirement is to encrypt the files. If this is not valid for the requirement, additional details would need to be provided.)

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.
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