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Where can I download Merant.exe (the FlexLM Vendor Daemon)?

Does anyone know where I can get the Merant Vendor Daemon (it works with the FlexLM network license manager lmgrd.exe) from?

I got the latest PVCS but its just the client and I can't find the license manager in the Micro Focus Site, whenever I hit a support link I end here at Serena...

I'm re-hosting my licenses from an old unsupported server to a new box, the MicroFocus site has done a good job of re-hosting the features I just need the latest merant.exe daemon file, because I can't get it off the old box anymore.

Any help anyone?
Matt SCB.
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    Hi, don't know if this will help. But logged into the MicroFocus support site, I select "Downloads" and search for downloads by our PVCS VM serial number - and it displays both the VM installs, but also the License Manager installs as well. If you aren't seeing that, I would suggest a call to Support.