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PVCS Version Manager 8.4.6 UBUNTU 16.04.01 Some Button Text and other Text do not appear

I installed pvcs Version Manager 8.4.6 on UBUNTU 16.04.01 but when I launch it, there are some button Text and other Text which does not appear.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
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    Hi Maxime,

    I trust you're aware Ubuntu is not a supported platform to run Version Manager on, but we can see if we can improve the behavior.

    How are you viewing the output? (console, remote X-Windows?)

    Also, can you install VM 8.5.3 and see if that changes the behavior? All GUI rendering is done via the Java Runtime Engine (JRE) that is included with Version Manager, and the JRE that is included in the VM 8.4.6 release you are running itself only supports Ubuntu 12.04, so there's a bit of a gap between that and your current OS version. The JRE used by VM 8.5.3 at least supports Ubuntu 15.04, which gets you closer. Worth checking out.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.
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    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for you prompt response.

    I tried to install VM 8.5.2 but when I wanted to open database a memory problem occured (out of memory) do you think this problem is resolved in VM 8.5.3?

    I attach some screenshots of my problem with VM 8.4.6

    thanks in advance,

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    Hello Maxime,

    Those are some spectacular looking glitches. Are you viewing this from the console on the server itself or remotely? If you are viewing this from the server's console, we recommend installing the package xorg-x11-fonts-misc. I don't know if Unbuntu uses a different name for this, but please make sure those fonts are installed.

    Can you elaborate on the 8.5.2 OutOfMemoryError exception? Try running:
    pvcsvmux -d > debug.txt 2>
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    Hi Maxime,

    Did the problem get resolved?

    - Richard.