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PVCS configuration in jenkins

i am new to PVCS and jenkins trying to integrate PVCS with Jenkins .. i am facing the issue with below

1.PVCS command line executable c:/programfiles/PVCS/vm/win32/bin -here i can see the pcli.exe file after giving this path also its throwing error.

2. in configuring a job with PVCS in the below screenshot its mentions as repo/PVCS -does PVCS need to be given even if it does not exist in the path of project folder?

3.Basic config:what exactly has to be given in Module and change log prefix?

image link SCM

can any one reply to this ASAP as i am fighting with this issue for 3 days ..
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    Hello Supriya,

    Serena did not write the integration for Jenkins, and it appears to need some parameters that it ought to be able to determine by itself. However, we ought to be able to get it to work for you.

    First, for the PCLI command, just enter "pcli". Your environment should be setup correctly where just typing "pcli" on a Command Prompt will launch PCLI. If that is not the case, reinstall Version Manager. I would not trust an environment in which just typing "pcli" won't launch PCLI to work well just by specifying a fully qualified path to that executable, as there are some other dependencies that are potentially missing as well at that point.

    Concerning your other questions, it will be a lot easier to answer them if you provide details of your configuration. Things like:

    • What is the Project Database (PDB) path being used in the Desktop Client GUI? (in parens after the PDB icon)
    • What is the Default Archive location for the PDB? (right-click -> Properties on PDB icon: New Archive Location)
    • What project inside of your PDB are you trying to get to? (relative structure from the PDB root down, syntax /top-level-project/subproject/etc.)
    • What is the Default Archive location for the project you are trying to get to? (right-click -> Properties on project: New Archive Location)
    • What is the archive path of a sample archive inside that project? (right-click -> Properties on file: Archive).

    Based on these answers we can try to construct the parameters you need.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.