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PVCS VM Get issue.


We have Serena VM v8.5.2.0 on an AIX server.
While running pcli get i am getting failed to read from archive error.
It works with pvcr user,but not with other users.
Details below:

/usr/serena/vm/aix/bin/pcli get -prXXXX -o -z -q -a/xxx/xx/ -rXXXLABEL /FilePath

Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.5.2.0 (Build 111) for AIX/RS-6000
Copyright (C) 1985-2014 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
Error: /FilePath: Serena PVCS Version Manager could not read the information stored in the archive "FilePath-arc". Please contact your Serena administrator for further assistance.

Let me know if any additional information is required.
